Week | Date | Topic and Content | Note | 1 | 9/15 | Course Introduction
- First Day of Class Attendance Questionnaire
| | 2 | 9/22 | Unflattening and Project Preparation
- Social Problem Discussion: Education, Fake News, & Social Injustice Issues
- See Moodle for Reading Assignments
| | 3 | 9/29 | National Holiday (Moon Festival). No classes. University closed. | | 4 | 10/6 | Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies and Research Ethics
- Social Problem Discussion: COVID-19 Vaccine & The Tuskegee Experiment
- See Moodle for Reading Assignments
| | 5 | 10/13 | Agenda Setting and Problem Definition
- Social Problem Discussion: Environmental Justice and Sustainability
- See Moodle for Reading Assignments
| | 6 | 10/20 | Keynote Speech & Workshop I:
- Agenda Setting and Problem Definition: Ocean Environmental Justice, NPO Advocacy, and Sustainability
- See Moodle for Reading Assignments
| In-class Hours:
12:10-16:00 | 7 | 10/27 | Knowledge, Epistemology, and Science with a Field Trip
- Social Problem Discussion: Food Safety, Waste, and Circular Economy, Unequal Access to Healthy Food, Nutrition, and Eating Options
- Field Trip: Local Community nearby NCCU
- See Moodle for Reading Assignments
| In-class Hours:
13:10-17:00 | 8 | 11/3 | The Interdisciplinary Cognitive Toolkit and Disciplinarities
- Social Problem Discussion: Social Order and Equity: Police Brutality/Violence, Racial Bias, and Human Right
- See Moodle for Reading Assignments
| In-class Hours:
13:10-16:30 | 9 | 11/10 | Disciplinarities and Project Preparation
- See Moodle for Reading Assignments
| | 10 | 11/17 | Disciplinary Integration, Learning Literature Review, and Library Resources
- See Moodle for Reading Assignments
| | 11 | 11/24 | Finding a Social Problem: Field Observation & Presentation | | 12 | 12/1 | Introduction of Economics and Sociology
- Social Problem Discussion: Nature and Manmade Disasters: Hurricane, Gun Violence/School Shooting, Inflation
- See Moodle for Reading Assignments
| In-class Hours:
13:10-16:30 | 13 | 12/8 | Introduction of Political Science & Public Administration
- Social Problem Discussion: Collaborative Governance, and Collective Action Problems, Gender Inequality
- See Moodle for Reading Assignments
| | 14 | 12/15 | Keynote Speech & Workshop II:
- Gender Inequality: Gender Roles and Norms, Gender Pay Gap, Sex Harassment/Assault, and the #MeToo Movement
- See Moodle for Reading Assignments
| In-class Hours:
12:10-16:00 | 15 | 12/22 | Mapping and Integration with a Field Trip
- Social Problem Discussion: Climate Change and Social Justice
- Field Trip: Museum
- See Moodle for Reading Assignments
| In-class Hours:
13:10-16:30 | 16 | 12/29 | Disciplinary Integration and Justice
- Social Problem Discussion: AI and Control, Cyberbullying, Hate Crime
- See Moodle for Reading Assignments
| | 17 | 1/5 | Final Presentation with Q&A | | 18 | 1/12 | Final Presentation with Q&A | |
Each student is expected to:
- Lead course discussion
- Actively participate in course discussions, in-class activities, and group project assignments
- Complete all required assignments, activities, and examines on time
* All the assignments are designed to guide you to complete your final project with your critical thinking, problem identification, and problem-solving skills.
- Preparation, Engagement, and Participation (10%)
*Absent 3 times without university eligible reasons and the permissions from Dr. Shie in advance will lead to zero credit.
*Also, absence will lead to zero credit for those weekly assignments assigned for the week absent.
- Individual Assignments
- Weekly Questions, In-Class Activities, and Reflective Journals (25%)
- Leading Discussion, Critique, and Reflection (15%)
- Finding a Social Problem: Field Observation, Presentation, and Peer Feedback (15%)
- Group Assignments
- Group Project and Final Integration Presentation (30%)
- Group Discussion and Progress (5%)
*Group assignments will be graded based on your role(s) and contributions in each assignment, as well as self & peer-evaluation. Non-participation will lead to zero for your own group project grades.
* Lateness Policy:
If you have any questions or challenges or special learning needs, you need to contact Dr. Shie in advance to discuss your situation and a learning plan. At the same time, you have to reach out to NCCU resources and/or other relevant sources to support your situation and be able to request a letter of support.
Late homework submissions will only be accepted with a University approved excused absence given to the instructor within 48 hours of the missed due date as defined above. If you anticipate you won’t be able to meet the deadline with eligible reasons, you have to get an approval from Dr. Shie in advance.
Without an excused absence, given within 48 hours of the missed due date, there will be no late work accepted. From the time of the due date, students with an excused absence have 48 hours to turn in missing assignments, unless otherwise arranged with the instructor. If you have any questions or difficulties, contact Dr. Shie as soon as possible before the due dates.
- Required Text:
Repko, Allen F., Rick Szostak, and Michelle Phillips Buchberger. Introduction to interdisciplinary studies. SAGE Publications, Incorporated, 2019. (This book has been assigned as a textbook within the NCCU library.)
- Other required readings (for example, talks, videos, short readings, and journal articles) and weekly assignments will be posted within the class Moodle site to clarify concepts during the semester.