Text Book:
1. Sundararajan, A. (2016). The sharing economy: The end of employment and the rise of crowd-based capitalism. Mit Press.
Reading Materials:
1. Aptekar, S. (2016). Gifts among strangers: the social organization of freecycle giving. Social Problems, 63(2), 266-283.
2. Christensen, C. M., Raynor, M. E., & McDonald, R. (2015). What is disruptive innovation. Harvard business review, 93(12), 44-53
3. Cohen, M., & Sundararajan, A. (2015). Self-regulation and innovation in the peer- to-peer sharing economy. U. Chi. L. Rev. Dialogue, 82, 116.
4. Eckhardt, G. M., Houston, M. B., Jiang, B., Lamberton, C., Rindfleisch, A., & Zervas, G. (2019). Marketing in the sharing economy. Journal of Marketing, 83(5), 5-27.
5. Guttentag, D. (2015). Airbnb: disruptive innovation and the rise of an informal tourism accommodation sector. Current issues in Tourism, 18(12), 1192-1217.
6. Lamberton, C. P., & Rose, R. L. (2012). When is ours better than mine? A framework for understanding and altering participation in commercial sharing systems. Journal of Marketing, 76(4), 109-125.
7. Petrini, M., FREITAS, C. S. D., & SILVEIRA, L. M. D. (2017). A proposal for a typology of sharing economy. RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 18(5), 39-62.
8. Smith, A. (2016). Shared, collaborative and on demand: The new digital economy. Pew Research Center, 19.
9. Sundararajan, A. (2014). What Airbnb gets about culture that Uber doesn’t. Harvard Business Review, 11.
10. Uzunca, B., Rigtering, J. C., & Ozcan, P. (2018). Sharing and shaping: A cross- country comparison of how sharing economy firms shape their institutional environment to gain legitimacy. Academy of management discoveries, 4(3), 248- 272.
11. Angelidou, M. (2014). Smart city policies: A spatial approach. Cities, 41, S3-S11.
12. Lee, J. H., Phaal, R., & Lee, S. H. (2013). An integrated service-device-technology roadmap for smart city development.
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13. Lombardi, P., Giordano, S., Farouh, H., & Yousef, W. (2012). Modelling the smart city performance. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 25(2), 137-149.
14. Law, K. H., & Lynch, J. P. (2019). Smart city: Technologies and challenges. IT Professional, 21(6), 46-51.
15. Angelidou, M., Psaltoglou, A., Komninos, N., Kakderi, C., Tsarchopoulos, P., & Panori, A. (2018). Enhancing sustainable urban development through smart city applications. Journal of science and technology policy management, 9(2), 146-169.
16. Monzon, A. (2015, May). Smart cities concept and challenges: Bases for the assessment of smart city projects. In 2015 international conference on smart cities and green ICT systems (SMARTGREENS) (pp. 1-11). IEEE.
17. Hashem, I. A. T., Chang, V., Anuar, N. B., Adewole, K., Yaqoob, I., Gani, A., ... & Chiroma, H. (2016). The role of big data in smart city. International Journal of information management, 36(5), 748-758.
18. Jin, J., Gubbi, J., Marusic, S., & Palaniswami, M. (2014). An information framework for creating a smart city through internet of things. IEEE Internet of Things journal, 1(2), 112-121.
19. Letaifa, S. B. (2015). How to strategize smart cities: Revealing the SMART model. Journal of business research, 68(7), 1414-1419.
20. Nam, T., & Pardo, T. A. (2011, June). Conceptualizing smart city with dimensions of technology, people, and institutions. In Proceedings of the 12th annual international digital government research conference: digital
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23. Ahvenniemi, H., Huovila, A., Pinto-Seppä, I., & Airaksinen, M. (2017). What are the differences between sustainable and smart cities?. Cities, 60, 234-245.
24. Bak?c?, T., Almirall, E., & Wareham, J. (2013). A smart city initiative: the case of Barcelona. Journal of the knowledge economy, 4, 135-148.
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26. Vanolo, A. (2014). Smartmentality: The smart city as disciplinary strategy. Urban studies, 51(5), 883-898.