SemesterFall Semester, 2018
DepartmentInternational Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, Second Year
Course NameFrontiers in Public Governance
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

The following is subject to change.


Class #1 (11/19): What is Public Governance? What is the history and origin of Public Governance Strategies: An Overview

  • Course overview and objectives

  • Scope of study, strategies and reforms

  • From public organizations to public governance

  • Public sector: old and new


Class #2 (11/20): Performance Management and Program Design

  • Practices of performance measurement

  • Incorporating performance management and program design

  • Developing practices to address society’s complexity issues

  • Promoting capacity for better program management in


Class #3 (11/21): Collaborative Governance in Communities and Sectors.

  • Theory of Collaborative Governance

  • Public-private partnerships

  • Contracting for governance

  • Strengthening public trust


Class #4 (11/22): Research Agenda and Methods in Public Governance

  • Topics of Public Governance

  • Research Methods of Public Governance

  • Integration with other fields of study

  • Discussion of your term paper


Class #5 (11/26): Digital Government and Innovation

  • History and stages of digital government

  • Applications of Digital Government and Digital Governance

  • Implementation and success factors

  • Promo ting innovation in public governance


Class #6 (11/27): Anti-Corruption Reforms

  • What is the issue?

  • Lessons from Singapore and Hong Kong

  • Lessons from China and Indonesia

  • Building institutions of integrity




The following readings are indicative, only, and will be finalized before the actual course.

I try to limit required readings to two per class that will assist with lecture content and your learning.


Class 1:

Levi-Faur, D. (2012). The Oxford Handbook of Governance. Oxford University Press, various chapters.


Class 2:

Berman, E. (2006). Performance and productivity in public and nonprofit organizations. Routledge., chapter 1, 8

Koike, O. (2013). Institutionalizing performance management in Asia: looking East or West?. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 26(5), 347-360.


Class 3:

Crosby, B. C. (2010). Leading in the shared?power world of 2020. Public Administration Review, 70, s69-s77.

de Koning, M., Parr, J. W., Sengchanthavong, S., & Phommasane, S. (2016). Collaborative governance improves management effectiveness of Hin Nam No national protected area in central Lao PDR. Parks, 22(2):2-40 (case)


Class 4:



Class 5:

Janowski, T. (2015) “Digital government evolution: From transformation to contextualization." Government Information Quarterly, 32(3): 221-236.

Siong B. and G. Chen. (2007), Dynamic Governance: Embedding Culture, Capabilities and Change in Singapore. (New York: World Scientific), various chapters


Class 6:

Quah, J. S. (2017). Five success stories in combating corruption: lessons for policy makers. Asian Education and Development Studies, 6(3), 275-289.

Fang, Q. (2017). Xi Jinping's Anticorruption Campaign from A Historical Perspective. Modern China Studies, 24(2), 112.



Further Recommended Readings:

UN Development Group (2011) Results-Based Management: A Handbook.

Beeri, I., Uster, A., & Vigoda-Gadot, E. (2018). Does Performance Management Relate to Good Governance? A Study of Its Relationship with Citizens’ Satisfaction with and Trust in Israeli Local Government. Public Performance & Management Review, 1-39.

Pollitt, C. (2018). Performance management 40 years on: a review. Some key decisions and consequences. Public Money & Management, 38(3), 167-174.

Gong, T., & Xiao, H. (2017). Socially Embedded Anti?Corruption Governance: Evidence from Hong Kong. Public Administration and Development, 37(3), 176-190.

Feldman, M. S., & Khademian, A. M. (2007). The role of the public manager in inclusion: Creating communities of participation. Governance, 20(2), 305-324.

Cradock-Henry, N. A., Greenhalgh, S., Brown, P., & Sinner, J. (2017). Factors influencing successful collaboration for freshwater management in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Ecology and Society, 22(2). (case)

Falk, S., Römmele, A., & Silverman, M. (Eds.). (2016). Digital Government: Leveraging Innovation to Improve Public Sector Performance and Outcomes for Citizens. Springer, chapter 3 and 6

Hawkins, J. (2018). Addressing Workforce and Economic Development through Regional Collaboration. University of Minnesota.

Berman, E. and C.-G. Kim. (2010). Creativity Management in Public Organizations: Jump- Starting Innovation (in Seoul). Public Performance & Management Review 33(4):619-652.


Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant



Term Paper: Towards a research proposal


This paper demonstrates your ability to apply concepts to a field of study and to suggest in-depth study related to a topic of public governance. The paper has two sections:


Title: Give a clear title

1. Discussion of a public governance problem or case (3-7 pages)

a. What is the problem or case and why is it (or, what aspects are) a problem of public governance?

b. Identify 10 articles (of which at least six are in academic journals) that are relevant to your problem. Discuss one or more strategies and further considerations that are relevant to addressing the problem. Also, how can these strategies or context be used to improve good governance?

c. Discuss a specific case of the problem and how the matter was (not) addressed. What do the above strategies or conditions suggest for improving possible outcomes?


2. Discuss a proposal for research on the topic (1-3 pages)

a. Identify a case/research problem and setting.

b. What is the public governance issue?

c. What specific issues might be researched and why?

d. What methods could be used to research your issues (case, interviews, survey, etc.)

e. Provide some interview or survey questions.



  1. grading, you will be rewarded for: (i) professional writing and appearance; (ii) following the above outline; (iii) thoroughness and analytic thought; (iv) the above minima pages are minima only; typically, better grades are associated with more detail and, hence, length.


Textbook & Reference
Urls about Course

Syllabus Frontiers in Public Governance_final.pdf