SemesterFall Semester, 2023
DepartmentIMBA Program, First Year IMBA Program, Second Year
Course NameLeadership and Team Building
InstructorSU WEI-CHIEH
Course TypeRequired
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

This unique residential off-campus camp combines participant-centered, team-based, and experiential learning approaches to facilitate a meaningful learning experience. In addition to assigned and suggested readings, you are required to write reflection papers before and after the camp, participate actively through sharing your thoughts, ideas, and experiences during the camp interactive activities. The more you put into this course, the more you will learn.


Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant



Presence & Participation (on site): 30%

Class activities/assignments (on site): 40%

Team Project (on site): 20%

Individual Reflection: 10% 

Textbook & Reference
Urls about Course

01 Syllabus_LTB_2023 Fall_v1.pdf