Week 1 Introduction & Logistics
Week 2 Anthropological Perspective and Cross-cultural Comparison
Reference Readings
- Kuper, A. 1983 Anthropology and Anthropologists: the Modern British School. London: Routledge.
- Leach, E 1966 “Chapter 1” of Rethinking Anthropology, London, Berg.
- Bock, K. E. (1966). The Comparative Method of Anthropology. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 8(3), 269–280.
- Borofsky, Robert. 2019. Where Have the Comparisons Gone? Society for Cultural Anthropology.
Week 3 Ethnographic Methodology: An Approach Both Top-Down and Bottom-Up
Reference Readings
- Moore, H.L. & T. Sanders (eds.) 2006 Anthropology in Theory: Issues in Epistemology.
- M. Bloch, How We Think They Think (1998).
- Clifford, James. 1988. The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Chapter 12, 277-346: Identity in Mashpee.
- Holland, Dorothy, and Kevin Leander. 2004. Ethnographic Studies of Positioning and Subjectivity: An Introduction. Ethos 32(2): 127-139.
Week 4 Phenomenology of Humanity: Death, Living and the Person
Required Readings
- Shweder, R.A., Bourne, E.J. (1982). Does the Concept of the Person Vary Cross-Culturally?. In: Marsella, A.J., White, G.M. (eds) Cultural Conceptions of Mental Health and Therapy. Culture, Illness, and Healing, vol 4.
- Astuti, R. (2008) What happens after death? In Astuti, R., Parry, J. & Stafford, C. (eds) Questions of anthropology, pp. 227-247. Berg.
- Kaufman, Sharon R., and Lynn M. Morgan. 2005. The Anthropology of the Beginnings and Ends of Life. Annual Review of Anthropology 34:317–341.
- Conklin, B. and L. Morgan. 1996. Babies, Bodies, and the Production of Personhood in North America and a Native Amazonian Society. Ethos 24(4):657-694.
Week 5 National Holiday (10th October). No Class.
Week 6 Memory, Self and Society
Required Readings
- Spiro, M. E. (1993). Is the Western conception of the self ‘peculiar’ within the context of the world cultures? Ethos 21(2): 107-153.
- Ewing, Katherine P. 1990. The Illusion of Wholeness: Culture, Self, and the Experience of Inconsistency. Ethos 18(3): 251-278.
- Kenny, M. G. (1999). A Place for Memory: The Interface between Individual and Collective History. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 41(3), 420–437.
- Gila S. Silverman, Aurélien Baroiller & Susan R. Hemer (2021) Culture and grief: Ethnographic perspectives on ritual, relationships and remembering, Death Studies, 45:1, 1-8.
Week 7 Kinship, Relationships and Relatedness
Required Readings
- Carsten, J. 2004. Introduction: After Kinship? Chapter 1 from After Kinship, pp. 1-30.
- Carsten, J. 1995. The Substance of Kinship and the Heat of the Hearth: Feeding, Personhood, and Relatedness among Malays in Pulau Langkawi. American Ethnologist 22, no. 2: 223-241.
- Carrier, J. 1999. People Who Can Be Friends: Selves and Social Relationships. In S. Bell & S. Coleman (eds) The Anthropology of Friendship.
- Jackson, M. 2002. Familiar and foreign bodies: a phenomenological exploration of the human-technology interface. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 8(2): 333-46.
Week 8 Religion and Spirituality
Required Readings
- Boyer, P (2000) Functional origins of religious concepts: ontological and strategic selection in evolved minds. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 6: 195-214.
- Barrett, J. L. (2000). Exploring the natural foundations of religion. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4: 29-34.
- Cassaniti, J. L., & Luhrmann, T. M. (2014). The Cultural Kindling of Spiritual Experiences. Current Anthropology, 55(S10), S333–S343.
Week 9 Emotion, feeling and Affect
Required Readings
- Beatty, A. (2005). Emotions in the Field: What Are We Talking About? The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 11(1), 17–37.
- Danilyn Rutherford. 2016. Affect Theory and the Empirical. Annual Review of Anthropology 45:1, 285-300.
- Skoggard, I. and Waterston, A. (2015), Introduction: Toward an Anthropology of Affect and Evocative Ethnography. Anthropology of Conscious, 26: 109-120.
- Sangren, P. S. 2004. Psychoanalysis and Its Resistances in Michel Foucault's "The
History of Sexuality": Lessons for Anthropology. Ethos 32, no. 1: 110-122.
Week 10 Field Trip & Writing Fieldnotes
Week 11 Treatment & Healing
Required Readings
- SIDKY, H. (2009), A Shaman's Cure: The Relationship Between Altered States of Consciousness and Shamanic Healing. Anthropology of Consciousness, 20: 171-197.
- Ismael Apud & Oriol Romaní (2020) Medical anthropology and symbolic cure: from the placebo to cultures of meaningful healing, Anthropology & Medicine, 27:2, 160-175.
- Moerman, D. E. (1979). Anthropology of Symbolic Healing. Current Anthropology, 20(1), 59–80.
Week 12 Alternative Therapies
Required Readings
- Marcus, O. (2022), Consume and Transform: Perfumes and healing in vegetalista healing practices of the Peruvian Amazon. Anthropology of Conscious.
- Charles D. Laughlin (2018) Meditation across cultures: a neuroanthropological approach, Time and Mind, 11:3, 221-257.
- Cook, J. and Cassaniti, J. (2022), Mindfulness and culture. Anthropology Today, 38: 1-3.
- Myers, N., Lewis, S. & Dutton, M.A. Open Mind, Open Heart: An Anthropological Study of the Therapeutics of Meditation Practice in the US. Cult Med Psychiatry 39, 487–504 (2015).
Week 13 Happiness & Well-being
Required Readings
- ORTNER, S. 2016. Dark anthropology and its others: theory since the eighties. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 6, 47–73.
- JOHNSTON, B., E. COLSON, D. FALK, ET AL. 2012. On Happiness. American Anthropologist 114, 6–18.
- MOORE, H. L. 1990. ‘Visions of the good life’: anthropology and the study of utopia. Cambridge Anthropology 14, 13–33.
Week 14 Empathy & Hope
Required Readings
- Geertz, C (1983) “`From the native’s point of view’: On the nature of anthropological understanding” originally published in Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 28, No. 1. (1974), pp. 26-45.
- C. JASON THROOP. “Suffering, Empathy, and Ethical Modalities of Being in Yap (Waqab), Federated States of Micronesia.” The Anthropology of Empathy. 1st ed. Berghahn Books, 2011.
- CHUA, J. L. 2014. In pursuit of the good life: aspiration and suicide in globalizing South India. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Week 15 Case Study Presentation 1
Week 16 Case Study Presentation 2
Week 17 Flexible Supplementary Teaching Week: Self-directed Integrated Learning.
Week 18 Flexible Supplementary Teaching Week: Completing the Term Paper.