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Course Name Level of Course Course Type
Credit Instructor Day/
Location# Fee Syllabus Dept. offering
the course
Course Type
(1 or 2
000216001Sociology Undergrad Elective 3.0 LIU RUEY-YING wed09-12 270202 No Sociology 
000218042Macroeconomics Undergrad Required 3.0 CHU SHIOU-YEN wed13-16 140109,140109,140109 No Economics@This course is taught in English and goes with practicum.
000218052Macroeconomics Undergrad Required 3.0 CHUANG YIH-CHYI thu13-16 210206 No Economics@This course is taught in English and goes with practicum.
000219032Economics Undergrad Required 3.0 WANG SHINN-SHYR fri09-12 270311 No Economics@This course is taught in English.
000219512Economics Undergrad Required 3.0 WU WEN-CHIEH mon13-16 210103 No International Business@ETP優先,英語授課。114.6.14上午舉行會考,修課學生皆須參加會考,無法參加同學請勿修讀。
000219562Economics Undergrad Required 3.0 PARK MINWOO thu13-16 050201 No International Business@企一甲優先
000228042Money and Banking Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 LAI TING-WEI fri09-12 210202,210202,210202 No Economics@This course is taught in English
000318011Fundamental Accounting (II) Undergrad Required 3.0 STEPHANIE TSUI mon13-16 140301 No Accounting@Prerequisite:Fundanental Accounting (I),ETP students have the priority to take this course.
000327031Intermediate Accounting(II) Undergrad Required 3.0 STEPHANIE TSUI tue13-16 140109 No Accounting@Prerequisite:Intermediate Accounting (I),ETP students have the priority to take this course.
000347061Financial Management Undergrad Elective 3.0 Cha Yunju thu13-16 250105 No Finance@Prerequisite Economics 2 semesters, Fundamental Accounting (I) and Fundamental Accounting (II) 1 semester, taught in English
000350021Marketing Management Undergrad Required 3.0 CHUNG JUNE-HO wed09-12 040303 No  Business Administration@Prerequisite Economics 2 semesters and Management 1 semester.
000350031Marketing Management Undergrad Required 3.0 CHUNG JUNE-HO wed13-16 250305 No  Business Administration@Prerequisite Economics 2 semesters and Management 1 semester.
000351051Investments Undergrad Required 3.0 CHIOU JIAN-JIA mon13-16 260207 No Finance@Prerequisite Economics 2 semesters, Fundamental Accounting (I) and Fundamental Accounting (II) 1 semester, taught in English
000351061Investments Undergrad Required 3.0 Cha Yunju wed13-16 260205 No Finance@Prerequisite Economics 2 semesters, Fundamental Accounting (I) and Fundamental Accounting (II) 1 semester, taught in English
000360201Statistics(II) Undergrad Required 3.0 WU HAN-MING thu13-16 260311 No Statistics@Practicum time: TUE. 78. Students with this time occupied are not allowed to take this course. International students and ETP students have the priority to take this course.
000360211Statistics(II) Undergrad Required 3.0 CHEN LI-PANG thu13-16 140306 No Statistics@Practicum time: Tue 78. Students with this time occupied are not allowed to take this course. International students and ETP students have the priority to take this course.
010069012English Oral Training Undergrad Required 2.0 TAO YUN-HUI wed16-18 250102,250102 Yes Dept. of English Course Schedule for Minor Students 
010069022English Oral Training Undergrad Required 2.0 WANG LI-YING wed14-16 340401,340401 Yes Dept. of English Course Schedule for Minor Students 
010082001Articulatory Phonetics Undergrad Required 3.0 CHEN YI-JEN wed09-12 340304 Yes Dept. of English Course Schedule for Minor Students 
010095002English Composition I Undergrad Required 2.0 JIANG, JIE-WEI thu13-15 050202,050202 Yes Dept. of English Course Schedule for Minor Students 
010097002English Composition II Undergrad Required 2.0 JIANG, JIE-WEI thu15-17 050202,050202 Yes Dept. of English Course Schedule for Minor Students 
010108002Reading Guidance Undergrad Required 2.0 WU CHIA-LIN tue10-12 140308,140308 Yes Dept. of English Course Schedule for Minor Students 
010117001International Relations Undergrad Required 3.0 YANG I-KWEI tue13-16 270204 Yes Dept. of Diplomacy Course Schedule for Minor Students 
031025001Chinese-Elementary Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 Li Ping-I wed16-19 250106 No General Education Courses in Chinese Literature 
032002011College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHAO HSUAN-PENG wed13-16 360304 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Education, and College of Informatics.
032002021College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 JIN JIA XIN wed13-16 340402 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Education, and College of Informatics.
032002031College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 HUANG HSING-FEI wed13-16 340302 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Education, and College of Informatics.
032002041College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 LAI YU-TUNG wed13-16 330406 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Education, and College of Informatics.
032002051College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 MAO PEI-CHI wed13-16 330203 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Education, and College of Informatics.
032002061College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 KUO HSIAO JUNG wed13-16 330212 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Education, and College of Informatics.
032002071College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 LIN HAN-YI wed13-16 360301 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Education, and College of Informatics.
032002081College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 YU YI-SHAN wed13-16 340406 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Education, and College of Informatics.
032002091College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 LEE PAO-LI wed13-16 360202 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Education, and College of Informatics.
032002201College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 LEE PAO-LI fri13-16 360202 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Communication and College of Foreign Languages&Literature.
032002211College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHAO HSUAN-PENG fri13-16 360301 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Communication and College of Foreign Languages&Literature.
032002221College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 JIN JIA XIN fri13-16 340402 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Communication and College of Foreign Languages&Literature.
032002231College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 HUANG SHU-CHEN fri13-16 340516 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Communication and College of Foreign Languages&Literature.
032002241College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHEN TSAI-HUNG fri13-16 340414 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Communication and College of Foreign Languages&Literature.
032002251College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 LAI YU-TUNG fri13-16 330304 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Communication and College of Foreign Languages&Literature.
032002261College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 DAVID ARNOLD GERICH fri13-16 320215 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Communication and College of Foreign Languages&Literature.
032002271College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHEN HSIU-YU fri13-16 340413 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Communication and College of Foreign Languages&Literature.
032002281College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 HUANG HSING-FEI fri13-16 340302 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Communication and College of Foreign Languages&Literature.
032002291College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 YU YI-SHAN fri13-16 320111 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Communication and College of Foreign Languages&Literature.
032002301College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 WANG LI-YING fri13-16 340406 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Communication and College of Foreign Languages&Literature.
032002321College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHEN YA-LI fri13-16 320113 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Communication and College of Foreign Languages&Literature.
032002401College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 LEE PAO-LI tue13-16 270105 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Social Sciences and College of International Affairs.
032002411College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 JIN JIA XIN tue13-16 340402 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Social Sciences and College of International Affairs.
032002421College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 HUANG HSING-FEI tue13-16 250308 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Social Sciences and College of International Affairs.
032002431College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 YU YI-SHAN tue13-16 270305 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Social Sciences and College of International Affairs.
032002441College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHEN HSIU-YU tue13-16 140401 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Social Sciences and College of International Affairs.
032002451College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 WANG LI-YING tue13-16 140208 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Social Sciences and College of International Affairs.
032002461College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 DAVID ARNOLD GERICH tue13-16 040103 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Social Sciences and College of International Affairs.
032002471College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 MAO PEI-CHI tue13-16 040104 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Social Sciences and College of International Affairs.
032002481College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 SHERIDAN CHERYL LYNN tue13-16 270207 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Social Sciences and College of International Affairs.
032002491College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 LIN HAN-YI tue13-16 140207 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Social Sciences and College of International Affairs.
032002501College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 KUO HSIAO JUNG tue13-16 040101 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Social Sciences and College of International Affairs.
032002511College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 LAI YU-TUNG tue13-16 040303 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Social Sciences and College of International Affairs.
032002521College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHEN YA-LI tue13-16 250424 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Social Sciences and College of International Affairs.
032002601College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 LEE PAO-LI thu09-12 270407 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Commerce.
032002611College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 JIN JIA XIN thu09-12 340402 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Commerce.
032002621College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHAO HSUAN-PENG thu09-12 040201 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Commerce.
032002631College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 YU YI-SHAN thu09-12 040101 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Commerce.
032002641College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 TSUI CHENG-FANG thu09-12 250301 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Commerce.
032002651College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 DAVID ARNOLD GERICH thu09-12 250302 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Commerce.
032002661College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHEN HSIU-YU thu09-12 140106 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Commerce.
032002671College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHU RONG-XUAN thu09-12 140201 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Commerce.
032002681College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 HUANG HSING-FEI thu09-12 250305 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Commerce.
032002691College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 KUO HSIAO JUNG thu09-12 250306 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Commerce.
032002701College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 WANG LI-YING thu09-12 140107 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Commerce.
032002721College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 SU JING-FEN thu09-12 140011 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Commerce.
032002801College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHAO HSUAN-PENG thu13-16 040201 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Innovation & College of Law.
032002811College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 LAI YU-TUNG thu13-16 250305 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Innovation & College of Law.
032002821College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 KUO HSIAO JUNG thu13-16 140405 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Innovation & College of Law.
032002831College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 SHERIDAN CHERYL LYNN thu13-16 270402 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For students from College of Innovation & College of Law.
032002881College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHEN CHIA-CHI wed18-21 250102 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@Only for hearing-disabled students.
032002901College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHAO HSUAN-PENG tue13-16 040301 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For Overseas Chinese (including Hong Kong and Macau) students, International students from College of Social Sciences, and College of International Affairs.
032002911College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHEN CHIA-CHI wed13-16 340516 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For Overseas Chinese (including Hong Kong and Macau) students, International students from College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Education, and College of Informatics.
032002921College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 MAO PEI-CHI thu09-12 040104 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For Overseas Chinese (including Hong Kong and Macau) students, International students from College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Education, and College of Commerce.
032002931College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 SHERIDAN CHERYL LYNN thu09-12 270402 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For Overseas Chinese (including Hong Kong and Macau) students, International students from College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Education, and College of Commerce.
032002941College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 MAO PEI-CHI thu13-16 040104,040104,040104 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For Overseas Chinese (including Hong Kong and Macau) students, International students from College of Innovation or College of Law.
032002951College English II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 SHERIDAN CHERYL LYNN fri13-16 360406 No General Education Courses in Foreign Languages@For Overseas Chinese (including Hong Kong and Macau) students, International students from College of Communication, and College of Foreign Languages & Literature.
041026011History and Culture of Taiwan Undergrad Partially Required 2.0 TZENG SHIH-JUNG tue16-18 140208 No General Education Courses in Humanities 
041099041Development of Civilizations and Historical Thinking Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 Ryan Holroyd Edgecombe thu16-19 140306 No General Education Courses in Humanities 
041100001The Value of Life and Philosophical Reflection Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 TSE CHIU-YUI-PLATO thu16-19 210104 No General Education Courses in Humanities@taught in English
041147011English Program in Chinese Culture:Chinese Drama Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 JIANG TSUI-FEN mon16-19 250106 No General Education Courses in Humanities 
041202001French Speaking World: Francophonie Undergrad Partially Required 2.0 GUINOT FANNYy LAURETTE wed16-18 040201 No General Education Courses in Humanities 
041211001Contemporary Taiwan Cinema, Culture and Society Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 LIN TING-YING fri13-16 250307 No General Education Courses in Humanities 
042156051Introduction to Mainland China Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 KUO I-CHANG thu16-19 270106 No General Education Courses in Social Sciences 
042214001The Way of Resilience: Exploring the Sustainable Significance of Resilience Classics Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 KUO I-CHUN fri13-16 270201 No General Education Courses in Social Sciences@Taught in English.
042215001AI and Society Undergrad Partially Required 2.0 Huang Kai Shen fri14-16 270203 No General Education Courses in Social Sciences@Taught in English.
042216001Law and Policy on Technology, Diplomacy, and National Security under the Geo-Technology Era Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 TU WEN-LING/Chang Chih Cheng thu16-19 270207 No General Education Courses in Social Sciences@Taught in English.
044110001Key Issues in International Sustainable Development Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 HO HAO-TZU tue16-19 270202 No General Education Courses in Humanities 
044119001Storytelling and the Law Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 Kuo Michelle tue16-19 270106 No Interdisciplinary General Education Courses@Taught in English.
044120001Climate Resilience in Motion Undergrad Partially Required 2.0 Lu Tsai Ying/TU WEN-LING fri16-18 270311 No Interdisciplinary General Education Courses@Taught in English.
070163021Business English: Communication Skills & Negotiation Strategies Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CLARENCE DAVIS wed13-16 050201 No Program(undergraduate level)@Only for Business and Management Program for Students with Specialty of Foreign Languages.
070171011English Elective:Reading & Oral Training(ETP) Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHEN HSIU-YU tue09-12 140011 No Program(undergraduate level)@Give priority over ETP class.
070171021English Elective:Reading & Oral Training(ETP) Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHEN HSIU-YU fri09-12 140011 No Program(undergraduate level)@Give priority over ETP class.
070172011English Elective: Academic_Listening_&_Speaking(ETP) Undergrad Elective 3.0 HUANG HSING-FEI fri09-12 250306 No Program(undergraduate level)@Give priority over ETP class
070172021English Elective: Academic_Listening_&_Speaking(ETP) Undergrad Elective 3.0 LEE PAO-LI tue09-12 270204 No Program(undergraduate level)@Give priority over ETP class
070173011English Elective:Essay_Writing(ETP) Undergrad Elective 3.0 DAVID ARNOLD GERICH wed09-12 250202 No Program(undergraduate level)@Give priority over ETP program senior student.
070173021English Elective:Essay_Writing(ETP) Undergrad Elective 3.0 Ref. Note fri09-12  No Program(undergraduate level)@Give priority over ETP program senior student.
070251001Regional Integration and EU-Asia Relations Graduate Elective 3.0 SU CHO-HSIN tue09-12 271112 No Program@EU program course code, co-offered with the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies.
070403001Bilingual Communication Skills Undergrad Elective 3.0 WU CHENG-HAN fri09-12 040205 No Program(undergraduate level) 
070404001Bilingual Media Communication Undergrad Elective 3.0 WU CHENG-HAN wed13-16 040205 No Program(undergraduate level) 
070405001Bilingualism and Technological Applications Undergrad Elective 3.0 YANG CHIEN-WEI thu09-12 040301 No Program(undergraduate level) 
070407001Advanced English Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 WU CHENG-HAN fri13-16 040104 No Program(undergraduate level) 
070414001Trends in Virtual Asset and Real-World Asset Tokenization Undergrad Elective 3.0 Cheng Hsu-Kao wed13-16 270106 No Program(undergraduate level)@Basic knowledge of digital asset and blockchain is recommended.Joint master's and bachelor's level course is restricted to students in their third year or above of the bachelor's program.
070415001Data Science Fundamentals for the Social Sciences Undergrad Elective 3.0 Reidhead Jacob mon13-16 270110 No Program(undergraduate level)@Joint master's and bachelor's level course is restricted to students in their third year or above of the bachelor's program.
070419001Deep Learning Graduate Required 3.0 Ref. Note   No Program(master level)@AI
070942001Cinema and Politics Undergrad Elective 3.0 LIANG CHIA-YU tue09-12 270403 No Program(undergraduate level)@Joint master's and bachelor's level course is restricted to students in their third year or above of the bachelor's program.
090118001Happiness Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 Nadeau Randall Laird thu16-19 210202 No General Education Courses in Humanities@The teacher is Dr. Randall L. Nadeau, Executive Director of the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan).
102116001Practicum in English/languages Undergrad Partially Required 2.0 WEN YU-CHI wed16-18 020111 No Junior Class of Department of Education 
102660001Global Education Reforms Undergrad Elective 3.0 GREGORY CHING wed16-19 020113 No Sophomore Class of Department of Education 
102672001Guidance of Adolescent Deviant Behavior Undergrad Elective 3.0 WU PEI-YU thu16-19 020111 No Junior Class of Department of Education 
102819001Education Policy and Globlization Undergrad Elective 3.0 HOU YUNG-CHI wed13-16 020111 No Junior Class of Department of Education@English Taught Course
102821001E-learning Undergrad Elective 2.0 TSENG SHENG-SHIANG wed14-16 020110 No Sophomore Class of Department of Education 
103410001History of the United States of America (II) Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 EATON WILLIAM JOSEPH thu13-16 340409 No Sophomore Class of Department of History 
109029001Design and Utilization of Instructional Media Undergrad Partially Required 2.0 CHEN YANG-HSUEH thu14-16 140316 Yes Center for Teacher Education(First Year) 
109033001Practicum in English/languages Undergrad Required 2.0 WEN YU-CHI wed16-18 020111 Yes Center for Teacher Education(Second Year)@Required
151508001Chinese Philosophy: Zhuangzi and Xunzi Graduate Elective 3.0 WANG HUA thu14-17 330222 Yes MA Program of Chinese Literature, First Year@taught in English
152554001Organizational Learning and Education Innovation Graduate Elective 3.0 YAN MIN-REN thu13-16 250420 Yes MA Program of Education, First Year@Master and Ph.D ; Ece ; English-taught course;
152557001Global competition and quality and accountability assessment in higher education Graduate Elective 3.0 HOU YUNG-CHI tue13-16 020113 Yes MA Program of Education, First Year@Master and Ph.D (interdiscipline group): English-taught course
152573001Education Policy and Globlization Graduate Elective 3.0 HOU YUNG-CHI wed13-16 020111 Yes MA Program of Education, First Year@Master; Eap : for Inter - collegiate course, 1 students for TNUA
152578001Global Trend in Education Graduate Elective 2.0 CHIA WEI-TANG thu14-16 020112 Yes MA Program of Education, First Year@Master ; English-taught course
152606001Seminar on secondary analysis of data from international education databases Graduate Elective 3.0 CHIU MEI-SHIU tue09-12 140316 Yes MA Program of Education, First Year@Master and Ph.D ; English-taught course
152637001Study on Instructional Design of Educational Technology Graduate Elective 3.0 HONG HUANG-YAO wed13-16 140317 Yes MA Program of Education, First Year@Master and Ph.D (interdiscipline group): for Inter - collegiate course ; 5 students for TNUA; computer classroom of the Education Building
153011001English for Historians Graduate Required 3.0 Ryan Holroyd Edgecombe tue13-16 340407 Yes MA Program of History, First Year 
153530001Seminar on Western Images of China and Taiwan Graduate Elective 3.0 EATON WILLIAM JOSEPH wed14-17 340407 Yes MA Program of History, First Year 
154238001Philosophy and Literature Graduate Elective 3.0 MARCHAL KAI tue10-13 330212 Yes MA Program of Philosophy, First Year@taught in English
154245001Leibniz and Fichte Graduate Elective 3.0 TSE CHIU-YUI-PLATO fri14-17 250422 Yes MA Program of Philosophy, First Year@taught in English
154246001Chinese Philosophy: Zhuangzi and Xunzi Graduate Elective 3.0 WANG HUA thu14-17 330222 Yes MA Program of Philosophy, First Year@taught in English
156640001Buddhism and Healing Graduate Elective 3.0 LIN PEI-YING fri13-16 330205 Yes MA Program of Institute of Religious Studies, First Year 
157832001Organizational Learning and Education Innovation Graduate Elective 3.0 YAN MIN-REN thu13-16 250420 Yes MA Program of Institute of Early Childhood Education, First Year 
158749001Seminar on Western Images of China and Taiwan Graduate Elective 3.0 EATON WILLIAM JOSEPH wed14-17 340407 Yes MA Program of Graduate Institute of Taiwan History, First Year 
160737001The Internet and Critical Issues in TESOL Graduate Elective 3.0 CHAO CHIN-CHI thu09-12 360201 Yes PhD Program of Doctor’s Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, First Year 
161745001The Internet and Critical Issues in TESOL Graduate Elective 3.0 CHAO CHIN-CHI thu09-12 360201 Yes Master’s Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, First Year 
171913001Education policy and Globalization Graduate Elective 3.0 HOU YUNG-CHI wed13-16 020111 Yes MA Program Graduate Institute of Educational Administration and Policy, First Year 
172898001Guidance of Adolescent Deviant Behavior Graduate Elective 3.0 WU PEI-YU thu16-19 020111 Yes MA Program of Counseling and Guidance, First Year 
202807001Global Issues: Foreign Aid and Development Undergrad Elective 3.0 LEE PAI-PO wed14-17 270403 No Junior Class of Department of Political Science 
202809001Political Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHEN CHIEN-KANG mon13-16 270212 No Junior Class of Department of Political Science 
202812001The Title of the Course: Reading a Contemporary Well-known Book of Political Science Undergrad Elective 3.0 TUNG KUO-YU wed09-12 270313 No Junior Class of Department of Political Science 
202818001Liberalism and its Limits Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHOU CHIA-YU wed14-17 270413 No Junior Class of Department of Political Science@This course requires all students to attend the first introductory lecture, including those who need to sign up for the course.
202919001Government and Politics in Africa Undergrad Elective 3.0 YEN CHEN-SHEN fri09-12 270411 No Junior Class of Department of Political Science 
203075001International Relations in South Asia Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHEN PING-KUEI fri13-16 270303 No Junior Class of Department of Diplomacy 
203800001Social Transition in Today's Russia Undergrad Elective 3.0 Kang Shih-Hao fri09-12  No Junior Class of Department of Diplomacy 
203801001Russian Foreign Policy Undergrad Elective 3.0 LIN YUNG-FANG wed15-18 270810 No Junior Class of Department of Diplomacy 
203805001International Development Studies Undergrad Elective 3.0 FONSECA FERNANDEZ FABRICIO ANTONIO wed13-16 270303 No Freshman Class of Department of Diplomacy 
203807001Regional Integration and EU-Asia Relations Undergrad Elective 3.0 SU CHO-HSIN tue09-12 271112 No Junior Class of Department of Diplomacy 
203808001Service-Learning-Volunteers for International Affairs Camp Undergrad Elective 1.0 LEE CHIA-YI fri19-20 250204 No Freshman Class of Department of Diplomacy 
203861001Korean Foreign Policy Undergrad Elective 2.0 LIOU TO-HAI thu10-12 270203 No Junior Class of Department of Diplomacy 
204779001Immigration and Religion Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHIOU SYUAN-YUAN fri09-12 270416 No  Junior Class of Department of Sociology 
204784001Seminar on Gender, Work and Care Undergrad Elective 3.0 WANG MING-SHENG tue09-12 271443 No Junior Class of Department of Sociology 
204822001Specialized Course III(GTIM): AI & Governance Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHEN PO LIANG wed09-12 210205 No Junior Class of Department of Sociology 
205849001Circular Economy and Sustainability Undergrad Elective 3.0 LIN CHI-ANG tue09-12 270211 No Junior Class A, Department of Public Finance 
205853001Tax Cases and Policies Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHUNG CHI fri09-12 270412 No Junior Class A, Department of Public Finance 
205917001Local Public Finance Undergrad Elective 3.0 FU CHIEN-HAO mon13-16 270209 No Junior Class A, Department of Public Finance 
206785001Public Management and Sustainability Undergrad Elective 3.0 SHIE WEN-CHI fri09-12 140109 No Junior Class of Department of Public Administration@First Day Attendance and regular participation are required.
207093001Spatial Modeling Undergrad Required 3.0 STEPHAN VAN GASSELT mon16-19 270610 No Sophomore Class of Department of Land Economics-Geomatics Program@This course is taught in English
207741001The AI Application to Urban Eco-sustainable Design Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHEN YANG-WEN fri14-17 270305 No Sophomore Class of Department of Land Economics-Land Management Program 
207743001International Property Valuation Undergrad Elective 2.0 YOU SHIH-MING wed17-19 270403 No Senior Class of Department of Land Economics-Land Management Program 
207744001Taking the historical perspective to reveal drivers for land cover change Undergrad Elective 2.0 CHEN YI-YING tue10-12 270416 No Senior Class of Department of Land Economics-Geomatics Program 
207745001Spatial Planning Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHENG AN-TING fri09-12 270312 No Senior Class of Department of Land Economics-Land Management Program 
207747001Computer Aided Design Undergrad Elective 3.0 STEPHAN VAN GASSELT thu13-16 270610 No Sophomore Class of Department of Land Economics-Geomatics Program 
207835001Real Estate Economic Analysis Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHU FANG-NI thu13-16 270211 No Senior Class of Department of Land Economics-Land Management Program 
207M02001AI Application on Real Estate Finance and Investment Undergrad Elective 0.4 LIN TSO-YU   No Junior Class of Department of Land Economics-Land Management Program 
208020011International Trade Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 LEE HUEY-LIN thu13-16 140307 No Junior Class A, Department of Economics@This course is taught in English.
208761001Microeconometric Methods and Applications Undergrad Elective 2.0 HUANG PO-CHUN thu13-15 270309 No Junior Class A, Department of Economics@This course is taught in English.
208770001Innovation Management and Digital Transformation Undergrad Elective 3.0 SAY ALICIA wed09-12 270311 No Junior Class A, Department of Economics 
208853001An Introduction to Game Theory (II) Undergrad Elective 3.0 HO SHIRLEY J. mon08-10&12-13 270404 No Junior Class A, Department of Economics 
209608001Tibetological Anthropology Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHEN NAI-HUA fri09-12 270209 No Junior Class of Department of Ethnology@English
209645001Language, Culture and Digital Media Undergrad Elective 3.0 LIU TZU KAI thu09-12 270416 No Junior Class of Department of Ethnology@English
252022001Philosophy of Social Sciences Graduate Required 3.0 YEH HAO tue18-21 270726 Yes PhD Program of Political Science, First Year 
252103001Theories and Methods of Comparative Politics Graduate Partially Required 3.0 CHIEN YI-CHUN mon13-16 271201 Yes PhD Program of Political Science, First Year@This course is only for the students who are on the list and meanwhile attending the first class. If you skip the first class, please withdraw this course by yourself.
252673001Global Issues: Foreign Aid and Development Graduate Elective 3.0 LEE PAI-PO wed14-17 270403 Yes MA Program of Political Science, First Year 
252675001Political Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence Graduate Elective 3.0 CHEN CHIEN-KANG mon13-16 270212 Yes MA Program of Political Science, First Year 
252681001Seminar on Political Communication Graduate Elective 3.0 DAI SHIH-CHAN thu13-16 270408 Yes MA Program of Political Science, First Year 
252684001Liberalism and its Limits Graduate Elective 3.0 CHOU CHIA-YU wed14-17 270413 Yes MA Program of Political Science, First Year@This course requires all students to attend the first introductory lecture, including those who need to sign up for the course.
252745001Development and Policy Graduate Elective 3.0 TANG CHING-PING fri09-12 270723 Yes MA Program of Political Science, First Year 
252915001Government & Politics in Africa Graduate Elective 3.0 YEN CHEN-SHEN fri09-12 270411 Yes MA Program of Political Science, First Year 
253001001Cases of the International Court of Justice Graduate Required 3.0 TSAI PEI-LUN wed14-17 270411 Yes MA Program of Diplomacy, First Year@Classroom 270915
253007001Area Studies- International Relations of Latin America Graduate Partially Required 3.0 FONSECA FERNANDEZ FABRICIO ANTONIO tue13-16 270915 Yes MA Program of Diplomacy, First Year@Joint course for master and PhD students
253052001Seminar on Political Economy Graduate Required 3.0 TENG CHUNG-CHIAN fri17-20 270914 Yes PhD Program of Diplomacy, First Year@This course is taught in English
253055001International Relations in South Asia Graduate Partially Required 3.0 CHEN PING-KUEI fri13-16 270303 Yes MA Program of Diplomacy, First Year@Joint course with undergraduate students
253795001Regional Integration and EU-Asia Relations Graduate Elective 3.0 SU CHO-HSIN tue09-12 271112 Yes MA Program of Diplomacy, First Year@Joint course with undergraduate students
253801001Regional Cooperation and Organizations Graduate Elective 2.0 ABDULLAH M.ALHAJRI tue16-18 270914 Yes MA Program of Diplomacy, First Year@Course dates will be intensive arrangement, please see syllabus.The course will be centered around the Middle East.
253850001Foreign Policy Analysis--American Foreign Policy Graduate Elective 3.0 HUANG KWEI-BO wed09-12 270915 Yes MA Program of Diplomacy, First Year 
254002001Advanced Social Research Methods Graduate Required 3.0 CHEN JEN-HAO thu13-16 270835 Yes MA Program of Sociology, First Year 
254757001Immigration and Religion Graduate Elective 3.0 CHIOU SYUAN-YUAN fri09-12 270416 Yes  MA Program of Sociology, First Year 
254777001Specialized Course III(GTIM): AI & Governance Graduate Elective 3.0 CHEN PO LIANG wed09-12 210205 Yes MA Program of Sociology, First Year@Taught in English./This course is same as "ZU1943001 AI & Governance" (Elective), please do not enroll it repeatedly.
255827001Circular Economy and Sustainability Graduate Elective 3.0 LIN CHI-ANG tue09-12 270211 Yes MA Program of Public Finance, First Year 
255834001Tax Cases and Policies Graduate Elective 3.0 CHUNG CHI fri09-12 270412 Yes MA Program of Public Finance, First Year 
255915001Local Public Finance Graduate Elective 3.0 FU CHIEN-HAO mon13-16 270209 Yes MA Program of Public Finance, First Year 
256649001Public Management and Sustainability Graduate Elective 3.0 SHIE WEN-CHI fri09-12 140109 Yes MA Program of Public Administration, First Year@First Day Attendance and regular participation are required.
256663001Global Environmental Governance Graduate Elective 2.0 WONG WAI MAN NATALIE tue14-16 271134 Yes MA Program of Public Administration, First Year 
256672001Political Participation and Social Movement Graduate Elective 3.0 WONG WAI MAN NATALIE wed14-17 271135 Yes MA Program of Public Administration, First Year 
256683001Data-Driven Decision Making Graduate Elective 3.0 LIAO HSIN-CHUNG thu10-13 271149 Yes MA Program of Public Administration, First Year 
257711001Spatial Planning Graduate Elective 3.0 CHENG AN-TING fri09-12 270312 Yes MA Program of Land Economics, First Year 
257714001International Property Valuation Graduate Elective 2.0 YOU SHIH-MING wed17-19 270403 Yes MA Program of Land Economics, First Year 
257715001Taking the historical perspective to reveal drivers for land cover change Graduate Elective 2.0 CHEN YI-YING tue10-12 270416 Yes MA Program of Land Economics, First Year 
257722001Green building, smart and eco-community Graduate Elective 3.0 SUN CHEN-YI tue14-17 270622 Yes MA Program of Land Economics, First Year 
257M01001AI Application on Real Estate Finance and Investment Graduate Elective 0.4 LIN TSO-YU   Yes MA Program of Land Economics, First Year 
258015001Macroeconomic Theory (II) Graduate Partially Required 3.0 LIANG FEI-CHI fri09-12 270211 Yes MA Program of Economics, First Year@This course is taught in English.
258019001Advanced Econometrics Graduate Partially Required 3.0 LIAO JEN-CHE thu09-12 210201 Yes MA Program of Economics, First Year@This course is taught in English.
258020001Advanced Econometrics Graduate Required 3.0 LIAO JEN-CHE thu09-12 210201 Yes PhD Program of Economics, First Year@This course is taught in English.
258942001Monetary Economics (III) Graduate Elective 3.0 LEE WEN-CHIEH fri18-21 271034 Yes MA Program of Economics, First Year@This course is taught in English.
259662001Tibetological Anthropology Graduate Elective 3.0 CHEN NAI-HUA fri09-12 270209 Yes MA Program of Ethnology, First Year@English
259681001Migration, Labor and Digital Media in Contemporary China Graduate Elective 3.0 LIU TZU KAI fri13-16 270312 Yes MA Program of Ethnology, First Year@English
259693001Language, Culture and Digital Media Graduate Elective 3.0 LIU TZU KAI thu09-12 270416 Yes MA Program of Ethnology, First Year@English
260720001Intersection of International Business and National Security: Export Controls, Sanctions, Foreign Direct Investments, and Supply Chain Graduate Elective 3.0 KIM MI-YONG tue16-19 271111 Yes Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies MA Program, First Year 
260739001Debating Human Security: Justice, Equality, Humanity and Rights Graduate Elective 3.0 WANG YUN fri09-12 270410 Yes Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies MA Program, First Year 
260908001Comparative Politics in Southeast Asia Graduate Elective 3.0 SUN TSAI-WEI fri09-12 270813,270813,270813 Yes Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies MA Program, First Year 
261043001Development and Policies Graduate Required 3.0 TANG CHING-PING fri09-12 270723 Yes Graduate Institute of Deveopment Studies PhD Program, First Year@Please complete course enrollment through the department office with the consent of Professor Ching-Ping Tang
261633001Democracy and Democratization in East and South Asia Graduate Elective 3.0 WEI MEI-CHUAN wed14-17 270722 Yes Graduate Institute of Deveopment Studies MA Program, First Year@Please complete course enrollment through the department office with the consent of Professor Mei-Chuan Wei
261874001Global ESG & Social Entrepreneurship Developments Graduate Elective 2.0 WANG A.Y fri14-18 270723 Yes Graduate Institute of Deveopment Studies MA Program, First Year@Classes are conducted biweekly. For further details, please refer to the syllabus. Please complete course enrollment through the department office with the consent of Professor Frank A.Y Wang
261899001Transnational Human Rights Advocacy Graduate Elective 3.0 HUANG JAW-NIAN thu09-12 270722 Yes Graduate Institute of Deveopment Studies MA Program, First Year@Please complete course enrollment through the department office with the consent of Professor Jaw-Nian Huang
261913001Seminar on Ethnic Development in Southeast Asia Graduate Elective 3.0 LIU HSIAO PONG wed09-12 270723 Yes Graduate Institute of Deveopment Studies MA Program, First Year@Please complete course enrollment through the department office with the consent of Professor Philip Liu.
261929001Poverty and Inequality in Era of Urbanization Graduate Elective 3.0 SU YU-HSUAN tue09-12 270722 Yes Graduate Institute of Deveopment Studies MA Program, First Year@Please complete course enrollment through the department office with the consent of Professor Yu-Hsuan Su
263809001Social Transition in Today's Russia Graduate Elective 3.0 Kang Shih-Hao fri09-12 270810 Yes Graduate Institute of Russian Studies MA Program, First Year 
263830001Russian Foreign Policy Graduate Elective 3.0 LIN YUNG-FANG wed15-18 270810 Yes Graduate Institute of Russian Studies MA Program, First Year@North Wing 270810, General Building
264016001Seminar on Nonprofit Organization Management Graduate Partially Required 3.0 LIN YEI-WHEI wed09-12 271446 Yes MA Program of Social Work, First Year 
264866001Seminar on Gender, Work and Care Graduate Elective 3.0 WANG MING-SHENG tue09-12 271443 Yes MA Program of Social Work, First Year 
265772001Visualizing the State: Arts, Modernity, and State-Building Graduate Elective 3.0 Liang Chia-Yu mon14-17 271215 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
265773001Data Science for Social Science Research Graduate Elective 3.0 Reidhead Jacob wed14-17 271215 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
265774001Seminar on Political Communication Graduate Elective 3.0 DAI SHIH-CHAN thu13-16 270408 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@Dept. of Political Science
265780001International Relations in Southeast Asia Graduate Elective 3.0 YU YA-WEN fri09-12 271215 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@IDAS
265782001US-Taiwan Relations Graduate Elective 3.0 HARRY HARDING thu10-13 271201 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@IDAS
265795001Strategic Analyze in Asia-Pacific Region Graduate Elective 3.0 LEE HSI-MIN/YUAN LI-CHUNG wed17-20 270306 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@IDAS
265797001Taiwan, China and United State in the International System Graduate Elective 3.0 LENG TSE-KANG mon18-21 271201 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@IMAS
265803001Political Participation and Social Movement Graduate Elective 3.0 WONG WAI MAN NATALIE wed14-17 271135 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@Department of Public Administration
265818001Migation, Labor and Digital Media in Contemporary China Graduate Elective 3.0 LIU TZU KAI fri13-16 270312 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@Dept. of Ethnology
265822001Seminar on Western Images of China and Taiwan Graduate Elective 3.0 EATON WILLIAM JOSEPH wed14-17 340407 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@Department of History
265823001Seminar on Non-Profit Organizational Management Graduate Elective 3.0 LIN YEI-WHEI wed09-12 271446 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@Graduate Institute of Social Work
265824001Data-Driven Decision Making Graduate Elective 3.0 LIAO HSIN-CHUNG thu10-13 271149 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@Department of Public Administration
265826001Transnational Human Rights Advocacy Graduate Elective 3.0 HUANG JAW-NIAN thu09-12 270722 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@GIDS
265829001Asia Security in the Global Context Graduate Elective 3.0 LIU FU-KUO tue14-17 271215 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@IDAS
265831001Seminar on Ethnic Development in Southeast Asia Graduate Elective 3.0 LIU HSIAO PONG wed09-12 270723 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@GIDS
265840001Causal Inference and Data Science in Economics Graduate Elective 3.0 YANG TZU TING wed16-19 270407 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@IMES
265849001Theories and Methods of Comparative Politics Graduate Elective 3.0 CHIEN YI-CHUN mon13-16 271201 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@Dept. of Political Science
265880001Democracy and Democratisation in East and South Asia Graduate Elective 3.0 WEI MEI-CHUAN wed14-17 270722 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@GIDS
265910001Development and Policy Graduate Elective 3.0 TANG CHING-PING fri09-12 270723 Yes International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@GIDS
266003001Applied Macroeconomics Graduate Required 3.0 PENG SHI SHU tue13-16 270416 Yes The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year 
266838001Data Science Fundamentals for the Social Sciences Graduate Elective 3.0 Reidhead Jacob mon13-16 270110 Yes The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year 
266839001Public Management and Sustainability Graduate Elective 3.0 SHIE WEN-CHI fri09-12 140109 Yes The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year@Please present on the first day of class.
266840001Microeconometric Methods and Applications Graduate Elective 2.0 HUANG PO-CHUN thu13-15 270309 Yes The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year 
266841001Trends in Virtual Asset and Real-World Asset Tokenization Graduate Elective 3.0 Cheng Hsu-Kao wed13-16 270106 Yes The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year@Basic knowledge of digital asset and blockchain is recommended.
266842001Machine Learning and Financial Econometrics Graduate Elective 3.0 VINCENT KENDRO thu09-12 260206 Yes The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year 
266847001Specialized Course III (GTIM): Big Data for Social Analysis Graduate Elective 3.0 Pien Chung-pei thu09-12 360304 Yes The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year@This course is same as "266868001 Big Data for Social Analysis" (Elective), please do not enroll it repeatedly.
266857001Qualitative Research Method Graduate Elective 3.0 SAY ALICIA tue09-12 271201 Yes The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year 
266858001Local Public Finance Graduate Elective 3.0 FU CHIEN-HAO mon13-16 270209 Yes The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year 
266864001Innovation Management and Digital Transformation Graduate Elective 3.0 SAY ALICIA wed09-12 270311 Yes The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year 
266871001Taiwan-China and East Asia Regional Development Graduate Elective 3.0 CHUANG YIH-CHYI wed13-16 271201 Yes The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year 
266890001Poverty and Inequality in Era of Urbanization Graduate Elective 3.0 SU YU-HSUAN tue09-12 270722 Yes The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year@Please complete course enrollment through the GIDS office with the consent of Prof. Yu-Hsuan SU.
266908001Causal Inference and Data Science in Economics Graduate Elective 3.0 YANG TZU TING wed16-19 270407 Yes The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year 
266909001International Trade Graduate Elective 3.0 LEE HUEY-LIN thu13-16 140307 Yes The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year 
266922001Contemporary Issues on International Financial Markets Graduate Elective 3.0 CHU SHIOU-YEN thu13-16 270208 Yes The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year 
300730001R Computing for Business Data Analytics Graduate Elective 3.0 HOU PEI-YU thu13-16 260714 Yes Selective courses of master level,College of Commerce 
300745001Advanced Business Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 SHEN CHI tue09-12 040201 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training Iⅈ Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300745011Advanced Business Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 YANG CHIEN-WEI tue13-16 040208 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training Iⅈ Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300745021Advanced Business Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 YANG CHIEN-WEI wed09-12 040208 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training Iⅈ Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300745031Advanced Business Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 SHEN CHI wed13-16 040201 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training Iⅈ Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300747001Intermediate Business Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 SHEN CHI tue13-16 040201 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training Iⅈ Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300747011Intermediate Business Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 SHEN CHI wed09-12 040201 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training Iⅈ Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300747021Intermediate Business Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 KWONG WAI-KEI thu09-12 250303 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training Iⅈ Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300747031Intermediate Business Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 KWONG WAI-KEI thu13-16 250303 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training Iⅈ Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300747041Intermediate Business Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 SHEN CHI fri09-12 040201 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training Iⅈ Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300747051Intermediate Business Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 SHEN CHI fri13-16 040201 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training Iⅈ Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300749001Business Writing and Oral Training II Undergrad Elective 3.0 YANG CHIEN-WEI tue09-12 040208 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training I; Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300749011Business Writing and Oral Training II Undergrad Elective 3.0 KWONG WAI-KEI wed09-12 250303 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training I; Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300749021Business Writing and Oral Training II Undergrad Elective 3.0 YANG CHIEN-WEI wed13-16 040208 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training I; Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300749031Business Writing and Oral Training II Undergrad Elective 3.0 KWONG WAI-KEI wed13-16 250303 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training I; Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300749041Business Writing and Oral Training II Undergrad Elective 3.0 YANG CHIEN-WEI fri09-12 040208 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training I; Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300749051Business Writing and Oral Training II Undergrad Elective 3.0 KWONG WAI-KEI fri09-12 250303 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training I; Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300749061Business Writing and Oral Training II Undergrad Elective 3.0 KWONG WAI-KEI fri13-16 250303 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training I; Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300749071Business Writing and Oral Training II Undergrad Elective 3.0 YANG CHIEN-WEI fri13-16 040208 Yes Schedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students@Prerequisites: writing and oral training I; Fee-paying; ETP student only.
300753001Career Development Graduate Elective 3.0 EUNAE CHO wed09-12 260712 Yes Selective courses of master level,College of Commerce@Please show up at the first class.
300798001Artificial Intelligence in Business Applications Undergrad Elective 3.0 TZENG YU-YING thu13-16 040103 No Selective courses of undergraduate level,College of Commerce@English-Taught Course, Optional Course open to international exchange students
300798011Artificial Intelligence in Business Applications Graduate Elective 3.0 TZENG YU-YING thu13-16 040103 No Selective courses of master level,College of Commerce@English-Taught Course, Optional Course open to international exchange students
300810001Motivation and Leadership Graduate Elective 3.0 HSU YU-WEI thu14-17 260602 Yes Selective courses of master level,College of Commerce@Please show up at the first class.
300811001Marketing Research Graduate Elective 3.0 PARK SUNG JUN fri18-21 260610 Yes Selective courses of master level,College of Commerce@Actual class time is 18:30-21:20.
300901001Advanced Microeconomics Undergrad Elective 3.0 PAN CHEN-YU thu09-12 040306 No Selective courses of undergraduate level,College of Commerce@英語授課
300906001Macroeconomics Undergrad Elective 3.0 PARK MINWOO fri09-12 140106 No Selective courses of undergraduate level,College of Commerce@貿二乙優先,英語授課
300906011Macroeconomics Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHENG WAN-JUNG mon13-16 250105 No Selective courses of undergraduate level,College of Commerce@貿二甲優先,英語授課
301776001Introduction to Python for Business Analytics Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHUNG LING TAK mon13-16 260205 No Junior Class A, Department of International Business@英語授課,學碩合開
301779001Elite Business English: Team-Building and Socializing Skills Undergrad Elective 2.0 KU JU-CHUN tue14-16 260304 No Sophomore Class A, Department of International Business@It is compulsory to attend the first class to confirm and verify the validity of the course registration.
301815001Seminars on Asian Economic Issues(A) Undergrad Elective 3.0 TSAI CHI-YUAN   No Sophomore Class A, Department of International Business 
301815011Seminars on Asian Economic Issues(B) Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHUNG LING TAK   No Sophomore Class A, Department of International Business 
301833001Marketing Research Undergrad Elective 3.0 HO CHIEN-WEI wed13-16 260312 No Junior Class A, Department of International Business@英語授課,學碩合開
301848001Simulation Modeling with Business Applications Undergrad Elective 3.0 FU YEE-TIEN fri09-12 260313 No Junior Class A, Department of International Business@Pre-requisite: One-Semester (3-unit) undergraduate-level Economics OR One-Semester (3-unit) undergraduate-level Statistics OR Consent from the Instructor.
301867001Elite Business English: Presentation and Speech Skills Undergrad Elective 2.0 KU JU-CHUN tue16-18 260304 No Sophomore Class A, Department of International Business@It is compulsory to attend the first class to confirm and verify the validity of the course registration.
302783001Machine Learning and Financial Econometrics Undergrad Elective 3.0 VINCENT KENDRO thu09-12 260206 No Junior Class of Department of Money and Banking@Students from Dept. of Money and Banking have priority in choosing this course.
302900011Fixed Income Security Undergrad Elective 3.0 KIM BAEK-CHUN tue09-12 260304 No Junior Class of Department of Money and Banking@Students from Dep. of Money and Banking have priority in choosing this course.
302926001Econometrics Undergrad Elective 3.0 KIM BAEK-CHUN mon13-16 260101 No Junior Class of Department of Money and Banking@Students from Dept. of Money and Banking have priority to choose this course.
304008001Regression Analysis (I) Undergrad Required 3.0 CHEN YI-JU thu09-12 140301 No Sophomore Class of Department of Statistics@English-taught. The prerequisites for this course is Statistics.
304834001Statistical Computing and Simulation Undergrad Elective 3.0 DONG YI-SHIAN tue13-16 260509 No Senior Class of Department of Statistics@English Taught
304835001Statistics and Machine Learning Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHANG CHIH-HAO thu09-12 260207 No Senior Class of Department of Statistics@English-taught
305009011Human Resource Management Undergrad Required 3.0 HSU SHU-WEI wed13-16 260611 No Sophomore Class A, Department of Business Administration 
305018001Calculus Undergrad Required 3.0 LEE CHIH-MING tue13-16 260310 No Freshman Class A, Department of Business Administration 
305021001Organization Behavior Undergrad Required 3.0 EUNAE CHO thu09-12 260610 No Sophomore Class A, Department of Business Administration@Please show up at the first class.
305666001R Computing for Business Data Analytics Undergrad Elective 3.0 HOU PEI-YU thu13-16 260714 No Junior Class A, Department of Business Administration 
305679001Career Development Undergrad Elective 3.0 EUNAE CHO wed09-12 260712 No Junior Class A, Department of Business Administration@Please show up at the first class.
305740001Motivation and Leadership Undergrad Elective 3.0 HSU YU-WEI thu14-17 260602 No Junior Class A, Department of Business Administration@Please show up at the first class.
305866001Marketing Research Undergrad Elective 3.0 PARK SUNG JUN fri18-21 260610 No Junior Class A, Department of Business Administration@Actual class time is 18:30-21:20.
306008001Database Management Systems Undergrad Required 3.0 CHOU CHIH-YUAN mon13-16 260210 No Sophomore Class A, Department of Management Information Systems@This course is taught in English.
306025001IT Innovation Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHUANG FENG-YUAN thu13-16 250206 No Junior Class A, Department of Management Information Systems@This course is taught in English.
306050011Programming Language II Undergrad Required 2.0 LIN YI-LING tue09-11 050502 No Freshman Class A, Department of Management Information Systems@This course is taught in English.
306717001Software Analysis and Testing Undergrad Elective 3.0 HONG CHIH-DUO fri13-16 260311 No Junior Class A, Department of Management Information Systems@This course is taught in English
306720001Operating Systems Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHUANG FENG-YUAN tue13-16 050502 No Junior Class A, Department of Management Information Systems@This course is taught in English.
306723001Data Science for Business Undergrad Elective 3.0 HSIANG CHIEN-YI thu09-12 260312 No Junior Class A, Department of Management Information Systems@This course is taught in English.
306735001User Experience Design Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHIEN SHIH-YI fri13-16 260205 No Junior Class A, Department of Management Information Systems@This course is taught in English.
307034001Advanced Financial Management Undergrad Required 3.0 CHAN KONAN tue09-12 260603 No Junior Class of Department of Finance@Prerequisite Financial Management and Investment, taught in English
351012001Seminars on International Business (II) Graduate Required 2.0 CHEN CHIEN-WEI fri13-16 000000 Yes PhD Program of International Business, First Year@教室另行公告
351022001Seminars on International Business (IV) Graduate Required 2.0 CHEN CHIEN-WEI fri13-16 000000 Yes PhD Program of International Business, Second Year@教室另行公告
351031011International Finance Graduate Partially Required 3.0 PARK MINWOO wed13-16 140208 Yes MA Program of International Business, First Year@英語授課
351708001Introduction to Python for Business Analytics Graduate Elective 3.0 CHUNG LING TAK mon13-16 260205 Yes MA Program of International Business, First Year@學碩合開,英語授課
351709001Settlement of International Trade and Commercial Disputes Graduate Elective 3.0 YANG PEI KAN tue09-12 261042 Yes MA Program of International Business, First Year@英語授課
351737001Economics Foundation of Strategy Graduate Elective 3.0 TAN DANCHI wed09-12 261042 Yes PhD Program of International Business, First Year 
351775001Marketing Management Graduate Elective 3.0 CHUNG JUNE-HO thu09-12 250206 Yes  MA Program of International Business, First Year@英語授課
351792001Fixed Income Securities: Analytics and Derivatives Graduate Elective 3.0 FU YEE-TIEN wed09-12 260207 Yes MA Program of International Business, First Year@Pre-requisite: One-Semester (3-unit) undergraduate-level Economics AND One-Semester (3-unit) undergraduate-level Financial Management OR Consent from the Instructor.
351880001Marketing Research Graduate Elective 3.0 HO CHIEN-WEI wed13-16 260312 Yes MA Program of International Business, First Year@英語授課,學碩合開
351946001Macroeconomic Theory (I) Graduate Elective 3.0 CHENG WAN-JUNG wed10-13 260304 Yes MA Program of International Business, First Year@碩博合開,英語授課
352030001Financial Management Graduate Required 3.0 LIN CHIEN-HSIU fri09-12 260206 Yes MA Program of Money and Banking, First Year@Students from Dept. of Money & Banking have priority in choosing this course.
352064001Fixed Income Securities Graduate Required 3.0 Chan Yu-Ju tue09-12 260313 Yes MA Program of Money and Banking, First Year@Students from Dept. of Money & Banking have priority in choosing this course.
352722001Machine Learning and Financial Econometrics Graduate Elective 3.0 VINCENT KENDRO thu09-12 260206 Yes MA Program of Money and Banking, First Year@Students from Dept. of Money and Banking have priority in choosing this course.
353785001The Methodology of Accounting Research Graduate Elective 3.0 YU KYUNGHWA tue13-16 260815 Yes MA Program of Accounting, First Year 
353795001Accounting Research Workshop (VI) Graduate Elective 1.0 HUANG CHENG-JEN mon08-09 260815 Yes PhD Program of Accounting, First Year 
354709001Statistics and Machine Learning Graduate Elective 3.0 CHANG CHIH-HAO thu09-12 260207 Yes MA Program of Statistics, First Year@English-taught
355496001Digital Banking & Fintech Marketing Graduate Elective 3.0 PARK SUNG JUN mon13-16 260709 Yes PhD Program of Business Administration, First Year@exclusively offered to an individual student as an one to one seminar.
355497001Seminar in Strategy for Micro-enterprises (II) Graduate Elective 3.0 GUO SHIAU-LING/PENG TZU-JU thu09-12 260709 Yes PhD Program of Business Administration, First Year@Please obtain the instructor's approval before enrolling in the course.
355511001Seminar in Special Topics in Organizational Leadership: Theories and Research Development Graduate Elective 1.0 HSU YU-WEI thu09-12 260809 Yes PhD Program of Business Administration, First Year@Please obtain the instructor's approval before enrolling in the course.
355516001Seminar in Special Topics in Organization(I) Graduate Elective 3.0 HUANG KUO-FENG tue09-12 260809 Yes PhD Program of Business Administration, First Year@Please obtain the instructor's approval before enrolling in the course.
355583001Seminar in Operations and Supply chain Management(4) Graduate Elective 3.0 LO MING-SHIOW mon14-17 260809 Yes PhD Program of Business Administration, Second Year@Please obtain the instructor's approval before enrolling in the course.
355625001Seminar in Special Topics in Management Theory Graduate Elective 3.0 GUO SHIAU-LING/HUANG KUO-FENG/HSIEH KAI-YU thu13-16 260709 Yes PhD Program of Business Administration, First Year 
355630001Seminar in International Business Management Graduate Elective 3.0 TAN DANCHI fri09-12 260709 Yes PhD Program of Business Administration, First Year@Please obtain the instructor's approval before enrolling in the course.
355668001seminar in consumer behavior Graduate Elective 3.0 PARK SUNG JUN/BEI LIEN-TI wed14-17 260709 Yes PhD Program of Business Administration, First Year@part in Mandarin and part in English
356003001Seminar Graduate Required 1.0 HSIANG CHIEN-YI fri14-16 260101 Yes PhD Program of Business Administration, First Year@This course is taught in English.
356010001Advanced Quantitative Methods Graduate Required 3.0 LEE HSIAO-HUI/CHUANG HAO-CHUN tue13-16 260305 Yes PhD Program of Business Administration, First Year@This course is taught in English.
356017001Advanced Information System Development Graduate Required 3.0 HSIAO SHUN-WEN wed13-16 260310 Yes PhD Program of Business Administration, First Year@This course is taught in English.
356019001Enterprise Process Models Graduate Required 2.0 LEE HSIAO-HUI fri10-12 260102 Yes MA Program of Management Information Systems, First Year@This course is taught in English.
356341001Software Analysis and Testing Graduate Elective 3.0 HONG CHIH-DUO fri13-16 260311 Yes MA Program of Management Information Systems, First Year@This course is taught in English
356345001Penetration Testing and Its Applications Graduate Elective 3.0 SUN SHI-SHENG mon13-16 140317 Yes MA Program of Management Information Systems, First Year 
356358001Data Science for Business Graduate Elective 3.0 HSIANG CHIEN-YI thu09-12 260312 Yes MA Program of Management Information Systems, First Year@This course is taught in English.
356389001User Experience Design Graduate Elective 3.0 CHIEN SHIH-YI fri13-16 260205 Yes MA Program of Management Information Systems, First Year@This course is taught in English.
356813001Advanced Information System Development Graduate Elective 3.0 HSIAO SHUN-WEN wed13-16 260310 Yes MA Program of Management Information Systems, First Year@This course is taught in English.
357036001Finance Workshop(2) Graduate Required 1.0 CHEN HONG-YI fri12-13 260301 Yes PhD Program of Finance, First Year 
357040001Seminar on Financial Econometrics Graduate Required 3.0 CHEN HONG-YI tue09-12 260808 Yes PhD Program of Finance, First Year 
357043001Seminar on Financial Theory (II): Continuous Time Finance Graduate Required 3.0 HSIEH PEI-LIN mon14-17 260808 Yes PhD Program of Finance, First Year 
357867001Seminar on Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions Graduate Elective 1.0 CHEN YENN-RU mon14-17 000000 Yes MA Program of Finance, First Year@Prerequisite Financial Management:Theory and Policy,Joint Master and Doctoral course: 6-Week Intensive Teaching
357867011Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions Graduate Elective 1.0 CHEN YENN-RU mon14-17 000000 Yes PhD Program of Finance, First Year@Joint Master and Doctoral course: 6-Week Intensive Teaching
357868001Selected Topics in Empirical Finance Graduate Elective 3.0 CHAN KONAN fri09-12 260204 Yes MA Program of Finance, Second Year 
357910001Seminar on Corporate Finance Graduate Elective 3.0 CHIOU JIAN-JIA tue13-16 260808 Yes PhD Program of Finance, Second Year 
364776001Business Analytics Graduate Elective 3.0 YANG TSUNG-HAN thu18-21 260913 Yes Graduate Institute of Technology, Innovation & Intellectual Property Management, MA Program(TIM), First Year 
364803001Green Technology Innovation Graduate Elective 3.0 KO YU-CHIA wed09-12 260914 Yes Graduate Institute of Technology, Innovation & Intellectual Property Management, MA Program(TIM), First Year 
364810001The Conflict Between Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Law and Its Reconciliation Graduate Elective 2.0 LIU KUNG-CHUNG fri18-20 260909 Yes Graduate Institute of Technology, Innovation & Intellectual Property Management, MA Program(IPM), First Year@This course is taught intensively, mainly in the evenings and weekends. Please refer to the syllabus for the class time.
400856001Women's Cinema and Media Culture Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHO TING-WU tue14-17 330203 No College of Communication Specialized Subjects for Freshman and Sophomore Majors@This is a joint course for students at both graduate and undergraduate levels. Not recommended for freshman and sophomore students.
400857001Character Design and Performance Techniques for Screen Media Undergrad Elective 3.0 Liu Chu-Ying fri13-16 270205 No College of Communication Specialized Subjects for Freshman and Sophomore Majors 
400858001Popular Music and Mass Culture Studies Undergrad Elective 3.0 Liu Chu-Ying fri09-12 270205 No College of Communication Specialized Subjects for Freshman and Sophomore Majors 
400860001TV News Introduction and Voice Projection Undergrad Elective 3.0 WANG MON-CHI mon13-16 140205 No College of Communication Specialized Subjects for Freshman and Sophomore Majors 
400861001Digital Content Marketing in Social Media Undergrad Elective 3.0 YANG MEN-GCHIEH wed13-16 210316 No College of Communication Specialized Subjects for Freshman and Sophomore Majors 
400869001International Organization Undergrad Elective 3.0 LEE CHYUNG LY wed09-12 270410 No College of Communication Specialized Subjects for Freshman and Sophomore Majors@Taught in English. 1st-year and 2nd-year undergraduates are not eligible to take this course.
400870001Political Communication Undergrad Elective 3.0 LIU YIH-JIUN thu09-12 210405 No College of Communication Specialized Subjects for Freshman and Sophomore Majors@Taught in English. 1st-year and 2nd-year undergraduates are not eligible to take this course.
400890001Portrayals of Minorities in Media Undergrad Elective 3.0 YEH CHIA-HSIN wed14-17 210405 No College of Communication Specialized Subjects for Freshman and Sophomore Majors@Taught in English. 1st-year and 2nd-year undergraduates are not eligible to take this course.
400893001Global Image and International Communication Undergrad Elective 3.0 KANG TING-YU mon14-17 270203 No College of Communication Specialized Subjects for Freshman and Sophomore Majors@Taught in English. 1st-year and 2nd-year undergraduates are not eligible to take this course.
400903001Statistics in Communication Undergrad Elective 3.0 SHIH TSUNG-JEN tue09-12 210316 No College of Communication Specialized Subjects for Freshman and Sophomore Majors@Taught in English. 1st-year and 2nd-year undergraduates are not eligible to take this course.
400904001New Media Convergence Undergrad Elective 3.0 LIN TSUI-CHUAN thu10-13 180301 No College of Communication Specialized Subjects for Freshman and Sophomore Majors@Taught in English. 1st-year and 2nd-year undergraduates are not eligible to take this course.
461850001Designing Human-Robot Interaction and Human-AI Interaction Graduate Elective 3.0 HOU TSUNG-YU tue13-16 370218 Yes International Master's Program in International Communication Studies, First Year 
461851001Seminar on Human-Robot Interaction and Human-AI Interaction: Theories and Research Graduate Elective 3.0 HOU TSUNG-YU thu13-16 370218 Yes International Master's Program in International Communication Studies, First Year 
461852001Women's Cinema and Media Culture Graduate Elective 3.0 CHO TING-WU tue14-17 330203 Yes International Master's Program in International Communication Studies, First Year 
461863001Digital Content Marketing in Social Media Graduate Elective 3.0 YANG MEN-GCHIEH fri13-16 210316 Yes International Master's Program in International Communication Studies, First Year 
461877001Portrayals of Minorities in Media Graduate Elective 3.0 YEH CHIA-HSIN wed14-17 210405 Yes International Master's Program in International Communication Studies, First Year 
461891001New Media Convergence Graduate Elective 3.0 LIN TSUI-CHUAN thu10-13 180301 Yes International Master's Program in International Communication Studies, First Year 
461903001Political Communication Graduate Elective 3.0 LIU YIH-JIUN thu09-12 210405 Yes International Master's Program in International Communication Studies, First Year 
461910001International Organization Graduate Elective 3.0 LEE CHYUNG LY wed09-12 270410 Yes International Master's Program in International Communication Studies, First Year 
461920001Statistics in Communication Graduate Elective 3.0 SHIH TSUNG-JEN tue09-12 210316 Yes International Master's Program in International Communication Studies, First Year 
461941001International Images and Global Communication Graduate Elective 3.0 KANG TING-YU mon14-17 270203 Yes International Master's Program in International Communication Studies, First Year 
461942001Internship Graduate Elective 2.0 LIN JIH HSUAN   Yes International Master's Program in International Communication Studies, First Year 
462882001Designing Human-Robot Interaction and Human-AI Interaction Graduate Elective 3.0 HOU TSUNG-YU tue13-16 370218 Yes Master Program in Digital Content, First Year 
462883001Seminar on Human-Robot Interaction and Human-AI Interaction: Theories and Research Graduate Elective 3.0 HOU TSUNG-YU thu13-16 370218 Yes Master Program in Digital Content, First Year 
462896001Interaction Technologies Research and Discussion Graduate Elective 3.0 TSAI HSIN-RUEY mon14-17 370218 Yes Master Program in Digital Content, First Year 
465009001Migration, Labor and Digital Media in Contemporary China Graduate Partially Required 3.0 LIU TZU KAI fri13-16 270312 Yes International Master's Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, First Year@English
465013001Portrayals of Minorities in Media Graduate Partially Required 3.0 YEH CHIA-HSIN wed14-17 210405 Yes International Master's Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, First Year@English
465014001Women's Cinema and Media Culture Graduate Partially Required 3.0 CHO TING-WU tue14-17 330203 Yes International Master's Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, First Year@English
501009002Introduction to English Linguistics Undergrad Required 3.0 CHUI KA-WAI tue09-12 250102 No Freshman Class A, Department of English 
501011001Approaches to Literature Undergrad Required 3.0 WU MIN-HUA mon13-16 340409 No Freshman Class A, Department of English 
501011011Approaches to Literature Undergrad Required 3.0 CHIOU YEN-BIN mon13-16 340405 No Freshman Class B, Department of English 
501019002Writing and Reading (II) Undergrad Required 3.0 LIU YI-CHUN tue09-12 260308 No Sophomore Class A, Department of English 
501019022Writing and Reading (II) Undergrad Required 3.0 CHANG CHEN-AN tue09-12 340408,340408,340408 No Sophomore Class A, Department of English 
501019042Writing and Reading (II) Undergrad Required 3.0 HUANG YI-PING tue09-12 050103,050103,050103 No Sophomore Class A, Department of English 
501019052Writing and Reading (II) Undergrad Required 3.0 CHAO SHUN-LIANG tue09-12 260305 No Sophomore Class A, Department of English 
501019111Writing and Reading (II) Undergrad Required 3.0 LIN CHIH-HSIN thu09-12 250207 No Freshman Class A, Department of English 
501019121Writing and Reading (II) Undergrad Required 3.0 WU YIH DAU thu09-12 050202 No Freshman Class A, Department of English 
501019131Writing and Reading (II) Undergrad Required 3.0 WU MIN-HUA thu09-12 340407 No Freshman Class A, Department of English 
501019141Writing and Reading (II) Undergrad Required 3.0 HUANG YI-PING thu09-12 050103 No Freshman Class A, Department of English 
501019151Writing and Reading (II) Undergrad Required 3.0 CHENG CHUAN CHIEH thu09-12 340305 No Freshman Class A, Department of English 
501058001English Oral Training (II) : Oral Training & Reading Undergrad Required 3.0 PHILLIPS BRIAN-DAVID wed13-16 250302 No Freshman Class A, Department of English 
501058011English Oral Training (II) : Oral Training & Reading Undergrad Required 3.0 CHENG CHUAN CHIEH wed13-16 340309 No Freshman Class A, Department of English 
501058021English Oral Training (II) : Oral Training & Reading Undergrad Required 3.0 CHUNG SIAW-FONG wed13-16 250106 No Freshman Class A, Department of English 
501059001Development of the English Language Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHENG CHUAN CHIEH fri09-12 340406 No Sophomore Class A, Department of English 
501066001English Literature from 1600 to 1800 Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 WU YIH DAU mon13-16 250206 No Sophomore Class A, Department of English 
50106700120th Century English Literature Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHIOU YEN-BIN tue13-16 250103 No Junior Class A, Department of English 
501068001American Literature Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CORRIGAN JOHN MICHAEL mon13-16 340107 No Junior Class A, Department of English 
501768001Teaching English Vocabulary Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHUNG SIAW-FONG tue09-12 260315 No Junior Class A, Department of English 
501804001Advanced English Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 WU CHENG-HAN fri13-16 040104 No Junior Class A, Department of English 
501838001Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHANG HSUN-HUEI wed09-12 340309 No Senior Class A, Department of English 
501856001Advanced English Oral Training: Journalistic English Undergrad Elective 3.0 ANTONY DAVID PARNIGONI tue09-12 260307 No Junior Class A, Department of English 
501858001Advanced English Oral Training : Debate Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHENG CHUAN CHIEH wed09-12 340305 No Junior Class A, Department of English 
501875001Poetry Undergrad Elective 3.0 HSU LI-HSIN tue13-16 340406 No Sophomore Class A, Department of English 
501878001Articulatory Phonetics Undergrad Elective 3.0 SAH WEN-HUI tue13-16 250302 No Freshman Class A, Department of English 
501914001Modern Drama Undergrad Elective 3.0 JIANG TSUI-FEN tue09-12 140104 No Junior Class A, Department of English 
502806001Gulf Dialect Undergrad Elective 2.0 Ref. Note tue14-16 320216 No Junior Class of Department of Arabic Language and Culture 
502807001Arabic Literature: Prose Undergrad Elective 2.0 Ref. Note thu12-14 320113 No Junior Class of Department of Arabic Language and Culture 
502808001Arabic Conversation (I) Undergrad Elective 4.0 Ref. Note mon16-18,wed10-12 320112,330108 No Freshman Class of Department of Arabic Language and Culture 
502809001Arabic Conversation (II) Undergrad Elective 4.0 Ref. Note wed10-12,thu14-16 330107,320314 No Sophomore Class of Department of Arabic Language and Culture 
502810001Arabic Conversation (III) Undergrad Elective 4.0 Ref. Note mon12-14,tue10-12 320112,320111 No Junior Class of Department of Arabic Language and Culture 
502811001Arabic Conversation (IV) Undergrad Elective 4.0 Ref. Note tue10-12,thu10-12 320113,320314 No Senior Class of Department of Arabic Language and Culture 
502812001Seminar in Central Asia Undergrad Elective 3.0 Tasbas Aymira tue13-16 320217 No Junior Class of Department of Arabic Language and Culture 
502818001Kyrgyz Language II Undergrad Elective 3.0 Tasbas Aymira mon13-16 320217 No Junior Class of Department of Arabic Language and Culture 
502872001Topics on Conflicts of the Middle East Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHANG CHING-AN wed13-16 250424 No Junior Class of Department of Arabic Language and Culture 
504780001Introduction to Czech Studies - Formation and Construction of Czech Society Undergrad Elective 2.0 LIN SHIH-HUI thu16-18 320316 No Freshman Class A, Department of Slavics 
504781001Czechia - People and Culture Undergrad Elective 2.0 Hrdlickova Helena mon16-18 320313 No Sophomore Class A, Department of Slavics 
504791001Czech Music Undergrad Elective 2.0 Hrdlickova Helena tue16-18 320112 No Sophomore Class A, Department of Slavics 
504830002Polish I Undergrad Elective 3.0 Robert Biryndo tue14-17 320111 No Freshman Class A, Department of Slavics@The class joint with Foreign Language Center
504902002Czech Conversation I Undergrad Elective 3.0 Hrdlickova Helena fri10-13 320315 No Sophomore Class A, Department of Slavics 
504910002Polish Conversation I Undergrad Elective 3.0 Bednarz Karolina Aneta fri13-16 320314 No Sophomore Class A, Department of Slavics 
507928011Current Issues of South Korea Undergrad Elective 2.0 CHEN QING-ZHI thu13-15 320212 No Freshman Class of Department of Korean Language and Culture@E-school course of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.
508797001Seminar in Central Asia Undergrad Elective 3.0 Tasbas Aymira tue13-16 320217 No Junior Class of Department of Turkish Language and Culture 
508803001Kyrgyz II Undergrad Elective 3.0 Tasbas Aymira mon13-16 320217 No Junior Class of Department of Turkish Language and Culture 
508826001Gastronomy and Kitchen Cultures Undergrad Elective 2.0 UZMAN MEHMET tue16-18 320217 No Sophomore Class of Department of Turkish Language and Culture 
508855001Socio-Economic Relations between Modern Turkey and Europe Undergrad Elective 3.0 HSIUNG TAO-TIEN wed13-16 320215 No Junior Class of Department of Turkish Language and Culture 
510028001English Speaking and Writing in Southeast Asian Contexts II Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHANG YU wed16-19 250420 No Sophomore Class of Department of Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures - Vietnamese Section 
510037001The Introduction to Southeast Asian Economies Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 LE THI-NHAM tue09-12 140301 No Sophomore Class of Department of Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures - Vietnamese Section 
510082002Applied Thai Undergrad Partially Required 2.0 Suriya Sriphrom thu14-16 270102,270102 No Sophomore Class of Department of Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures - Vietnamese Section@Partially Required:B
510083002Applied Indonesian Undergrad Partially Required 2.0 Silvia Rehulina Ginting thu14-16 270108,270108 No Sophomore Class of Department of Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures - Vietnamese Section@Partially Required: B
510875001Explore Southern Thailand: Phuket-Nature, Agriculture, Multiculturalism Undergrad Elective 1.0 Suriya Sriphrom   No Sophomore Class of Department of Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures - Thai Section@Short-term intensive course held in Thailand during winter break. Course enrollment will be conducted by the office.
510888001The Social Transformations in Southeast Asia Undergrad Elective 3.0 LE THI-NHAM thu14-17 140207 No Junior Class of Department of Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures - Vietnamese Section 
510915001Performing Art Cultures in Southeast Asia Undergrad Elective 3.0 Valyamedhi Chawarote tue16-19 250102 No Sophomore Class of Department of Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures - Vietnamese Section 
551005011Literary Theory and Criticism Graduate Required 3.0 CHAO SHUN-LIANG thu09-12 260204 Yes MA Program of English, First Year 
551014001Research Methods and Writing Graduate Required 3.0 YU MING-CHUNG wed08-09,fri14-16 020110 Yes MA Program of English, First Year 
551737001The Internet and Critical Issues in TESOL Graduate Elective 3.0 CHAO CHIN-CHI thu09-12 360201 Yes MA Program of English, First Year 
551745001Theories and Practices of Bilingualism/Multilingualism/Translingualism Graduate Elective 3.0 LIU YI-CHUN thu13-16 260305 Yes MA Program of English, First Year 
551764001Emily Dickinson Studies Graduate Elective 3.0 HSU LI-HSIN wed09-12 340407 Yes MA Program of English, First Year 
551767001Self-Culture and Community in the Writing of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Walt Whitman Graduate Elective 3.0 CORRIGAN JOHN MICHAEL wed13-16 250206 Yes MA Program of English, First Year 
551779001Teaching English Vocabulary Graduate Elective 3.0 CHUNG SIAW-FONG tue09-12 260315 Yes MA Program of English, First Year 
551780001Topics on Applied Linguistics : Cross-Cultural Pragmatics and Its Research Methods Graduate Elective 3.0 YU MING-CHUNG wed16-19 020110 Yes MA Program of English, First Year 
551795001Literature of Fantastic : Contemporary Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Graduate Elective 3.0 PHILLIPS BRIAN-DAVID tue09-12 250424 Yes MA Program of English, First Year 
551801001Shakespeare and Shakespeare Criticism Graduate Elective 3.0 SELLARI THOMAS-JOHN fri09-12 340304 Yes MA Program of English, First Year 
555797001Teaching English Vocabulary Graduate Elective 3.0 CHUNG SIAW-FONG tue09-12 260315 Yes Graduate Institute of Linguistics MA Program, First Year 
560007001Seminar in Central Asia Graduate Required 3.0 Tasbas Aymira tue13-16 320217 Yes Master Program in Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies, First Year 
560879001Socio-Economic Relations between Modern Turkey and Europe Graduate Elective 3.0 HSIUNG TAO-TIEN wed13-16 320215 Yes Master Program in Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies, First Year 
560881001Arabic Literature: Prose Graduate Elective 2.0 Ref. Note thu12-14 320113 Yes Master Program in Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies, First Year 
560883001Gulf Dialect Graduate Elective 2.0 Ref. Note tue14-16 320216 Yes Master Program in Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies, First Year 
560891001Kyrgyz Language II Graduate Elective 3.0 Tasbas Aymira mon13-16 320217 Yes Master Program in Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies, First Year 
560937001Topics on Conflicts of the Middle East Graduate Elective 3.0 CHANG CHING-AN wed13-16 250424 Yes Master Program in Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies, First Year 
599772001English Elective: Creative Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 DAVID ARNOLD GERICH fri09-12 250202,250202,250202 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required. Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599773001English Elective: English for Sports & Recreation Industry Undergrad Elective 3.0 Lo Chieh-Hsin wed13-16 140205 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required. Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599774001English Elective: English for Cultural and Creative Industries Undergrad Elective 3.0 SHERIDAN CHERYL LYNN wed16-19 360406 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required.Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599775001English Elective: English for Event and Conference Management Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHU RONG-XUAN wed13-16 140011 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required. Students from the English Depart-ment do not count course credits.
599776001English Elective: English for Information Technology Undergrad Elective 3.0 YU YI-SHAN thu13-16 270406 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required. Students from the English Depart-ment do not count course credits.
599777001English Elective: English for Mass Communication Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHAO HSUAN-PENG tue16-19 250106 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required. Students from the English Depart-ment do not count course credits.
599793001English Elective: Reading & Oral Training Undergrad Elective 3.0 SU JING-FEN wed09-12 250309 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required.Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599793011English Elective: Reading & Oral Training Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHEN HSIU-YU fri09-12 140011 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required.Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599793021English Elective: Reading & Oral Training Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHEN HSIU-YU tue09-12 140011 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required.Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599794001English Elective: Academic Listening & Speaking Undergrad Elective 3.0 KUO HSIAO JUNG wed09-12 140208 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required.Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599794011English Elective: Academic Listening & Speaking Undergrad Elective 3.0 LEE PAO-LI tue09-12 270204 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required.Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599794021English Elective: Academic Listening & Speaking Undergrad Elective 3.0 HUANG HSING-FEI fri09-12 250306 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required.Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599795001English Elective: Essay Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 HUANG SHU-CHEN wed13-16 250102 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required.Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599795011English Elective: Essay Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHEN TSAI-HUNG thu13-16 250306 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required.Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599795021English Elective: Essay Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 DAVID ARNOLD GERICH wed09-12 250202 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required.Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599795031English Elective: Essay Writing Undergrad Elective 3.0 Ref. Note fri09-12 340414 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required.Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599796001English Elective: Workplace Communication Undergrad Elective 3.0 LAI YU-TUNG thu16-19 250305 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required. Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599796011English Elective: Workplace Communication Undergrad Elective 3.0 JIN JIA XIN thu13-16 340402,340402,340402 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required. Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599796021English Elective: Workplace Communication Undergrad Elective 3.0 MAO PEI-CHI tue09-12 250307,250307,250307 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required. Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599796031English Elective: Workplace Communication Undergrad Elective 3.0 TSUI CHENG-FANG tue09-12 250308 No Foreign Language Center@First class attendance required. Students from the English Department do not count course credits.
599916001College Foreign Language II : Polish Undergrad Elective 3.0 Robert Biryndo tue14-17 320111 No Foreign Language Center@The class joint with Slavic Department.
601321001U.S. Legal Research Analysis & Writing (II) Undergrad Elective 2.0 CHU TE-FANG   No Junior Class A, Department of Law@1. The actual class time is based on the teaching syllabus. 2. The application period is from now until 2/7(https://forms.gle/ZRGcs5mE7a9BcDfS8)
601322001Reviewing and Drafting of English Commercial Documents (Ⅱ) Undergrad Elective 2.0 YAN ANNA,YUH-MING   No Junior Class A, Department of Law@1. The actual class time is based on the teaching syllabus. 2. The application period is from now until 2/7(https://forms.gle/Rsx226XC3Y84wbY7A)
601323001Seminar on Criminal Evidence Law (VI) Undergrad Elective 2.0 YANG YUN-HUA/CHIEN SHIH-CHUN fri16-18 271411 No Junior Class A, Department of Law@The application period is from now until 2/7https://forms.gle/LQDfdpAxEEu5D7y27)
601333001Introduction to Japanese Civil Law Undergrad Elective 2.0 CHANG YUN-CHI   No Junior Class A, Department of Law@1. Course schedule:3/17-3/21, 18:10-21:00; 3/22, 13:10-18:00; 3/24-3/27, 18:10-21:00. 2. The application period is from now until 1/22( https://forms.gle/k8oiwS9duY64CytE8)
601354001Seminar on International Intellectual Property Law (III) Undergrad Elective 2.0 CHEN LUNG-SHENG/HSIEH HSIANG-YANG thu18-20  No Junior Class A, Department of Law@The research topic of this course is case study on artificial intelligence and intellectual property disputes.
601400001Specialized Course III(GTIM): AI & Governance Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHEN PO LIANG wed09-12 210205 No Junior Class A, Department of Law 
601945001Anglo-American Law of Contracts Undergrad Elective 2.0 HO KE wed18-20  No Senior Class A, Department of Law 
651380001Seminar on Criminal Evidence Law (VI) Graduate Partially Required 2.0 YANG YUN-HUA/CHIEN SHIH-CHUN fri16-18 271411 Yes MA Program of Law, First Year@1. The credits of elective courses for PhD students shall not be included as the credits for graduation. 2. The application period is from now until 2/7 / 2025(https://forms.gle/LQDfdpAxEEu5D7y27).
651B06001Specialized Course III(GTIM): AI & Governance Graduate Elective 3.0 CHEN PO LIANG wed09-12 210205 Yes MA Program of Law, First Year@The credits of elective courses for PhD students shall not be included as the credits for graduation.
651B41001Seminar on International Intellectual Property Law (III) Graduate Partially Required 2.0 CHEN LUNG-SHENG/HSIEH HSIANG-YANG thu18-20 271408 Yes MA Program of Law, First Year@The credits of elective courses for PhD students shall not be included as the credits for graduation.
651B70001Introduction to Japanese Civil Law Graduate Elective 2.0 CHANG YUN-CHI   Yes MA Program of Law, First Year@1. The credits of elective courses for PhD students shall not be included as the credits for graduation. 2. Course schedule: 03/17, 03/18, 03/19, 03/20, 03/21, 18:10-21:00; 03/22, 13:10-18:00; 03/24, 03/25, 03/26, 03/27, 18:10-21:00. 3. The application period is from now until 1/22/2025(https://tinyurl.com/y6f8z677).
651B75001U.S. Legal Research Analysis & Writing (II) Graduate Elective 2.0 CHU TE-FANG   Yes MA Program of Law, First Year@1. The credits of elective courses for PhD students shall not be included as the credits for graduation. 2. The application period is from now until 2/7/ 2025(https://forms.gle/ZRGcs5mE7a9BcDfS8).
651B76001Reviewing and Drafting of English Commercial Documents (II) Graduate Elective 2.0 YAN ANNA,YUH-MING   Yes MA Program of Law, First Year@1. The credits of elective courses for PhD students shall not be included as the credits for graduation. 2. The class is expected to be start in the first week of July. 3. The application period is from now until2/7/ 2025(https://forms.gle/Rsx226XC3Y84wbY7A).
652840001Introduction to Japanese Civil Law Graduate Elective 2.0 CHANG YUN-CHI   Yes The Institute of Law and Inter-discipline MA Program, First Year@1. The credits of elective courses for PhD students shall not be included as the credits for graduation. 2. Course schedule: 03/17, 03/18, 03/19, 03/20, 03/21, 18:10-21:00; 03/22, 13:10-18:00; 03/24, 03/25, 03/26, 03/27, 18:10-21:00. 3. The application period is from now until 1/22/2025(https://tinyurl.com/y6f8z677).
652841001U.S. Legal Research Analysis & Writing (II) Graduate Elective 2.0 CHU TE-FANG   Yes The Institute of Law and Inter-discipline MA Program, First Year@1. The credits of elective courses for PhD students shall not be included as the credits for graduation. 2. The application period is from now until 2 / 7/ 2025(https://forms.gle/ZRGcs5mE7a9BcDfS8).
652842001Seminar on International Intellectual Property Law (III) Graduate Elective 2.0 CHEN LUNG-SHENG/HSIEH HSIANG-YANG thu18-20 271408 Yes The Institute of Law and Inter-discipline MA Program, First Year@The credits of elective courses for PhD students shall not be included as the credits for graduation.
652843001Specialized Course III(GTIM): AI & Governance Graduate Elective 3.0 CHEN PO LIANG wed09-12 210205 Yes The Institute of Law and Inter-discipline MA Program, First Year@The credits of elective courses for PhD students shall not be included as the credits for graduation.
652844001Seminar on Criminal Evidence Law (VI) Graduate Elective 2.0 YANG YUN-HUA/CHIEN SHIH-CHUN fri16-18 271411 Yes The Institute of Law and Inter-discipline MA Program, First Year@1. The credits of elective courses for PhD students shall not be included as the credits for graduation. 2. The application period is from now until 02 / 7/ 2025(https://forms.gle/LQDfdpAxEEu5D7y27).
652904001Reviewing and Drafting of English Commercial Documents (II) Graduate Elective 2.0 YAN ANNA,YUH-MING   Yes The Institute of Law and Inter-discipline MA Program, First Year@1. The credits of elective courses for PhD students shall not be included as the credits for graduation. 2. The class is expected to be start in the first week of July. 3. The application period is from now until 02/ 7 / 2025(https://forms.gle/Rsx226XC3Y84wbY7A).
701880001Introduction to Markov chains Undergrad Elective 3.0 HONG JYY-I thu10-13 080121 No Senior Class of Department of Mathematical Sciences 
702880001Judgment and Decision Making Undergrad Elective 3.0 NG TING-TAT wed13-16 250105 No Junior Class of Department of Psychology 
702883001Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships Undergrad Elective 3.0 NG TING-TAT tue13-16 210207 No Junior Class of Department of Psychology 
703814001Graph Theory and Its Applications to Networks Undergrad Elective 3.0 KUO TUNG-WEI tue13-16 200102 No Junior Class of Department of Computer Science 
703826001Video Compression Undergrad Elective 3.0 PENG YAN TSUNG thu09-12 200102 No Junior Class of Department of Computer Science@A
703850001Data Analysis for Social media Undergrad Elective 3.0 HSIEH PEI-HSUAN fri13-16 200106 No Freshman Class of Department of Computer Science 
751827001Introduction to Markov chains Graduate Elective 3.0 HONG JYY-I thu10-13 080121 Yes MA Program of Mathematical Sciences, First Year 
753019001Cryptographic Protocol Design and Analysis Graduate Elective 3.0 TSENG YI-FAN tue09-12 210207 Yes PhD Program of Computer Science, First Year 
753807001Digital Signature Graduate Elective 3.0 TSENG YI-FAN wed09-12 200102 Yes Artificial Intelligence, First Year 
753821001Introduction to Quantum Computation Graduate Elective 3.0 HSU HSIU-CHUAN mon16-19 800103 Yes Artificial Intelligence, First Year 
753832001Video Compression Graduate Elective 3.0 PENG YAN TSUNG thu09-12 200102 Yes Artificial Intelligence, First Year 
753842001Graph Theory and Its Applications to Networks Graduate Elective 3.0 KUO TUNG-WEI tue13-16 200102 Yes Artificial Intelligence, First Year 
755947001Introduction to Quantum Computation Graduate Elective 3.0 HSU HSIU-CHUAN mon16-19 800103 Yes Graduate Institute of Applied Physics, First Year 
761001001Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval with Their Applications in Social Networks Graduate Partially Required 3.0 Ref. Note thu14-17 000000 Yes Social Networks and Human-Centered Computing, First Year@location:N107, IIS, AS
761004001Seminar (II) Graduate Required 0.0 Ref. Note mon14-16 000000 Yes Social Networks and Human-Centered Computing, First Year@location:N106, IIS, AS
761009001Seminar (IV) Graduate Required 0.0 Ref. Note mon14-16 000000 Yes Social Networks and Human-Centered Computing, Second Year@location:N106, IIS, AS
761011001Seminar (VI) Graduate Required 0.0 Ref. Note mon14-16 000000 Yes Social Networks and Human-Centered Computing, Third Year@location:TIGP Room 204
781049001Interaction Technologies Research and Discussion Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 TSAI HSIN-RUEY mon14-17 370218 Yes Digital Technologies and Contents Undergraduate Degree Program 
781913001Designing Human-Robot Interaction and Human-AI Interaction Undergrad Elective 3.0 HOU TSUNG-YU tue13-16 370218 Yes Digital Technologies and Contents Undergraduate Degree Program@Students taking the course must meet at least one of the following conditions:1.taking 781914 in same semester or 2.Have taken 781043001, 781052001, 781034001,781916001, 781013001
781914001Seminar on Human-Robot Interaction and Human-AI Interaction: Theories and Research Undergrad Elective 3.0 HOU TSUNG-YU thu13-16 370218 Yes Digital Technologies and Contents Undergraduate Degree Program 
782014001Introduction to Quantum Computation Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 HSU HSIU-CHUAN mon16-19 800103 No Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Program in Electrophysics@The course is offered jointly for both undergraduate and graduate students. Third- and fourth-year students can choose course number 755947001.
791006001Digital Signature Graduate Partially Required 3.0 TSENG YI-FAN wed09-12 200102 Yes Master Program in Information Security, First Year 
791015001Cryptographic Protocol Design and Analysis Graduate Partially Required 3.0 TSENG YI-FAN tue09-12 210207 Yes Master Program in Information Security, First Year 
791020001Advanced Information System Development Graduate Partially Required 3.0 HSIAO SHUN-WEN wed13-16 260310 Yes Master Program in Information Security, First Year 
791026001Penetration Testing and Its Applications Graduate Partially Required 3.0 SUN SHI-SHENG mon13-16 140317 Yes Master Program in Information Security, First Year 
791028001Introduction to Quantum Computation Graduate Partially Required 3.0 HSU HSIU-CHUAN mon16-19 800103 Yes Master Program in Information Security, First Year 
791029001Software Analysis and Testing Graduate Partially Required 3.0 HONG CHIH-DUO fri13-16 260311 Yes Master Program in Information Security, First Year@The course is taught in English.
791030001Post-Quantum Cryptography Graduate Partially Required 3.0 Kuo Po-Chun wed13-16 270107 Yes Master Program in Information Security, First Year@The course is tahght in English.
862007001Political Economy Graduate Required 3.0 CHANG CHIA-CHIEN thu14-17 270410 Yes International Master's Program in International Studies, First Year 
862884001Social Transition in Today's Russia Graduate Elective 3.0 Kang Shih-Hao fri09-12 270810 Yes International Master's Program in International Studies, First Year 
862885001Intersection of International Business and National Security: Export Controls, Sanctions, Foreign Direct Investments, and Supply Chain Graduate Elective 3.0 KIM MI-YONG tue16-19 271111 Yes International Master's Program in International Studies, First Year 
862886001Regional Integration and EU-Asia Relations Graduate Elective 3.0 SU CHO-HSIN tue09-12 271112 Yes International Master's Program in International Studies, First Year@This course is restricted to IMPIS students only.
862890001Religion and Politics in the Modern World Graduate Elective 3.0 Deasy Rumondang Priscilla fri13-16 270211 Yes International Master's Program in International Studies, First Year@The course enrollment is limited to 10 students, with priority given to IMPIS students.
862899001Quantitative Methods in the Studies of International Relations Graduate Elective 3.0 LEE CHIA-YI thu09-12 271112 Yes International Master's Program in International Studies, First Year 
862904001Security Relations in Northeast Asia Graduate Elective 3.0 YANG WEN-TING tue13-16 270315 Yes International Master's Program in International Studies, First Year 
862909001Foreign Policy Analysis -- American Foreign Policy Graduate Elective 3.0 HUANG KWEI-BO wed09-12 270915 Yes International Master's Program in International Studies, First Year 
862916001Debating Human Security: Justice, Equality, Humanity and Rights Graduate Elective 3.0 WANG YUN fri09-12 270410 Yes International Master's Program in International Studies, First Year 
862923001Poverty and Inequality in the Era of Urbanization Graduate Elective 3.0 SU YU-HSUAN tue09-12 270722 Yes International Master's Program in International Studies, First Year@English classes for graduate electives. Students from other departments can add the course through the department office with the consent of Professor Su.
862930001Russian Foreign Policy Graduate Elective 3.0 LIN YUNG-FANG wed15-18 270810 Yes International Master's Program in International Studies, First Year 
862940001Topic in International Cooperation - International NGOs & Development Graduate Elective 3.0 LEE PAI-PO thu09-12 271111 Yes International Master's Program in International Studies, First Year 
900934001Right to Education Graduate Elective 2.0 CHEN JUNG-CHENG   No Selective courses of p.h.d level,College of Education 
926032011Development Policies of the Asia-Pacific Region Graduate Required 3.0 LENG TSE-KANG/LIN CHAO-CHI/LIU HSIAO PONG/LAN SHI-CHI tue14-17 270206 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926816001Civil and "Uncivil" Societies in Southeast Asia: Resistance, Acquiesce nce and Cooptation Graduate Elective 3.0 Deasy Rumondang Priscilla thu09-12 270108 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926817001Cinema and Politics Graduate Elective 3.0 LIANG CHIA-YU tue09-12 270403 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926818001Global ESG & Social Entrepreneurship Developments Graduate Elective 2.0 WANG A.Y fri14-18 270723 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926819001Data Science Fundamentals for the Social Sciences Graduate Elective 3.0 Reidhead Jacob mon13-16 270110 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926820001Seminar on Gender, Work and Care Graduate Elective 3.0 WANG MING-SHENG tue09-12 271443 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926821001Public Management and Sustainability Graduate Elective 3.0 SHIE WEN-CHI fri09-12 140109 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926829001Religion and Politics in the Modern World Graduate Elective 3.0 Deasy Rumondang Priscilla fri13-16 270211 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926834001Global Environmental Governance Graduate Elective 2.0 WONG WAI MAN NATALIE tue14-16 271134 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926836001Spatial Planning Graduate Elective 3.0 CHENG AN-TING fri09-12 270312 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926840001Seminar on Nonprofit Organization Management Graduate Elective 3.0 LIN YEI-WHEI wed09-12 271446 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926853001Specialized Course I (GDG): Anthropocene and Geopolitics Graduate Elective 3.0 YANG CHIH-YUAN wed13-16 250305 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926861001Seminar on Ethnic Development in Southeast Asia Graduate Elective 3.0 LIU HSIAO PONG wed09-12 270723 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926862001Comparative Politics in Southeast Asia Graduate Elective 3.0 SUN TSAI-WEI fri09-12  Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926879001Seminar on Western Images of China and Taiwan Graduate Elective 3.0 EATON WILLIAM JOSEPH wed14-17 340407 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926881001Transnational Human Rights Advocacy Graduate Elective 3.0 HUANG JAW-NIAN thu09-12 270722 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926882001Poverty and Inequality in Era of Urbanization Graduate Elective 3.0 SU YU-HSUAN tue09-12 270722 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@Please complete course enrollment through the GIDS office with the consent of Prof. Yu-Hsuan SU.
926896001Democracy and Democratization in East and South Asia Graduate Elective 3.0 WEI MEI-CHUAN wed14-17 270722 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year@可由授課教師加簽(第一堂必須到課)
926917001Taiwan, China and United State in the International System Graduate Elective 3.0 LENG TSE-KANG mon18-21 271201 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
926949001Taiwan-China and East Asia Regional Development Graduate Elective 3.0 CHUANG YIH-CHYI wed13-16 271201 Yes International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year 
933002001Marketing Management for International Managers Graduate Required 3.0 Ku Sheau-Yun sun09-12 260602 Yes IMBA Program, First Year@Intensive course - for class schedule, please contact the IMBA office.
933003001Management Information Systems Graduate Required 3.0 TU YU-JU/SHANG SHIAW-CHUN wed19-22 260602 Yes IMBA Program, First Year 
933004001Financial Management Graduate Required 3.0 TSAI CHENG-HSIEN mon19-22 260602 Yes IMBA Program, First Year 
933856001Global Immersion in Asia – Taiwan Insights Session 2 Graduate Elective 3.0 CHEN YENN-RU   Yes IMBA Program, First Year@Intensive Course: July 27 ~ August 2, 2025
933857001Global Immersion in Asia - Taiwan Insights Session 1 Graduate Elective 3.0 CHEN YENN-RU   Yes IMBA Program, First Year@Intensive course: May18~24, 2025
933858001From E-Commerce to V-Commerce Graduate Elective 1.0 Chiu Shu-Ling fri19-22 260603 Yes IMBA Program, First Year 
933859001Result-based Strategic Leadership Graduate Elective 3.0 LIU HSIU-MIN sun15-18 260602 Yes IMBA Program, First Year@Intensive course - for class schedule, please contact the IMBA office.
933861001Corporate Sustainability and Financial Strategy Graduate Elective 1.0 CHEN HONG-YI thu19-22 260603 Yes IMBA Program, First Year 
933862001Introduction of Business Analytics Graduate Elective 1.0 HU CHANG-YA tue19-22 000000 Yes IMBA Program, First Year 
933865001Digital Marketing Graduate Elective 2.0 PARK SUNG JUN/CHEN KUAN-JU mon19-22 260603 Yes IMBA Program, First Year 
933866001Entrepreneurship and New Venture Development Graduate Elective 2.0 HO CHIEN-WEI thu19-22 260602 Yes IMBA Program, First Year 
933868001Innovation control and rationalization Graduate Elective 1.0 YOUNG KON-RAD sat09-12 260602 Yes IMBA Program, First Year 
933878001Co-Opetition: A Game Theoretic Approach to Business Practices Graduate Elective 2.0 CHOU TE-YU tue19-22 260602 Yes IMBA Program, First Year 
933894001Strategic Talent Management Graduate Elective 3.0 HSU YU-WEI fri19-22 000000 Yes IMBA Program, First Year 
933905001Consumer Behavior Graduate Elective 3.0 HO FOO-NIN sat12-15 260602 Yes IMBA Program, First Year@Intensive course - for class schedule, please contact the IMBA office.
933915001International Finance Graduate Elective 3.0 MIU CHI PANG   Yes IMBA Program, First Year@Intensive course- for class schedule, please contact the MBA office.
933933001Intern Graduate Elective 3.0 Ref. Note   Yes IMBA Program, First Year 
Z23925001Specialized Course III (GTIM): Big Data for Social Analysis Graduate Elective 3.0 Pien Chung-pei thu09-12 360304 No Selective Courses of Master Level, International College of Innovation@1. Taught in English. This course is same as "ZU1942001/Z23937001 Big Data for Social Analysis" (Elective), please do not enroll it repeatedly.
Z23926001Specialized Course I (GDG): Anthropocene and Geopolitics Graduate Elective 3.0 YANG CHIH-YUAN wed13-16 250305 No Selective Courses of Master Level, International College of Innovation@1. Taught in English. 2. This course is same as "Z23949001 Anthropocene and Geopolitics" (Elective) and "ZU1917001 Specialized Course I (GDG): Anthropocene and Geopolitics" (Elective), please do not enroll it repeatedly.
ZB1910001Project Financing Graduate Elective 1.0 Ref. Note   Yes  Master of Science in Global Banking and Finance, First Year 
ZB1911001International Asset Management Graduate Elective 2.0 Ref. Note sat09-12  Yes  Master of Science in Global Banking and Finance, First Year 
ZB1922001Financial Institutions and Markets Graduate Elective 2.0 Ref. Note   Yes  Master of Science in Global Banking and Finance, First Year 
ZB1923001Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Graduate Elective 2.0 SHIU YUNG-MING mon18-21  Yes  Master of Science in Global Banking and Finance, First Year 
ZB1924001Corporate M&A Financing Graduate Elective 1.0 Ref. Note   Yes  Master of Science in Global Banking and Finance, First Year 
ZB1926001Special Topic in Digital Finance - Credit risk analytics and management Graduate Elective 1.0 DUAN JIN-CHUAN   Yes  Master of Science in Global Banking and Finance, First Year 
ZB1932001Business English Graduate Elective 0.0 Ref. Note   Yes  Master of Science in Global Banking and Finance, First Year 
ZB1936001Financial Digital Transformation and Business Model Innovation Graduate Elective 2.0 Ref. Note   Yes  Master of Science in Global Banking and Finance, First Year 
ZM1002001New Media, Technology and Society Graduate Required 3.0 LI I-CHIH/HSIEH PEI-HSUAN thu15-18 210207 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year@Taught in English and Chinese
ZM1004001Domestic Internship B Graduate Required 2.0 LIN TSUI-CHUAN thu18-20 350319 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year@Taught in English and Chinese
ZM1005001Overseas Learning A Graduate Required 1.0 COOK CHRISTINE LINDA mon17-18 210208 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1007001Domestic Intership Graduate Required 2.0 LIN TSUI-CHUAN thu18-20 350319,350319 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year@Taught in English and Chinese.
ZM1008001Overseas Learning Graduate Required 1.0 COOK CHRISTINE LINDA mon17-18 210208 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1892001Designing Human-Robot Interaction and Human-AI Interaction Graduate Elective 3.0 HOU TSUNG-YU tue13-16 370218 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1893001Seminar on Human-Robot Interaction and Human-AI Interaction: Theories and Research Graduate Elective 3.0 HOU TSUNG-YU thu13-16 370218,370218,370218 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1894001Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence Graduate Elective 3.0 LU HSIN-TSE tue09-12 270209 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1895001Women's Cinema and Media Culture Graduate Elective 3.0 CHO TING-WU tue14-17 330203 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1896001Cross-Cultural Media and Innovative Technology: Immersive Learning Graduate Elective 1.0 LIN TSUI-CHUAN   Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year@OIC_Encourage teachers to offer short-term learning programs abroad
ZM1897001International Organization Graduate Elective 3.0 LEE CHYUNG LY wed09-12 270410 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1898001Portrayals of Minorities in Media Graduate Elective 3.0 YEH CHIA-HSIN wed14-17 210405 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1899001Global Communication: Cross-media Planning, Production and Management Graduate Elective 3.0 YU CHIA-CHANG wed14-17 270408 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1900001New Media Practicum Graduate Elective 3.0 LIN TSUI-CHUAN fri14-17 350222 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1909001Specialized Course III (GTIM): Big Data for Social Analysis Graduate Elective 3.0 Pien Chung-pei thu09-12 360304 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1913001Digital Production and Analytics Graduate Elective 3.0 CHIANG YI-HSUAN tue14-17 210204 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1915001Foundations in Researching Media and Social World Graduate Elective 3.0 COOK CHRISTINE LINDA fri09-12 210208 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1920001International Images and Global Communication Graduate Elective 3.0 KANG TING-YU mon14-17 270203 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1924001International News Reporting Graduate Elective 3.0 LIN TSUI-CHUAN fri09-12 350222 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1937001Digital Narratives and New Media Technology Graduate Elective 3.0 COOK CHRISTINE LINDA tue09-12 210204 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1939001Specialized Course III (GTIM): AI & Governance Graduate Elective 3.0 CHEN PO LIANG wed09-12 210205 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1946001New Media Convergence Graduate Elective 3.0 LIN TSUI-CHUAN thu10-13 180301 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZM1949001Virtual Reality and Digital Technology Graduate Elective 3.0 LIN JIH HSUAN mon13-16 210405 Yes Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year 
ZU1005011Public International Law Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 KEVIN CHIA-KANG CHANG fri15-18 270313 No Sophomore Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English by hybrid modality of in-person (50%) and online (50%) classes.
ZU1012001Research Methods Undergrad Required 3.0 CHEN HUNG-YING wed09-12 360301 No Sophomore Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English.
ZU1016001Statistics II Undergrad Required 3.0 KUAN PING-YIN tue14-17 360301 No Freshman Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English.
ZU1017001Introduction to AI Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 Pien Chung-pei fri09-12 360301 No Freshman Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English.
ZU1020001Specialized Course II (ASSD): Migration and Globalization Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 OU TZU-CHI fri13-16 360408 No Junior Class of BA in Global Governance@1. Taught in English. 2. This course is same as "ZU1006001 Migration and Globalization" (Partially Required), please do not enroll it repeatedly.
ZU1021001Specialized Course III (GTIM): AI & Governance Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHEN PO LIANG wed09-12 210205 No Junior Class of BA in Global Governance@1. Taught in English. 2. This course is same as "ZU1943001 AI & Governance" (Elective), please do not enroll it repeatedly.
ZU1023001Human Geography Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 CHEN HUNG-YING tue13-16 360406 No Sophomore Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English.
ZU1033001Specialized Course I (GDG): Anthropocene and Geopolitics Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 YANG CHIH-YUAN wed13-16 250305 No Junior Class of BA in Global Governance@1. Taught in English. 2. This course is same as "Z23949001 Anthropocene and Geopolitics" (Elective) and "ZU1917001 Specialized Course I (GDG): Anthropocene and Geopolitics" (Elective), please do not enroll it repeatedly.
ZU1034001Specialized Course II (ASSD): Global Issues in Asia Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 OU TZU-CHI tue09-12 270206 No Junior Class of BA in Global Governance@1. Taught in English. 2. This course is same as "ZU1944001 Global Issues in Asia" (Elective), please do not enroll it repeatedly.
ZU1035001Specialized Course III (GTIM): Big Data for Social Analysis Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 Pien Chung-pei thu09-12 360304 No Junior Class of BA in Global Governance@1. Taught in English. 2. This course is same as "ZU1942001/Z23937001 Big Data for Social Analysis" (Elective), please do not enroll it repeatedly.
ZU1039001Political Science Undergrad Partially Required 3.0 Ref. Note wed13-16 270108 No Freshman Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English.
ZU1863001Intersection of International Business and National Security: Export Controls, Sanctions, Foreign Direct Investments, and Supply Chain Undergrad Elective 3.0 KIM MI-YONG tue16-19 271111 No Junior Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English.
ZU1864001Global Environment in Social Theory: Economics, Politics, and Ecology Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHIANG SHUN-NAN thu09-12 270106 No Sophomore Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English./Students who wish to receive "add permit" for the course are required to attend the first class. ICI students will be given priority for course "add permit."
ZU1865001Climate Change and Global Food System Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHIANG SHUN-NAN tue09-12 270106 No Junior Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English./Students who wish to receive "add permit" for the course are required to attend the first class. ICI students will be given priority for course "add permit."
ZU1866001Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence Undergrad Elective 3.0 LU HSIN-TSE tue09-12 270209 No Junior Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English.
ZU1867001Data Science Fundamentals for the Social Sciences Undergrad Elective 3.0 Reidhead Jacob mon13-16 270110 No Junior Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English.
ZU1881001Sustainable Development and Regional Revitalization Undergrad Elective 3.0 TSAI WEN-YI thu16-19 270203 No Freshman Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English.
ZU1883001Capstone: Generative AI Undergrad Elective 3.0 LU HSIN-TSE wed17-20 250305 No Sophomore Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English./Students who wish to enroll the course should have been interviewed by the course instructor and added by manually.
ZU1887001Religion and Politics in the Modern World Undergrad Elective 3.0 Deasy Rumondang Priscilla fri13-16 270211 No Junior Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English.
ZU1902001Political Economy of East Asia Undergrad Elective 3.0 TZENG WEI-FENG thu14-17 270105 No Freshman Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English.
ZU1922001Innovation Management and Digital Transformation Undergrad Elective 3.0 SAY ALICIA wed09-12 270311 No Junior Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English./The course of "Innovation Management and Digital Transformation" can substitute for the credits of "International Innovation Management".
ZU1925001Politics in Southeast Asia: Change and Continuity Undergrad Elective 3.0 Deasy Rumondang Priscilla thu13-16 270207 No Freshman Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English.
ZU1946001Comparative Government and Politics Undergrad Elective 3.0 CHIEN YI-CHUN tue09-12 140013 No Freshman Class of BA in Global Governance@Taught in English./The course of "Comparative Government and Politics" can substitute for the credits of "Political Science" or "Public Administration", but only one can be selected.