Dates | Topics | Assigned Readings/ Case Study & Presentation | Week 1 (09/15) | Course Introduction and Logistics | First class PowerPoints
| Week 2 (09/22) | Introduction to Legal Methods & Economic Approach to Law | - Guido Calabresi, An Introduction to Legal Thought: Four Approaches to Law and to the Allocation of Body Parts (2003), Faculty Scholarship Series, Paper 2022, Yale Law School, (read only Part I~V).
- Richard A. Posner, The Economic Approach to Law, 53 Texas Law Review 757 (1975),
| Week 3
(09/29) | Legal Methods in International Law & Relations | - Steven R. Ratner & Anne-Marie Slaughter, Appraising the Methods of International Law: A Prospectus of Readers, 93 AM. J. INT'L L. 291 (1999).
- Kenneth W. Abbott, Modern International Relations Theory: A Prospectus for International Lawyers, 14 Yale Journal of International Law 335 (1989).
| Week 4 (10/06) | Legal Methods in International Economic Law
| - Isabella D Bunn & Colin B Picker, The State and Future of International Economic Law (2008).
- Tomer Broude, At the End of the Yellow Brick Road: International Economic Law Research in Times of Uncertainty, Hart Publishing (2008).
| Week 5 (10/13) | - Gregory Shaffer, A New Legal Realism: Method in International Economic Law Scholarship, Hart Publishing (2008).
- Joel P. Trachtman, International Economic Law Research: A Taxonomy, Hart Publishing (2008).
| Week 6 (10/20) | - Sara Dillon, Opportunism and the WTO: Corporations, Academics and “Member States”, Hart Publishing (2008).
- Andrew TF Lang, Some Sociological Perspectives on International Institutions and the Trading System, Hart Publishing (2008)
| Week 7 (10/27) | - Federico Ortino & Matteo Ortino, Law of the Global Economy: In Need of a New Methodological Approach?, Hart Publishing (2008).
- Emmanuel Voyiakis, Of Foxes and Hedgehogs: Some Thoughts about the Relationship Between WTO Law and General International Law (2008).
| [5]~[12] in International Economic Law: The State and Future of the Discipline, Colin B. Picker, Isabella Bunn & Douglas Arner (eds.), Hart Publishing (2008), | Week 8
(11/03) | Economic Approach to Public International Law | - Ronald A. Cass, Introduction: Economics and International law, in Economic Dimensions in International Law: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives, Jagdeep S. Bhandari & Alan O. Sykes (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 1997.
- Alan O. Sykes, The Economics of Public International Law, John M. Olin Law & Economics Working Paper No. 216, The Law School, The University of Chicago, July 2004, at
| Week 9 (11/10) | No class | Case Study 1~9 can be downloaded at EUI website, WTO Case Law Project: | Week 10 (11/17) | Case study | - Russia — Tariff Treatment (DS 485): REYNOLDS, K., & RIGOD, B. (2018). Russia–Tariff Treatment: Identifying Systematic Violations of WTO Law. World Trade Review, 17(2), 291-312. doi:10.1017/S1474745617000659.
| Week 11 (11/24) | Case study | - Colombia — Textiles (DS 461): FRANCOIS, J., & WHITTAKER, J. (2018). Colombia – Measures Relating to the Importation of Textiles, Apparel and Footwear (DS461). World Trade Review, 17(2), 335-352. doi:10.1017/S1474745617000623.
| Week 12
(12/01) | Case study | - Russia — Pigs (EU), (DS 475): BLANCHARD, E., & WU, M. (2019). Externalities and Agricultural Import Bans: Evaluating Regionalization Measures in Light of the Russia–Pigs Dispute. World Trade Review, 18(2), 173-195. doi:10.1017/S1474745619000016.
| Week 13 (12/08) | Case study | - Indonesia — Import Licensing Regimes (DS477): AHN, D., & GNUTZMANN-MKRTCHYAN, A. (2019). Indonesia–Import Licensing Regimes: GATT Rules for Agricultural Trade? World Trade Review, 18(2), 197-218. doi:10.1017/S1474745619000119.
| Week 14 (12/15) | Case study | - India — Solar Cells (DS 456): KARTTUNEN, M., & MOORE, M. (2018). India–Solar Cells: Trade Rules, Climate Policy, and Sustainable Development Goals. World Trade Review, 17(2), 215-237. doi:10.1017/S1474745617000647.
- Indonesia — Chicken (DS 484): RIGOD, B., & TOVAR, P. (2019). Indonesia–Chicken: Tensions between International Trade and Domestic Food Policies? World Trade Review, 18(2), 219-243. doi:10.1017/S1474745619000028.
| Week 15 (12/22) | Case study | - US — Washing Machines (DS 464): MAVROIDIS, P., & PRUSA, T. (2018). Die Another Day: Zeroing in on Targeted Dumping – Did the AB Hit the Mark in US–Washing Machines? World Trade Review, 17(2), 239-264. doi:10.1017/S1474745617000611.
| Week 16
(12/29) | Case study | - EC — Fasteners (China) (DS397): ESPA, I., & LEVY, P. (2018). The Analogue Method Comes Unfastened – The Awkward Space between Market and Non-Market Economies in EC–Fasteners (Article 21.5). World Trade Review, 17(2), 313-334. doi:10.1017/S1474745617000593.
| Week 17
(01/05) | Case study | - EU — Fatty Alcohols (Indonesia) (DS442): HAKOBYAN, S., & TRACHTMAN, J. (2019). EU–Fatty Alcohols (Indonesia): Corporate Structure, Transfer Pricing, and Dumping. World Trade Review, 18(2), 245-261. doi:10.1017/S1474745619000065.
| Week 18
(01/12) | No Class | Above cases are subject to change. |