SemesterFall Semester, 2023
DepartmentInternational Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, Second Year
Course NamePatronage and Clientelism in Asian Democracies
InstructorReidhead Jacob
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

Course Activities

Course activities are broadly defined below. Detailed instructions and grading rubrics will be uploaded to the course website and introduced in class.

Review Videos – 25% of Overall Grade

At the beginning of the semester, students will form teams of 2-3 students. Several times throughout the semester, the instructor will select a topic in informal politics and your team will prepare a Review Video reviewing one academic article on that topic. The instructor will provide detailed instructions and a grading rubric in a separate document, but the basic steps are:

  1. As a team, search for a relevant article. Submit a list of 4-5 articles to the instructor. The instructor will choose one of these for your team to review.

  2. Individually, read and outline the article. Critically evaluate the article’s research question, arguments, research design, data, methods, analysis and conclusions.

  3. As a team, compare notes and produce a 10-15 minute Review Video reviewing the article.

  4. Individually, watch all the Review Videos outside of class.

  5. As a class, critique and discuss the Review Videos in a Review Roundtable.

Literature Review – 25% of Overall Grade

Throughout the semester, each student will also undertake several milestones leading up to an original Literature Review and Research Proposal. The instructor will provide detailed instructions and a grading rubric in a separate document, but the basic milestones for the literature review are:

  1. Preliminary Consultation – schedule preliminary consultation out-of-class

  2. Literature Review, Draft – submit for feedback and schedule consultation

  3. Literature Review, Final Version – submit for a grade – 25% of Overall Grade

 Research Proposal – 25% of Overall Grade

The first half of the Research Proposal is the Literature Review, mentioned above. The instructor will provide detailed instructions and a grading rubric in a separate document for the second half of the research proposal, but the basic milestones are:

  1. Proposal, Draft – submit for feedback and schedule consultation

  2. Peer Reviews – return to peers and discuss in class

  3. Presentation – present and discuss proposal in class

  4. Proposal, Final Version – submit for a grade – 25% of Overall Grade

Oral Exam - 25% of Overall Grade

Students will schedule a one-on-one oral exam with the instructor at some point before the end of the semester. An oral exam review sheet will be provided to students and this will include the list of questions which students may be asked during the oral exam. The oral exam will test a student’s knowledge of:

  1. General concepts of patronage and clientelism, as well as their causes and effects.

  2. Instances of patronage and clientelism in Asian democracies.

  3. Methods used to study informal politics.

Class Sessions and Preparation

Class sessions will be divided into one of three types:

  1. Lecture & Discussion

  2. Article Review Roundtables

  3. Skills Workshops

    1. How to Write a Literature Review

    2. How to Write a Research Proposal

    3. How to Conduct Fieldwork and Interviews on Sensitive Topics

Students are expected to prepare for class in advance and participate in classroom discussions. Preparation for class will entail:

  1. Complete reading assignments

  2. Watch Article Review Videos

  3. Prepare questions for the instructor and peer presenters  

Activity-ILO Matrix

Course activities support Intended Learning Outcomes in the following way.


ILO 1.

Know concepts

ILO 2. Know


ILO 3.

Know methods

ILO 4. Evaluate research

ILO 5.


lit review

ILO 6. Propose study

ILO 7.

Critical discussion

In-Class Discussion








Review Videos








Review Roundtables








Preliminary Consult








Lit Review, Draft








Lit Review, Final








Proposal, Draft








Peer Reviews
















Proposal, Final








Oral Exam










Schedule & Deadlines

Week of

Lecture Topics

Team Reviews

Milestones & Oral Exam

1. Sept 11


Seminar: Article Review Videos




Module 1: Neopatrimonialism


Week of

Lecture Topics

Team Reviews

Milestones & Oral Exam

2. Sept 18

Lecture: Patriarchy & Patrimonialism

Seminar: 3 Levels of Analysis

List: Neopatrimonialism


3. Sept 25

Lecture: Neopatrimonialism

Seminar: Literature Review #1


Preliminary Consultation

4. Oct 2

Lecture: Neopatrimonialism in Asia

Seminar: Literature Review #2

Vid: Neopatrimonialism


5. Oct 9

Video Review Roundtable




Module 2: Clientelism


Week of

Lecture Topics

Team Reviews

Milestones & Oral Exam

6. Oct 16

Lecture: Clientelism


List: Clientelism

Lit Review – Draft & Consult

7. Oct 23

Lecture: Clientelism in Asia #1




8. Oct 30

Lecture: Clientelism in Asia #2

Seminar: Writing a Proposal

Vid: Clientelism


9. Nov 6

Video Review Roundtable


Lit Review – Final Version


Module 3: Crony Capitalism


Week of

Lecture Topics

Team Reviews

Milestones & Oral Exam

10. Nov 13

Lecture: Crony Capitalism

Oral Exam Tips

List: Crony Capitalism

Schedule Oral Exams

11. Nov 20

Lecture: Crony Capitalism in Asia #1




12. Nov 27

Lecture: Crony Capitalism in Asia #2

Seminar: Writing Peer Reviews

Vid: Crony Capitalism

Proposal – Draft & Consult

13. Dec 4

Video Review Roundtable




Module 4: Research Methods


Week of

Lecture Topics

Team Reviews

Milestones & Oral Exam

14. Dec 11

Lecture: Qualitative Methods

Seminar: Interviews

List: Research Methods

Peer Reviews

15. Dec 18

Lecture: Quantitative Methods

Seminar: Statistical Analysis



16. Dec 25

Present & Discuss Proposals



17. Jan 1

Present & Discuss Proposals

Vid: Research Methods


18. Jan 8

Video Review Roundtable


Proposal – Final Version

Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant

Grading Rubric


Percent of Overall Grade

Non-Graded Requirements

In-Class Participation



each unexcused absence is -5%

Article Review Videos



Preliminary Consultation


Required to receive Lit Review grade

Literature Review, Draft & Consultation


Required to receive Lit Review grade

Literature Review, Final Version



Proposal, Draft & Consultation


Required to receive Proposal grade

Peer Reviews


Required to receive Proposal grade

Proposal, Presentation


Required to receive Proposal grade

Proposal, Final Version



Oral Exam




Attendance Policy

Class attendance is essential to students’ achieving the Intended Learning Outcomes; however, students must also balance learning with other life priorities. As a result, this course allows students to have TWO FREE ABSENCES during the semester. After two free absences, each unexcused absence will subtract 5% from the student’s overall grade. Arriving to class late, or leaving class early, by more than 10 minutes will be counted as half an absence.

Excused absences will not affect students’ grades and do not count as the student’s two free absences. Excused absences require:

  • a note from a doctor, in the case of a medical emergency

  • a note from an administrator, if absent due to an official university event

  • the instructor’s discretion, in the case of a family emergency (e.g., funeral)

Absences due to the following reasons will not be excused:

  • trouble with a vehicle, parking and traffic

  • vacations

  • jobs and internships

  • absence due to working on homework or a class project

Textbook & Reference


Week 1 – September 11 – Overview of Patronage and Clientelism

  • Syllabus 

Week 2 – September 18 – Patriarchy, Patrimonialism and the Patrimonial State

  • Weber*

  • Landen 

Week 3 – September 25 – Neopatrimonialism

  • 1994 Bratton and Vanderwalle*

  • Bach

  • Lewis

 Week 4 – October 2 – Neopatrimonialism in Asian Democracies

  • Reidhead*

  • ...

Week 5 – October 9 – Video Review Roundtable on Neopatrimonialism

  • Article Review Videos

 Week 6 – October 16 – Party Linkages and Clientelism

  • 1970s articles on clientelism

  • Lawson. Party Linkages

  • Kitschel

Week 7 – October 23 – Clientelism in Asian Democracies #1

  • Hicken. APRS

  • articles on clientelism in NE Asia

Week 8 – October 30 – Clientelism in Asian Democracies #2

  • articles on clientelism in SE Asia 

Week 9 – November 6 – Video Review Roundtable on Clientelism

  • Article Review Videos 

Week 10 – November 13 – Crony Capitalism

  • 2014 Fukuyama*. Machine politics vs corporate lobbying

  • 2007 Tilly 

11. Week of November 20 – Crony Capitalism in Asian Democracies #1

  • David Kang

  • additional readings on crony capitalism in NE Asia

12. Week of November 27 – Crony Capitalism in Asian Democracies #2

  • article on crony capitalism in Philippines*

  • additional readings on crony capitalism in SE Asia

13. Week of December 4 – Video Review Roundtable #3 on Crony Capitalism

  • Article Review Videos

14. Week of December 11 – Fieldwork & Interviews for Studying Patronage & Clientelism

  • qualitative methods papers* 

15. Week of December 18 – Quantitative Methods for Studying Patronage & Clientelism

  • quantitative methods papers 

16. Week of December 25 – Present & Discuss Proposals

17. Week of January 1 – Present & Discuss Proposals

18. Week of January 8 – TBD

Urls about Course

Syllabus _ Patronage _ Clientelism _ 2023.08.pdf