SemesterFall Semester, 2023
DepartmentJunior Class of Department of Diplomacy
Course NameForeign Policy of Japan
InstructorLIOU TO-HAI
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

Week 1: Introduction: Approaches to studying Japan's foreign economic relations: a major characteristic of Japanese foreign policy

Week 2: Economic diplomacy: a major characteristic of Japanese foreign policy (ODA, FDI, EPA)

Reinhard Drifte, Japan's Foreign Policy for the Twenty First Century: From Economic Superpower to What Power? (St Antony's Series) Palgrave Macmillan, 1998.

Japan pivots away from peace as fear of China grow,” The Australian Financial Review, April 21, 2023,

Drifte, Chapter 6 Economic Power, pp. 65-75.

Philip J. Meeks, "Japan and Global Economic Hegemony," in Tsuneo Akaha and Frank Langdon (eds) Japan in the Posthegemonic World, Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1993, pp. 41-68.

Drifte, Chapter 7 Trilateral Economic Interdependence, pp. 76-91.

Juichi Inada, "Japan's Aid Diplomacy: Economic, Political or Strategic?," Kathleen Newland (ed.) The International Relations of Japan, London: Millennium Publishing Group, 1990, pp. 100-120.

Hidetaka Yoshimatsu, Dennis D. Trinidad,Development Assistance, Strategic Interests, and the China Factor in Japan's Role in ASEAN Integration,” Japanese Journal of Political Science11. 2 (August 2010): 199-219.

Week 3: Japan's EPA and ODA Policy, China's Rise and Asian Economic Integration

Japan shakes up development aid to counter China's Belt and Road, Nikkei Asia, June 10, 2023

Yul Sohn, “Japan's New Regionalism: China Shock, Values, and the East Asian Community," Asian Survey, May/Jun 2010. Vol. 50, Iss. 3; pp. 497-519.

Michael Auslin, “Japan's National Power in a Shifting Global Balance,”

Strategic Asia 2015–16: Foundations of National Power in the Asia-Pacific

Nov 2015

"Japan may be buffeted by China in digital field amid economic slump," Mainichi Shimbun, January 19, 2021,

"Revisiting the Obama-Hatoyama Relationship," The Diplomat, January 12, 2021,

Week 4: Japan-China Relations

How Will China’s Rare Earth Export Controls Impact Japan?, The Diplomat, August 18, 2023,

Japan Awards Kawasaki Heavy Industries $243 Million Contract for Homegrown Version of Tomahawk Missile, The Diplomat, June 7, 2023,

Ted Galen Carpenter, “Washington Needs to Jettison Its Commitment to Defend the Senkakus,” January 9, 2020, This article appeared on China‐​US Focus on January 9, 2020,

Timur Dadabaev,Chinese and Japanese Foreign Policies towards Central Asia from a Comparative Perspective,” The Pacific Review, 2014 Vol. 27, No. 1, 123–145,

Brendan Howe, Between Normality and Uniqueness: Unwrapping the Enigma of Japanese Security Policy Decision-Making,” Modern Asian Studies 44.6 (Nov 2010): 1313-1336.

Glenn D. Hook, Julie Gilson, Christopher W. Hughes and Hugo Dobson, Japan’s International Relations: Politics, Economics and Security, Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies, London: Routledge, 2001, pp. 164-173.

June Teufel Dreyer, “Sino-Japanese Rivalry and Its Implications for Developing Nations,” Asian Survey Aug 2006, Vol. 46, No. 4: 538-557.

Airiti Library 華藝線上圖書館: Taiwanese Journal of WTO Studies

Week 5: Japan and NEA

Japan updates hydrogen plans, The Taipei Times , June 7, 2023, p.5,

Japan-Taiwan Economic Relations: Officially Strangers, Unofficially Friends

Nojima Tsuyoshi, "A New Administration in Taiwan: Prospects for Relations with Japan,” 2016.7.1,

Bridges, Brian; Chan, Che-po, “Looking North: Taiwan's Relations with Japan under Chen Shui-bian,” Pacific Affairs 81.4 (Winter 2008/2009): 577-596,509-510.

Sun, Jing, Japan-Taiwan Relations: Unofficial in Name Only,” Asian Survey/Oct 2007): 790-810.

Japan–South Korea Economic Relations

Hook, Gilson, Hughes and Dobson, pp. 173-182.

Colbert, Evelyn, "Japan and the Republic of Korea: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow," Asian Survey, Vol. XXVL, No. 3, March 1986, pp. 273-29.

Kim Hosupk, “Evaluation of President Roh Moo-hyun's Policy Toward Japan,” Korea Focus, November- December 2005, Vol. 13, No. 6,§ion=1

Week 6: Japan-ASEAN Economic Relations

Andrea Pressello, Japan and the shaping of post-Vietnam War Southeast Asia: Japanese diplomacy and the Cambodian conflict, 1978-1993, Routledge, 2017.

SUKEGAWA Seiya(助川成也), "Japan, ASEAN, and ‘De-risking’ Through Free Trade," The Diplomat, July 20, 2023,

From Bangkok to Manila, Southeast Asia metro rail expands rapidly, Nikkei Asia, July 11, 2023,

Mitsubishi receives $2bn order for Philippine commuter railway, Nikkei Asia, March 4, 2023,

Manila debuts light rail cars built with Japanese tech, Nikkei Asia, July 20, 2023,

Japan's MUFG to buy Indonesian car loan company, Nikkei Asia, June 26, 2023,

Sueo Sudo, "Japan's ASEAN Policy: Reactive or Proactive in the Face of A Rising China in East Asia? ," Asian Perspective33.1 (2009): 137-158.

Sueo Sudo, The Fukuda Doctrine and ASEAN: New Dimensions in Japanese Foreign Policy, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies; 1992. [327.52S943; 697211]

Heinrich Kreft, "Japan's Links with East and Southeast Asia," Aussenpoitik, January 1996, pp. 71-81.

Ronald Bruce St John, "Japan's Moment in Indochina: Washington Initiative...Tokyo Success," Asian Survey, July 1995, pp.668-681.

To-hai Liou, "Japan's Responses to AEC and RCEP," International Conference on the Establishment of the AEC and RCEP: Challenges and Opportunities, July 29, 2015.

Tzu-Ting Huang, "Japan's FTA Strategy in the 21th Century: Leveraging between RCEP and TPP," Taiwanese Journal of WTO Studies(WTO研究), Vol. 28, 2016, pp. 29-74.

Edwin Van De Haar, "Philippine Trade Policy and the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA)1," Contemporary Southeast Asia33.1 (Apr 2011): 113-139.

David Arase, "Japan's Foreign Aid to Thailand and the Philippines / The New Multilateralism in Japan's Foreign Policy, the American Political Science Review91.4 (Dec 1997): 1011-1012.

Fumitaka Furuoka, "Malaysia-Japan Relations under the Mahathir Administration: Case Studies of the ‘Look East’ Policy and Japanese Investment in Malaysia,” Asian Survey. May/Jun 2007. Vol. 47, No. 3; pp. 505-519.

Hook, Gilson, Hughes and Dobson, pp. 183-206.

Week 7: Japan's relations with Indo-Pacific

India and Japan: Connecting the Connectivities in the Bay of Bengal, The Diplomat, August 16, 2023,

The India-Japan-Bangladesh triangle is worth watching, Nikkei Asia, June 28, 2023,The India-Japan-Bangladesh triangle is worth watching, Nikkei Asia, June 28, 2023,

Kishida pledges $75bn for Indo-Pacific infrastructure on India trip, Nikkei Asia, March 20, 2023,

India's Japan-backed bullet train project gathers speed, Nikkei Asia, April 7, 2023,

To-hai Liou, 2013, “India's Approach to Asian Economic Integration,” Chapter 7, The Rise of India印度崛起, Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University, pp. 154-186.

Henry Laurence,Japan's Proactive Foreign Policy and the Rise of the BRICS,” Asian Perspective, 2007, Vol. 31, No. 4; pp. 177-203.

Lalima Varma, Japan-South Asia : security and economic perspectives, New Delhi : Lancer Books, c2000 327.5205 J35-III 國研四樓

Japan funding fuels development boom on Bangladesh coastNikkei Asia, June 26, 2023,

Joshi Sanjana, The Geopolitical Context of Changing Japan-India Relations ,” UNISCI Discussion Papers 32 (May 2013): 117-136.

Japan-Australia Economic Relations

The right lessons to take from Australia-Japan defense cooperation, Nikkei Asia, July 20, 2023,

A Look at Japan’s Latest Hydrogen Strategy, The Diplomat, July 7, 2023

Japan updates hydrogen plans, The Taipei Times , June 7, 2023, p.5,

Australia no longer Japan’s ‘most trusted’ LNG supplier, The Australian Financial Review, July 5, 2023,

To-hai Liou, "Australia-Japanese Relations in the Post-Cold War Era," "Taiwanese Journal of Australian Studies(澳洲研究), Vol. 1, 2000, pp. 153-178.

Andrew O'Neil, "Australia, Japan, and East Asia's Evolving Strategic Environment," Taiwanese Journal of Australian Studies, Vol. 7, 2006, pp. 81-107.

Malcolm Cook, The future of Australia-Japan Relations, Lowy Institute for International Policy, 2007,

Anno, Tadashi,Japanese domestic politics and security cooperation with Australia: the limits of 'normalisation',” Australian Journal of International Affairs, Feb 2011, Vol. 65 Issue 1, p24-39

Wilkins, Thomas S.”Japan's alliance diversification: a comparative analysis of the Indian and Australian strategic partnerships,” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Jan 2011, Vol. 11, Issue 1, 115-155

 Week 8: Japan's Relations with NAFTA

T. David Mason and Abdul M. Turay (ed) Japan, NAFTA and Europe: Trilateral Cooperation or Confrontation? , 2016

Mireya Solís, Saori N Katada, "The Japan-Mexico FTA: A Cross-Regional Step in the Path towards Asian Regionalism," Pacific Affairs, Vancouver: Summer 2007. Vol. 80, No. 2; pp. 279-301.

Week 9: Japan-EU Economic Relations

Supply Chain Dynamics in the Japan-Europe Relationship, The Diplomat, Issue 105, August 2023,

Growing Japan-Italy Ties Emphasize Tokyo’s Pressing Need for Assistance, The Diplomat, August 14, 2023,

"EU-Japan to upgrade security ties in Asia: summit statement draft," Nikkei Asia, July 4, 2023,

Mangantar Simon Hutagalung, "A NATO office in Japan would only bring trouble," Nikkei Asia, June 22, 2023,

To-hai Liou, 2020, "EU-China Economic Relations in an Era of Uncertainty: Germany as an Example," Taiwanese Journal of WTO Studies, No. XXXIII, pp. 1-38.

Ryo Oshiba, A Japanese View of the EU,”Perspectives 20.2 (2012): 103-128,142.

Week 10: Mid term Exam

Week 11: Japan-Middle East Economic Relations

Kishida’s Trip to Middle East Focuses on Energy, Defense Cooperation, The Diplomat, July 21, 2023,

Japan seeks UAE investments in chips, batteries via new framework, Nikkei Asia, July 18, 2023,

Qatar 'prepared' to ensure stable LNG supply, emir tells Japan PM, Nikkei Asia, July 19, 2023,

Irina Ionela Pop, “China's Energy Strategy in Central Asia: Interactions with Russia, India and Japan,” UNISCI Discussion Papers, 24 (Oct 2010): 197-220.

Week 12: Japan-Turkey Economic Relations

Scott Morrison, Japan and Turkey: The Contours and Current Status of an Economic Partnership/Free Trade Agreement Insight Turkey 16.2 (Spring 2014): 183-195.

K Ali Akkemik, Is Turkey Turning Its Face Away From Japan to China and Korea? Evidence from Trade Relations Perceptions21.1 (Spring 2016): 45-62.

Selçuk Çolakoglu, Turkey's East Asian Policy: From Security Concerns to Trade Partnerships Perceptions17.4 (Winter 2012): 129-158.

Bahadir Pehlivanturk, Turkish-Japanese Relations: Turning romanticism into rationality,” International Journal67.1 (Winter 2011/2012): 101-117.

Week 13:Japan- Central Asia Economic Relations


Lutfullah Mangi, Dynamics of Japan-Central Asia Relations,” The Journal of Central Asian Studies 20.1 (2011): 125-134.

Michael Auslin, “Japan's National Power in a Shifting Global Balance,”

Strategic Asia 2015–16: Foundations of National Power in the Asia-Pacific

Week 14:Japan-Latin America Economic Relations

Ruben Berrios, “Japan's Economic Presence in Latin America,”Latin American Politics and Society43.2 (Summer 2001): 147-161

Week 15:Japan-Africa Economic Relations

Ilunga Tchoma Kitenge, Japan-Africa Relations,” African Studies Quarterly 12.2 (Winter 2011): 89-91.

Howard Lehman, Japan's Foreign Aid Policy to Africa Since the Tokyo International Conference on African DevelopmentJapan-Africa Relations,” Pacific Affairs 78.3 (Fall 2005): 423-442,347,352.

Week 16:Oral Presentation (20 minutes for each presenter, ten minutes for each presentation, 10 minutes for Q&A)

Week 17:Oral Presentation

Week 18:Oral Presentation

Students are required to prepare for group debate, individual paper oral presentation and written paper.  As a result, in addition to attending lectures every week, they have to prepare for group debate themselves and group meetings at least two hours weekly in the first half of course. Then, they need to prepare for their individual oral presentation and written papers at least two hours weekly in the second half of course, in particular after the mid term exam. 


Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant

Grade: midterm exam (30%); Group debate (20%); individual paper oral presentation (20%); paper (20%); class performance (10%)


Textbook & Reference
Urls about Course