Semester | Fall Semester, 2023 | ||
Department | Freshman Class A, Department of English | ||
Course Name | Introduction to Western Literature | ||
Instructor | LIN CHIH-HSIN | ||
Credit | 3.0 | ||
Course Type | Required | ||
Prerequisite |
Course Objective |
Course Description |
Course Schedule |
Students are expected to spend about six hours per week on average for the reading and the exercise. Syllabus 9/13: The Ancient World Introduction (Western Literature: PP 8-17) Mythology (Mythology: PP 24-46) 9/20: The Hebrew Bible / The Old Testament (1) The Hebrew Bible (Britannica Academic: PP 1-2) The Torah: Genesis (創世記), 1-4, 6-9, 11; *創世記 (Genesis), 15-19, 22, 25, 27, 37, 39-45, 50; 出埃及記 (Exodus), *1-3; *12-14; 19-20, *25 The historical books: Judges (士師記), 13-16; *路得記 (The Book of Ruth), 1-4; *撒母耳記上 (1 Samuel ), 16-17; *列王記上 (1 Kings), 8, 18-19 9/27: The Hebrew Bible / The Old Testament (2) The poetical books: Job (約伯記), 1-3; 8-9, 23; *約伯記 (Job)38-42; *詩篇(Psalms), 23, 90, 137; *箴言 (Proverbs), 3; Ecclesiastes (傳道書), 1, 3; The Song of Songs (雅歌), 1-4 The major prophetical books: Isaiah (以賽亞書), 53; *耶利米書 (Jeremiah), 8-9; 以西結書 (Ezekiel), 1-5; *但以理書 (Daniel), 1-3 The Minor prophetical books: *何西阿書 (Hosea), 1-3; *約拿書 (Jonah), 1-4 &Discussion session 1 10/4: Greek Epics: Homer’s The Iliad Homer (Britannica Academic: PP 3-8) #《希臘羅馬神話故事》(PP 218-46) The Iliad, Book I (PP 189-200) The Iliad, Book VI (PP 205-15) *《伊利亞特》, Book XXII, 1-515 (PP 558-75) *《伊利亞特》, Book XXIV, 432-804 (PP 625-38) 10/11: Greek Epics: Homer’s The Odyssey #《希臘羅馬神話故事》(PP 247-66) The Odyssey, Books IX-X, 502 (PP 385-408) *《奧德賽》, Book X, 475-XI, 224 (PP 238-50) *《奧德賽》, Book XIV, 1-190 (PP 302-08) *《奧德賽》, Book XIX, 203-502 (PP 408-19) *《奧德賽》, * Book XXIII, 85-372 (PP 477-87) 10/18: Greek Mythology and History Hesiod (Britannica Academic: PP 9-10) The Theogony (PP 11-16) *《神譜》(PP 57-67; 71-74) #《希臘羅馬神話故事》(PP 182-93; PP 210-15) Herodotus (Britannica Academic: PP 11-13) *《歷史》(The Histories), Book I, 29-48, 85-91 (PP 13-22; PP 42-47) *《歷史》(The Histories), Book III, 39-44 (PP 206-09) Thucydides (Britannica Academic: PP 14-16) The Peloponnesian War (Norton, the 8th Edition: PP 805-16) 10/25: Greek Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle Plato (Britannica Academic: PP 17-21) *〈申辯篇〉(The Apology of Socrates) (PP 10-22; PP 27-30) The Republic, Books 6 and 7 (Norton, the 8th edition: PP 817-24) Aristotle (Britannica Academic: PP 22-27; Norton, the 8th edition: PP 825-26) Physics, Metaphysics, On the Soul, and The Nicomachean Ethics (Norton, the 8th edition 826-36) &Discussion session 2 11/1: Greek Drama I Aristotle (Britannica Academic: P 28): Poetics 1-15, 17-19, 22 (PP 2316-31, PP2333-35) Ancient Athenian Drama (Britannica Academic: PP 29-31) #《希臘羅馬神話故事》(PP 309-25) Sophocles (Britannica Academic: PP 32-34): *《伊底帕斯王》, 1-170; 276-462; 634-738; 1012-1530 (PP 4-24; 36-58; 82-94; 130-98) &Midterm Examination 11/8: Greek Drama II *《希臘羅馬神話故事》(PP 141-57) Euripides (Britannica Academic: PP 35-37) *《米蒂亞》(PP 175-206) Medea (PP 64-82) 11/15: Greek Drama III *柏拉圖(Plato):〈伊安篇〉(Ion) (PP 289-307) Aristophanes (Britannica Academic: PP 38-40) #《利西翠妲》 (PP 9-27; PP 33-39, PP 44-47, PP 51-59; 63-74) &Discussion session 3 11/22: Roman Philosophy and Poetics Lucretius: On the Nature of Things (Norton, the 8th edition: PP 836-48) Cicero (西塞羅) (Britannica Academic: PP 41-43) *〈論演講術分類〉(“Of the Classification of Oratory”), 1-24, 39-40 (PP 579-601; 614-15) Horace (Britannica Academic: PP 44-47) Art of Poetry (PP 67-74) Clement of Alexandria (革利免) (Britannica Academic: PP 48-49) *《對希臘人的勉勵》(The Exhortation to the Greeks), 5-8 (12-21) *《雜記》(The Miscellanies, or Stromata), I, 5, 7 (PP 104-09) 11/29: Roman Epic and Mythology (1) #《希臘羅馬神話故事》(PP 267-78) Virgil (Britannica Academic: PP 50-55) The Aeneid, I, 1-304 (PP 1-10) The Aeneid, II, 1-80, 195-317, 486-804 (PP 24-26, 30-33, 38-47) *《伊尼亞斯逃亡記》, IV, 1- 876 (PP 91-115) *《伊尼亞斯逃亡記》, VI, 98-1012 (PP 150-82) 12/6: Roman Epic and Mythology (2) #《希臘羅馬神話故事》(PP 278-84) Virgil The Aeneid, VIII,585-731 (PP 185-89) The Aeneid, XII, 746-952 (PP 289-95) Ovid (PP 56-60) *《變形記》, I, 1-567 (PP 3-19) *《變形記》, II, 1-328 (PP 29-39) *《變形記》, III, 298-733 (PP 68-83) The Metamorphoses, V, 256-576(PP 106-16) *《變形記》, VIII, 152-269 (PP 205-09) *《變形記》, IX, 1-323 (PP 231-42) *《變形記》, X, 1-63, 152-269 (PP 261-63) 12/13: Roman Drama Longinus: On the Sublime, I-II, VIII-X, XXXIX (PP 75-77; 79-82; 95) Seneca (Britannica Academic: PP 51-63) On Anger (Norton, the 8th edition: PP 848-55) Oedipus (PP 1-26) &Discussion session 4 12/20: The New Testament (I) Origen (俄利根) (Britannica Academic: PP 64-66) *《教義大綱》(On First Principles), 第四部, 1-2 (PP 417-26) The New Testament (Britannica Academic: PP 65-75) *路加福音(Luke), 1-4 Luke (路加福音), 15 Matthew, 5-7 *馬太福音, 26-28 John (約翰福音), 1-4, 13 *使徒行傳(Apostles), 1-2, 9-10 12/27: The New Testament (2) The Pauline Letters and the Revelation (Britannica Academic: PP 76-78) *羅馬人書(Romans ), 7-8 *哥林多後書(2 Corinthians), 3 *加拉太書(Galatians), 4 Ephesians(以弗所書), 5-6 *希伯來書(Hebrews), 9-12 Revelation (啟示錄), 12-14, 17, 20-22 *聖安波羅修(St. Ambrose) (Britannica Academic: PP 79-81) 《論聖禮》(On the Sacraments), 卷二, 1-7 (PP 166-174) 1/3: Neoplatonism *#Plotinus (Britannica Academic: PP 82-84): “On the Intellectual Beauty” (PP 99-106) Augustine (Britannica Academic: PP 85-90) Augustine (PP 1177-1179) Confessions, I, i-viii; II, iv-vi (PP 3-11; 31-35))32-40, 60-64 *《懺悔錄》, VI, 12-16; VIII, 8-12; IX, 4-10, X, 7-12, XI, 23-28, XIII, 1-12 (PP 112-16; 157-65; 172-85; 202-07, 262-69; 303-12) &Discussion session 5 1/10: Final Examination
Teaching Methods |
Teaching Assistant |
Requirement/Grading |
Course requirements 1. Attendance and participation in class discussions are essential. Students who are absent for four or more than four times, excused or not, will fail this course. 2. If the course needs to be conducted online, students are required to turn on the camera and show responses online. 3. Every week before class, students are expected to finish reading about 30 pages in English and some extra materials in Chinese. There will be a quiz about the reading every week before the lecture starts. 4. Students need to submit 5 pre-class exercises, one between weeks 2 and 3, one between 4 and 7, one between 8 and 10, one between weeks 11-14, and one between 15-17. The exercise needs to be uploaded to Moodle on Sunday before midnight. Late exercises will NOT be accepted. 5. Students should bring a dictionary and a notebook to class. 6. No 3C products are allowed except for a quick check for vocabulary. 7. Students who plagiarize, cheat in quizzes, or answer for others in the roll call will fail this course and be subject to disciplinary action.
Grading: 1. Class attendance and discussion 15% 2. In-class Notes 10% 3. Pre-class exercises 20% 4. Quizzes 15% 4. Midterm and Final Examinations 40% |
Textbook & Reference |
Textbooks (*required; #In our university bookstore; &suggested) *#赫米爾敦, 愛笛絲。《希臘羅馬神話故事》。Mythology.By Edith Hamilton.宋碧雲譯。新潮文庫317。臺北:志文出版社, 1998。 *#亞里斯多芬尼茲。《利西翠妲》。呂健忠譯。臺北:書林出版社,1989。 &#Hamilton, Edith. Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes. ROC Edition. Taipei: Bookman, 1942. &# The Bible: Authorized King James Version with Apocrypha. Intro. Robert Carroll and Stephen and Prickett. Oxford World’s Classics. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997. &呂健忠、李奭學編譯。《新編西洋文學概論:上古迄文藝復興》。西洋文學108。修訂一版。臺北:書林,2007。 &《聖經:中英對照》。合和本、NIV。袖珍本。第九版。香港:漢語聖經協會,2004。 (校園書房:$990)
Bibliography for the reading package at 政大書廊 Davis, Paul, etal. Western Literature in a World Context. Volume 1. Boston: St. Martin’s P. 1995. Lawall, Sarah, ed. The Norton Anthology of Western Literature. Vol.1. Eighth Edition. New York: Norton. 荷馬。《伊利亞特》。羅念生·王煥生譯。臺北:貓頭鷹, 2004。 荷馬。《奧德賽》。王煥生譯。經典文學系列21。臺北:貓頭鷹, 2000。 柏拉圖。〈申辯篇〉。《柏拉圖全集》。王曉朝譯。卷一。臺北:左岸文化,2003。1-30。 柏拉圖。〈伊安篇〉。《柏拉圖全集》。王曉朝譯。卷一。臺北:左岸文化, 2003。289-307。 Aristotle. Poetics.The Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford Translation. Trans. Bywater. Ed. Jonathan Barnes.Vol. 2. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1984. 2316-40. Euripides. Medea. Translated by Michael Collier and Georgia Machemer, Oxford UP, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central. Sep. 11th, 2021. 革利免 (Clement of Alexdria). 《對希臘人的勉勵》(The Exhortation to the Greeks)。朱文長譯。《亞歷山大學派選集》。湯清編著。基督教歷代名著集成。臺北:基督教文藝出版社,1996。3-47。 革利免。《雜記》(The Miscellanies, or Stromata)。湯清譯。《亞歷山大學派選集》。湯清編著。基督教歷代名著集成。臺北:基督教文藝出版社,1996。104-200。 Horace. “Art of Poetry.” Trans. E. C. Wickham. Critical Theory Since Plato. Ed. Adam Hazard. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971. 67-74. 西塞羅。〈論演講術分類〉(“De Partitione Oratoria”)。《西塞羅全集:修辭學》。王曉朝譯。人類經典43。臺北:左岸文化,2005。579-615。 Virgil. The Aeneid. Trans. by Sarah Ruden, Yale UP, 2008. ProQuest Ebook Central. Sep. 11th, 2021. 味吉爾。《伊尼亞斯逃亡記》。曹鴻昭譯。台北:聯經,1990。(非原文中譯) 奧維德。《變形記》。呂健忠譯。臺北:書林, 2008。 Senca. Oedipus. Trans. Frank Justus Miller. Theoi E-text Library., August 13th, 2013. Longinus. “On the Sublime.” W. R. Roberts. Critical Theory Since Plato. Ed. Adam Hazard. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971. 75-98. 俄利根(Origen)。《教義大綱》(De Principiis)。朱信原譯。《亞歷山大學派選集》。湯清編著。基督教歷代名著集成。臺北:基督教文藝出版社,1996。261-440。 聖安波羅。《論聖禮》。拉丁教會文集。許牧世編著。基督教歷代名著集成第一部第13卷。香港:基督教輔僑出版社,1959。157-208。 斐洛(Philo)。《論<創世記>》—寓意的解釋》(On the Creation)。王曉朝、戴偉清譯。歷代基督教思想學術文庫。香港:漢語基督教文化研究所, 1998。 奧古斯丁。《懺悔錄》。周士良譯。台北:商務,1998。 Plotinus. “On the Intellectual Beauty.” Trans. Stephen MacKenna. Critical Theory Since Plato. Ed. Adam Hazard. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971. 99-106. |
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