SemesterFall Semester, 2023
DepartmentMaster's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, First Year Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology, Second Year
Course NameOverseas Learning A
Course TypeRequired
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

The requirements will vary based on which of the four options the student pursues. For the internship, the same rules as the domestic internship course apply (160-200 hours working time). For the exchange, the duration must be at least one month long, ideally for one semester. For fieldwork, the student must present a proposal to the supervising party (Dr. Cook) explaining why they are undertaking the fieldwork, and the fieldwork must be a minimum of 1 week abroad. All students must complete a report about their work to be presented at the end of the semester.

Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant



This course will be evaluated on a PASS/FAIL basis. If the student fails to complete one of the four tasks before the end of the Spring semester, then they will receive an “incomplete” for the course. To receive a pass, students must complete an in-depth report on either their internship, exchange, fieldwork, or trip.

Textbook & Reference


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