SemesterFall Semester, 2023
DepartmentInternational Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, Second Year
Course NameThe Anthropology of the Asia Pacific
InstructorDeasy Rumondang Priscilla
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule


Course content and required reading

Textbook & References

Course activities, including preparation and homework



An Introduction to Social Anthropology

Required Readings:

Jared Diamond (2000), Taiwan’s Gift to the World, Nature 403 pp. 709-710.

Anthony Giddens (1993), Sociology (Polity), 29-58.

Adam Kuper (1999), Culture (Harvard University Press),1-23.

Peter Bellwood, et al (1995), The Austronesian History: Common Origin and Diverse Transformation, in The Austronesians (ANU Press), 1-17.

Kim Martins (2020), Polynesian Navigation & Settlement of the Pacific World History Encyclopedia


Additional Readings:

Adam Kuper (2015), Anthropology and Anthropologists (London: Routledge), 1-42.

George Stocking (1992), Paradigmatic Traditions in the History of Anthropology, The Ethnographer’s Magic and Other Essays in the History of Anthropology (University of Wisconsin Press), 342-361.

Clifford Geertz (1974), “From the Native’s Point of View”: On the Nature of Anthropological Understanding, Bulletin of the American Academy, 480-492.

A.R. Radcliffe-Brown (1952), Structure and Function in Primitive Society (MacMillan), 1-15.

Robert K. Merton (1957), Social Theory and Social Structure (Free Press), 121-161.

Lecture, readings, discussion,




Seminar: Participant Observation

Required Readings:

Anthony Giddens (1993), Sociology (Polity), 387-424.

Claude Levi-Strauss (1969), The Elementary Structures of Kinship (Beacon Press), 478-497.

Lewis Morgan (1871), Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family (Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution), 10-16.

David Schneider (1968), American Kinship: A Cultural Account (University of Chicago Press), 1-57.


Additional Readings:

Adam Kuper (2015), Anthropology and Anthropologists (London: Routledge), 42-64

Joan Bamberger (1974), The Myth of Matriarchy: Why Men Rule in Primitive Society, in Women, Culture, and Society (Stanford University Press), 263-280.

David Schneider and K Gough (eds) (1961), Matrilineal Kinship (University of California Press), 1-29.

Mary Farmer (1970), The Family (Longman), 1-47.

Martine Segalen (1986) Historical Anthropology of the Family (CUP), 1-73.

Morgan Clark (2007) Closeness in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Debating Kinship and Biomedicine in Lebanon and the Middle East, Anthropological Quarterly 80:2, p.p. 379-402.

B.R. Myers (2011), The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves—And Why It Matters (Melville House), 73-131.

Lecture, readings, discussion,




Seminar: Accounts of Fieldwork

Required Readings:

Fiona Bowie (2000), The Anthropology of Religion (Blackwell), 118-151.

Walraven Boudewijn (2009), National Pantheon, Regional Deities, Personal Spirits? Mushindo, Songsu, and the Nature of Korean Shamanism, Asian Ethnology 68 pp 55-80.

Rebecca Stein and Philip Stein (2017), The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft (Taylor & Francis), 145-170.


Additional Readings:

Clifford Geertz (1973), Interpretations of the Culture (Basic), 87-126.

Adam Kuper (2015), Anthropology and Anthropologists (London: Routledge), 64-

Fiona Bowie (2000), The Anthropology of Religion (Blackwell), 190-259.

Mark Mosko (2014), Cards on Kiriwina: Magic, Cosmology, and the ‘Divine Dividual’ in Trobriand Gambling, Oceania 84:3, pp239-255.

Rebecca Stein and Philip Stein (2017), The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft (Taylor & Francis), 1-32.

Wei-ya Lin (2013), The Relationship between Music and Taboos in the Society of the Tao (An Indigenous Ethnic Group in Taiwan, Journal of Creative Communication 8:1p.p. 45-64.

Lecture, readings, discussion, presentation



Reflection week

Discussion, presentation



Seminar: Ethical Ethnography

Required Readings:

Marcell Mauss, The Gift (Hau Books), 65-85.

M. Sahlins (1974) Stone Age Economics (Routledge), 149-183.

Caroline Humphrey and Stephan Hugh-Jones (Eds) (1994), Barter, Exchange and Value (CUP), 1-21.

Bronislaw Malinowski (1922), Argonauts of the Western Pacific (E.P Dutton & Co.), 81-105.


Additional Readings:

Claude Levi-Strauss (1969), The Elementary Structures of Kinship (Beacon Press), 52-68.

Alfred Gell (1994), Inter-tribal Commodity Barter and Reproductive Gift-Exchange in Old Melanesia, in Caroline Humphrey and Stephan Hugh-Jones, eds. Barter, Exchange and Value (CUP), 142-169.

Nicholas Thomas (1995), Exchange Systems, Political Dynamics, and Colonial Transformations in Nineteenth Century Oceania, in The Austronesians (ANU Press), 287-309.

Lecture, readings, discussion,




Seminar: The Fieldworker’s Identity and Position

Required Readings:

Fiona Bowie (2000), The Anthropology of Religion (Blackwell), 151-185.

Catherine Bell (1997), Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice (OUP). 19-55.

Arnold Van Gennep (1960[2019]), Rites of Passage (University of Chicago Press), 1-26; 166-189.


Additional Readings:

Adam Kuper (2015), Anthropology and Anthropologists (London: Routledge), 108-129.

J.S. La Fontaine (1985), Initiation (Penguin), 38-58.

Rebecca Stein & Philip Stein (2017), The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft (Routledge), 82-110

Margaret Mead (1930 [2001]), Coming of Age in Samoa (Harper), 61-86.

Harriet, Whitehead (1993), The Bow and the Burden Strap: A New Look at Institutionalized Homosexuality in Native North America, in Eds., Henry Abelove et al, The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader (Routledge), 498-528.

Sam Gill (1987), Disenchantment: A Religious Abduction, in Native American Religious Action, Sam Gill and Frederick Denny (University of South Carolina Press), 59-75.

Lila Abu-Lughod (2013), Do Muslim Women Need Saving? (Harvard), 27-54.

Matthew Spriggs (1995), The Lapita Culture and Austronesian Prehistory in Oceania, in The Austronesians (ANU Press), 119-143.

Yuko Ogasawara (1998), Office Ladies and Salaried Men: Power, Gender and Work in Japanese Companies (UCP), 1-17

Lecture, readings, discussion,




Seminar: Off Setting a Carbon Footprint

Required readings:

Jenny Bryant-Tokalau, Indigenous Pacific Approaches to Climate Change (Palgrave): 1-95.

Graeme Hugo (2010), Climate Change-Induced Mobility and the Existing Migration Regime in Asia and the Pacific, in Jane McAdam (ed), Climate Change and Displacement (OUP): 9-37.

Tim Ingold (2000), The Perception of the Environment (Routledge),13-26.

A Reid et al (2021), “Two-Eyed Seeing”: An Indigenous Framework to Transform Fisheries Research and Management, Fish and Fisheries 22:2 p.p. 243-261.


Additional readings:

Pamela Asquith et al (eds) (1997), Japanese Images of Nature (Curzon), 1-36.

Paul D’Arcy (2006), The People of the Sea (Hawaii UP): 98-144

Eveline Durt and Arno Pascht (2017), Environmental Transformations and Cultural Responses (Palgrave): 49-75.

Michael Sesit (1997), Monetary Union: A way to help small nations, Wall Street Journal

Colin Shaw (1988), Pacific: The Divided Territory, Far Eastern Economic Review p.32.

Jared Diamond (2019), Upheaval (Allen Lane): 383-423.

Arno Pascht and Eveline Durr (2017), Engaging with Environmental Transformation in Oceania, in Durr and Pascht (eds). Environmental Transformations and Cultural Responses (Palgrave): 1-19.

Andrea Reid et al (2020) “Two-Eyed Seeing”: An Indigenous Framework to Transform Fisheries Research and Management, Fish and Fisheries 22 p.p. 243-261.

Sarah Pink (2021), Doing Visual Anthropology (Sage), 123-151..

Lecture, readings, discussion,



Midterm Examination



Seminar: Reflecting Traditional Knowledge (TK)

Required Readings:

Rebecca Stein & Philip Stein (2017), The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft (Routledge), 58-82.

Clifford Geertz (1973), The Interpretation of Culture (Basic), 3-30.


Additional Readings:

Mircea Eliade (1964[1992]). Shamanism (Princeton UP), 145-181.

Joy Hendry (2016), An Introduction to Social Anthropology (Palgrave), 102-123.

Rossi, I. 1973. The Unconscious in the Anthropology of Levi-Strauss, American Anthropologist 75 (1): 20-48.

Lecture, readings, discussion,




Seminar: Can an Anthropologist also be an Activist?

Required Readings:

Joy Hendry (2016), An Introduction to Social Anthropology (Palgrave), 192-212.

Setha Low and Denise Lawrence-Zuniga (2003), the Anthropology of Space and Place (Blackwell), 129-185; 245-351.


Additional Readings:

Angela Cheater (1999) Power in the Postmodern Era, in Angela Cheater, The Anthropology of Power (Routledge), 1-13.

Toon van Meijl (1993) Maori Meeting-Houses in and Over Time, in James Fox Inside Austronesian Houses: Perspective on Domestic Designs for Living (ANU), 201-223.

Franz Boas (1928), Anthropology and Modern Life (Dover Publications), 18-81.

Lila Abu-Lughod (2013), Do Muslim Women Need Saving? (Harvard), 1-27.

Mircea Eliade (1957), The Sacred and the Profane (Harvest), 20-68.

Anthony Giddens (1993), Sociology (Polity), 251-283.

Lecture, readings, discussion,




Seminar: Communicating Ethnography

Required Readings:

Sue Black (2018), All That Remains (Penguin), 1-13; 95-117.

Rebecca Stein & Philip Stein (2017), The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft (Routledge), 172-205.

Michael Pettid and Charlotte Horlyck (2014) Char Death, Mourning, and the Afterlife in Korea (University of Hawaii Press), 1-18.


Additional Readings:

Leberecht Funk (2014), Entanglements between Tao People and Anito on Lanyu Island, Taiwan, in Yasmine Musharbash and Geir Henning Presterudstuen, Monster Anthropology in Australasia and Beyond  (New York: Palgrave): 143-161.

Marc L. Moskowitz (2001), The Haunted Fetus (University of Hawaii Press), 42-77.

Roger Janelli et al (1982), Ancestor Worship and Korean Society (Stanford University Press), 58-86.

Mircea Eliade (1964[1992]). Shamanism (Princeton UP), 181-215.

Michael J. Pettid (2014), Ghostly Encounters: Perceptions of Death and Afterlife in Koryǒ and Early Chosǒn, in Charlotte Horlyck and Michael J. Pettid, Death, Mourning, and the Afterlife in Korea (University of Hawaii Press), 171-190.

Michael J. Pettid (2014), Shamanic Rites for the Dead in Chosǒn Korea, in Charlotte Horlyck and Michael J.

Daniel Drezner (2015), Theories of International Politics and Zombies (Princeton University Press), 1-11.

Lecture, readings, discussion,



Reflection week.

Reflection week.

Discussion, presentation




Seminar: The Future for Ethnographic Research (All Students)

Required Readings:

Jean Baudrillard (1994), Simulacra and Simulation (University of Michigan Press), 1-43.

Eleanor Hancock (2020), Should Society Accept Sex Robots? Paladyn 11. 428-442.

Bahk Enu-ji (2022), Local Municipalities use AI Robots to Improve Care for Elderly, The Korea Times,


Additional Readings:

Tom Boellstorff (2015), Coming of Age in Second Life (Princeton), 3-32; 237-251.

Stephen Dyson (2015), Otherworldly Politics (John Hopkins University Press), 115-132.

Sarah Pink & Juan Francisco Salazar (2017), Anthropologies and Futures: Setting the Agenda, in Juan Francisco Salazar et al, Anthropologies and Futures (Bloomsbury), 3-23.

Christian Madsbjerg (2017), Sensemaking (Abacus), 63-93.

Tessa Leach (2020), Machine Sensation: Anthropomorphism and ‘Natural’ Interaction with Nonhumans (Open Humanities Press), 9-67; and 186-225.

Shoshana Zuboff (2019), The Age of Surveillance Capitalism (Profile): 3-27.

Lecture, readings, discussion,







Wrap Up


Wrap Up

Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant

To pass this module students must achieve a mark of 50% or above, aggregated across all the assessments.



Number of Assessments

Form of Assessment


% weighting 

Size of Assessment/Duration/


Category of assessment

Conducted within central examination period


Learning Outcomes being assessed


Case Study Video


15 minutes 

Practical Assessment


1, 2 & 3




3,000 words



1, 3 & 4

Textbook & Reference

Link to full reading list will be provided

Urls about Course