Participants will conduct an independent mini-research project leading toward a final essay at the end of the semester. Besides the final essay, students are also required to keep a 'progress log' that records their research activities (e.g., reading reference, searching for articles, learning citation styles, study groups etc.) related to the independent inquiry.
Metaphysical Inquiry (100%):
Progress Log: 30%
Final essay: 70%
Assessment Criteria
90-100: The student is familiar with the thinkers' positions and elaborates on the arguments that support the positions. The student proves his/her independent thinking and understanding by critically examining the arguments and defending them against possible counter-arguments.
80-89: The student knows the thinkers' positions to a certain extent and shows an approximate understanding of the arguments. The student tries to develop his/her own critique or his/her own response to a possible critique, but the attempt is not effective.
70-79: The student conveys the central ideas in the texts/ of the positions correctly, but does not present the arguments in an organized, systematic manner. Nor does he/she consider any critique or possible answers to objections.
60-69: The student fails to explain the thinkers' positions or arguments and shows a seriously incomplete understanding.
Below 60: The student shows the problems mentioned above and fails to complete the assignment.