- All classes must sign the attendance sheet.
- Attendance and Participation: 60%
- If you missed 4 or less classes, for every missed class, you will receive 5% deduction.
- However, if you missed for more than 4 classes, you will only receive 20% out of 60% in this part of the grade. That means, you will not pass the course.
- Except PhD talks (博士生口試前公開演講場次), select any three talks before each report due date, and write the abstract of the talk, reflection, and potential research extensions.
- Limit your report to up to 5 pages.
- Select one out of the three reflection reports, expand the literature review, and write a research proposal.
- This proposal should include an introduction to motivate your research, a literature review to identify the potential research gap, your research model and a proposed data collection procedure, if any.