A. One Midterm Exam (25%): Midterm exam will be given during the regularly scheduled class time on November 20th. Students are expected to be present at the beginning of class for the exam, so please arrange the schedule accordingly. If you believe you have an excellent reason for not being there, you must get permission BEFORE the exam and arrange a make-up exam. Failure to take the exam on the scheduled date in the scheduled time slot will result in a zero on the exam.
B. Case Analysis (25%)
There are six cases in this semester. Each case will be assigned to teams and the assigned team will be chosen to play the role of either consultant or senior management team.
C. Term Project —Report + Presentation (25%)
For the term project, each team is expected to identify a situation that a company underwent or is going to make a corporate-level strategic decision. Corporate-level strategic decisions include issues such as diversification, vertical integration, alliance formation, M&A, international expansions, and so forth that are covered in our course topics after October 30th. Each team will be required to collect information on the company of its choice (and industry where the company is in if necessary), highlight the course topic you are going to apply to the company for investigation, analyze and assess the situation and the company’s corporate strategic decision, and then assess the path chosen by the company and propose your recommendations. Each team will have a presentation and Q&As on December 25th.
D. Attendance and Class Participation (25%)
E. Peer Evaluation: you will be evaluating each of your group member’s contributions at the end of the semester.
F. Course Policy and Requirement
In this course, our class meetings will be “unplugged.” Please turn off all computers, tablets, organizers, phones, or other electronic devices during class meetings so that everyone can focus their full attention on the class discussion itself. You will be regarded as “ABSENCE” if you use a laptop and smartphone during the class.
It is everyone’s responsibility to foster a mutually respectful learning environment. So, there are very high expectations about professional behavior in this course. Unprofessional behavior may be penalized. Penalties may include losing points in class participation grade, a zero on the assignment, not being eligible for the grade curve, a zero on the exam, being moved within the classroom, being asked to leave the room, or others as allowed by the University or limited by my creativity. Please avoid the following unprofessional behaviors:
• Arriving late for class meetings.
• Not being prepared for class and case discussion.
• Holding side conversations during class meetings.
• Inattention during class meetings (e.g., using a laptop or cell phone, reading unrelated materials, or studying for other classes).
• Personal attacks or comments of a disrespectful or insulting nature directed toward anyone.
*** Assignments that appear to be copied in whole or in part will be considered to violate the academic code of conduct and will be dealt with accordingly.