SemesterFall Semester, 2023
DepartmentInternational Master's Program in International Studies, First Year International Master's Program in International Studies, Second Year
Course NameSelected Subjects on Jurisdiction in the Course of Cross-Borders Civil Litigation
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

1 Introduction and Overview of Course 

2 Jurisdiction to Prescribe I

3 Jurisdiction to Prescribe II

4 Personal Jurisdiction: General vs. Specific Jurisdiction

5 Personal Jurisdiction: Specific Jurisdiction I

6 Personal Jurisdiction: Specific Jurisdiction II

7 Act of State and Foreign Sovereign Compulsion I

8 Foreign Sovereign Immunity I

9 Foreign Sovereign Immunity II

10 Mid-term Exam

11 Guest Speaker

12 Forum Non Conveniens

13 Forum Selection

14 Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements

15 TBD/Makeup

16 TBD/Makeup

17 Final Exam Preparation and Consultation

18 Final Exam

Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant

All class meetings are intended to be proceeded in "Socratic Method.” To that end, 3-5 U.S. court decisions (contingent on topics and progress of class) will be assigned and distributed for each class meeting. Students are expected to study the assignments before class meetings and to be prepared for class participation.


Grades will be determined by the following factors:

20%: Class participation;

30%: Mid-term Exam

50%: Final Exam

Textbook & Reference

To be distributed following the first class meeting

Urls about Course