SemesterFall Semester, 2023
DepartmentGraduate Institute of Technology, Innovation & Intellectual Property Management PhD Program, First Year
Course NameResearch Methods of Social Sciences
InstructorHSU MU-YEN
Course TypeRequired
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

1、Entering Academic Community

9/15       Introduction of the course

AOM website, Practicing SSCI Databank   C1、C3

9/22          APA format for academic paper, Practicing Endnote  C2


2.   Philosophical Foundations of Scientific Researches

9/29       Why doing scientific research? A1,A2,C5Finding an exemplar paper

10/06     What is scientific research? A7,B7,R1,R2

          Hegde (2015) Chapter 3 

Logical and Epistemological Norms in Scientific Theory Construction

10/13     The traps of scientific research  A3, B17 R3 (Confirm the exemplar paper)

          Hegde (2015) Chapter 10

Ethics in Research with Special Reference to Social Sciences


3、How to Read and Criticize Paper?

10/20     How to read paper?   C6、C7、C8 

          Hegde (2015) Chapter 4  Problem Formulation

Alvesson & Sandberg (2011), Generating Research Questions through Problematization, AMR, 36-2, pp247-271.


10/27  How to criticize paper? C9、C10、C11、C12 Summary of exemplar paper

Seth etc. (2009) Beyond statistical significance to substantive significance in

strategy research


4、Research Methods of Social Science

11/03     Positive Research : Quantitative Methods A4、A5、A6、

          Hegde (2015) Chapter 8                  Comment of exemplar paper

11/10  Positive Research : Survey and Sampling  A7、A8、A9

Hegde (2015) Chapter 9

Questionnaire Design for Survey Research


11/17     Positive Research : Case study   A11

Ridder etc. (2009) The theoretical contribution of case study research to the

field of strategy and management


11/24     Interpretive Research : Case study A11

Hegde (2015) Chapter 6

Qualitative Research and Its Application


12/01     How to measure various kinds of concepts as variables

Hubbard (2016), How to Measure Anything in Cybersecurity Risk

Hubbard, Douglas W ; Seiersen, Richard ; McClure, Stuart ; Geer, Daniel E., Jr, John Wiley & Sons. (Electronic Version)

  Hubbard (2007), How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of Intangibles in Business, Hubbard, Douglas W, John Wiley & Sons.

NCCU, Commerce Library 657.7 H875


12/08     Attending Conference of Society for Management of Technology


12/15   Artificial intelligence methodology and field study A10

Ganco and Hoetker (2009) 

NK Modeling Methodology In The Strategy Literature

Hegde (2015) Chapter 5

Systems Approach and Soft Systems Methodology of Organization and

Management Studies

Agre, etc. (2018)

    Artificial intelligence methodology, systems, and applications


5、How to Write and Publish an Academic Paper?

12/22     How to write?  A12、B2、C13、C14

12/29   How to publish?   AOM and AMJ requirements

2024/01/05 Presentation of research planning paper

2024/01/12 Presentation of research planning paper 

Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant


Course Requirements:

1.     Class participation including attend 90% of the lessons and record 2 lessons.

2.     Finish a research plan including research questions, literature review, and research method planning.

       The review of paper should contain two parts:

  a. Summary (What it says!)

 b. Comment (What you think!)

      And each part should contain three sections:

 (1) Research Questions- Background, Motivation, Questions, Positioning

 (2) Research Methods- Qualitative exploration, or/and Quantitative examination

 (3) Results and Answers – Analysis, Discussion, Conclusions, Suggestions



1.     Class participation 50%

2.     Research planning paper 50%


上課以討論為主,強調課前的預習及上課參與。A1代表教科書A的第1章,R1代表第一本參考書,教科書C勢必要買, 參考書只用其部分章節、可以借用。






? 摘要:Summary (What it says!) 如實地呈現作者在論文中所說的內容。

? 評論:Comment (What you think!) 提出你的解讀、意見、批判及建議。


? 研究問題:Problem─背景/動機/脈絡/定位

? 研究方法:Method─探索/驗證/量化/質化

? 研究答案:Answer─結果(統計數據/個人或企業案例)





上課參與(發言、預習) 30%

上課記錄 20%

期末報告 50%

Textbook & Reference

Textbooks(Reserved on course shelf)

A:Neuman, W. J. (2009), Understanding Research

B:Cargill, M. & P. O’Connor(2008) Writing Scientific Research Articles- Strategy and Steps

    C:Northey, etc.(2015) Making sense : a student's guide to research and writing : social sciences(綜圖指參 28A 全球化與公共政策). Northey, etc. (2009) on course shelf.

Reference books(Reserved on course shelf)

R1: Howell, Kerry E. (2013). An introduction to the philosophy of methodology /.

Los Angeles, Calif. : SAGE

R2: Stanovich, K. E.(2010)How to Think Straight about Psychology (9th ed.)

    R3:Rosenzweig, P. (2007) The Halo Effect and the eight other business delusions that deceive managers


    Suggested Materials (PDF files)

All the Suggested Materials can be found in the following Blog:


  1. Hegde (2015)  Essays on Research Methodology

/Hegde, Dinesh S., editor.; SpringerLink (Online service)

Springer eBooks.; New Delhi : Springer India : Imprint: Springer


  1. Maas (2014) Economic methodology : an historical introduction

/ Harro Maas ; translated by Liz Waters.. New York : Routledge

Chapter 10 Economics as science


  1. Gideon (2012) Handbook of survey methodology for the social sciences

/ Lior Gideon, editor.New York, N.Y. : Springer


  1. Ganco and Hoetker(2009) NK Modeling Methodology In The Strategy Literature


  1. Schwab and Starbuck (2009) Null-hypothesis significance tests in behavioral and management research/ Andreas Schwab and William H. Starbuck

Research MethodologyinStrategyandManagement,Volume5,29–54


  1. Harrigan (2009) Using hybrid research methodologies for testing contingency theories of strategy/ Kathryn R.Harrigan

Research MethodologyinStrategyandManagement,Volume5,121–136


  1. Ridder etc. (2009) The theoretical contribution of case study research to the field of strategy and management/ Hans-Gerd Ridder, Christina Hoon and Alina McCandless

Research MethodologyinStrategyandManagement,Volume5,137–175


  1. Seth etc. (2009) Beyond statistical significance to substantive significance in strategy research/ Anju Seth, Kevin D. Carlson, Donald E. Hatfield and Hung-Wen Lan

Research MethodologyinStrategyandManagement,Volume5,3–27


  1. Valsiner (2017) From methodology to methods in human psychology /

Valsiner, Jaan, author.; SpringerLink (Online service)

Springer eBooks.; Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer; 2017.


  1. Laaksonen (2018) Survey methodology and missing data : tools and techniques for practitioners

/ Seppo Laaksonen


  1. Agre (2018) Artificial intelligence methodology, systems, and applications, pp186-196

“Machine Learning Techniques for Survival Time Predictionin Breast Cancer”

18th International Conference, AIMSA 2018, Varna, Bulgaria, September 12-14, 2018 : proceedings / edited by Gennady Agre, Josef van Genabith, Thierry Declerck.



Library On Line:

Designing the Face-to-Face Survey

Neuman, W Lawrence; Gideon, Lior

Handbook of Survey Methodology for the Social Sciences, 2012, p.227-248; New York, NY: Springer New York


M. Cargill and P. O’Connor: Writing scientific research articles: strategy and steps (2nd edition): Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2013



  • 教科書:

A:Neuman, W. J. (2009), 研究方法─質化與量化方法的應用

(Understanding Research),修訂版,雙葉書廊有限公司,台北市20141月。

        B:Cargill, M. & P. O’Connor(2008),如何撰寫研究論文─策略與步驟

(Writing Scientific Research Articles- Strategy and Steps),初版,華樂絲語文顧問有限公司,台北市20131



  • 參考書:

R1: 黃光國,社會科學的理路,第三版, 心理出版社, 台北市20132

R2: Stanovich, K. E.(2010)這才是心理學!

         How to Think Straight about Psychology (9th ed.) ,增訂版, 遠流出版社。

R3: Rosenzweig, P. (2007) 光環效應:科學分析成功模式的九大陷阱

The Halo Effect and the eight other business delusions that deceive managers, 初版, 商智文化有限公司, 台北市20079

Urls about Course

2023 Research Methods of Social Science.pdf