SemesterFall Semester, 2023
DepartmentSelective courses of master level,College of Education Selective courses of undergraduate level,College of Education
Course NameAdolescent Emotional and Behavioral Problems
InstructorFU JU-HSIN
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

1.       Introductions

2.       Adolescent development

3.       Family influence on adolescent development

4.       Community influence on adolescent development

5.       Overview of adolescent emotional and behavioral problems

6.       Social difficulties

7.       Anxiety & depression

8.       Suicide & self-injurious behavior

9.       Eating disorders

10.     Dating/relationship; partner violence; teen pregnancy

11.     Sensation-seeking, risk-taking, and reckless behaviors

12.     Substance misuse and abuse

13.     Aggression/bullying

14.     Gangs

15.     Primary preventions

16.     Evidence-based practices

17.     Students presentations

18.     Conclusions & final thoughts



Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant

Attendance (10%)

Class participation and in-class activities (30%)

Individual and group presentations (30%)

Final Report (30%)

Textbook & Reference

  1. Gullotta, T.P. & Adams, G.R. (2005). Handbook of Adolescent Behavioral Problems.

    Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.

  2. Santrock, John W. (2011). Adolescence (14th ed.). New York: McGraw-hill.

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