SemesterFall Semester, 2023
DepartmentM.A. Program in TESOL for In-Service Teachers, First Year M.A. Program in TESOL for In-Service Teachers, Second Year M.A. Program in TESOL for In-Service Teachers, Third Year M.A. Program in TESOL for In-Service Teachers, Fourth Year
Course NameThesis Writing
InstructorHSU LI-YUAN
Course TypeRequired
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule


  • Attend the two classes offered by the instructor.

  • Consult with the individual thesis advisor regularly.

  • Give a presentation on the thesis proposal.

  • Submit a written thesis proposal one week after the presentation.

Course Schedule:

  • 07/14  Introduction to thesis writing

  • 08/18  Proposal presentations (10 mins per person)

Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant


The written thesis proposal (evaluated by the thesis advisor and reviewer)   80%

The in-class proposal presentation          20%

Textbook & Reference

I. Reference

Creswell, John W., and J. David Creswell. (2018). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, & Mixed Methods Approaches. 5th edition. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc.

II. Supplementary Material (TBA)

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