SemesterSpring Semester, 2021
DepartmentGeneral Education Courses in Foreign Languages
Course NameCollege English II
Course TypeSelectively
PrerequisiteCollege English I
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule



學年學期 Academic Year / Semester

109學年度第2學期 Spring Semester, 2020

開課單位 Course Department

外文中心 Foreign Language Center

課程名稱 Course Name

大學英文 (二):College English II:

授課教師 Instructor

謝思蕾 Dr. Cheryl L. Sheridan

職稱 Title

專任助理教授 Full-time Assistant Professor

學分數 No. of Credits


修別 Type of Credit

群修 Partially Required

先修科目 Prerequisite(s)

大學英文 (二) College English II


Check your schedule


Check your schedule


課程簡介Course Description

Welcome to Our College English Classroom!

College English I/II is a two-semester course, designed to help students improve their English language proficiency and develop the ability to engage critically with the world. While it is a four-skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) integrated course, a particular emphasis will be placed on speaking and writing skills freshman students tend to lack most. All College English I/II courses are conducted in English. 

課程目標與學習成效Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, students will have improved their English language fluency and achieved a familiarity with a selection of issues related to cross-cultural communication. This is accomplished by providing a variety of authentic media and specific instruction on reading and listening strategies.

Learning outcomes for speaking

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Conduct a short interview

  • Analyze, question, or comment on listening content 

  • Give an oral report or a speech 

  • Give a formal oral presentation 

  • Explain and support an argument 

Learning outcomes for writing

By the end of the course, students will be able to do the following in written form:

  • Analyze and comment on listening content 

  • Analyze and comment on reading content 

  • Express opinions regarding local and global issues 

  • Prepare a statement of purpose for student exchange program, scholarship or internship.

Learning outcomes related to intercultural awareness

By the end of the course, students will have improved their ability to:

  • Analyze cultural differences using the cross-cultural theory taught

  • Identify potential misunderstandings or conflicts in cross-cultural situations

  • Explain and critique the impact of globalization

每週課程進度與作業要求Course Schedule & Requirements 

(Adjustments will be Shown in Moodle)







Content and Reading Assignment


Teaching Activities and Homework


Student workload expectation




Welcome back


Cross-cultural communication

PC Language Lecture/Discussion

  • Watch video on PC Language and complete checkpoint quiz

  • Purchase textbook if needed




Cross-cultural communication

PC Language Discussion

Watch video and take Checkpoint quiz on Non-Verbal Communication




Cross-cultural communication

Non-verbal Communication

Review and preview




Cross-cultural communication

Non-verbal Communication

  • Presentation topic proposal and outline 

  • Watch video and take Checkpoint quiz on Globalization




Cross-cultural communication Presentation topic proposal & outline due

Globalization discussion Globalization presentation

Group presentation PPT skeleton



Week 6 Children’s Day : Friday no class


Cross-cultural communication

Globalization presentation

Class in computer lab

Group Presentation




Cross-cultural communication

Presentation on Globalization & CCC

Presentation Individual Notes & Questions




Cross-cultural communication

Presentation on Globalization & CCC

Textbook material 





Unit 6: 

Backing Up History

  • Unit 6A 

  • Cause-Effect Paragraph: Destruction of historical site

HW: Cause-Effect Paragraph Draft 1




Unit 6: Backing Up History 

Cause-Effect Draft 1 due

Cause-Effect Paragraph 

In-class peer review

Lesson B

Cause-Effect Draft 2




Unit 7 Food for All 

Cause-Effect Draft 2 Due

Lesson A 

Complete Lesson A




Unit 7 Food for All 

Lesson A 

Statement of Purpose (SOP)

SOP Outline Read Unit 8 article & complete exercises 



Week 13 Athletic Contests: Wednesday & Thursday no class


Unit 8 Future Jobs

Lesson A 

Statement of Purpose (SOP)

Prepare U8 LA 




Unit 8 Future Jobs

Lesson A 

Statement of Purpose (SOP)

SOP Draft 1




Unit 8 Future Jobs 

Lesson B

SOP Draft 2




SOP Draft 2 due


Study for exam




Written Exam 21st Century Reading U678




Written Exam 21st Century Reading U678

Happy Summer Vacation!!

Congratulations for making it through your freshman year of college!


授課方式Teaching Approach

講述Lecture:25%;討論Discussion:35%;小組活動Group Activity:20%;數位學習E-learning20%;其他Other

評量工具與策略、評分標準Evaluation Criteria

Class time will be devoted to activities that allow you to practice and interact in English. To successfully complete the course, you must prepare the assigned homework before class and, while in class, actively participate in class discussions and pair/group work. All materials, including the written text, handouts, and any information spoken in class or written on the board will potentially be included on quizzes. Take notes. Keep all of the work you do during the course until after the final grades have been announced.  

Final grades will be determined by the following:

  • Participation and attendance: 15%

  • In-class exercises, informal presentations, and quizzes: 10%

  • Presentation and writing assignments: 35%

  • Mid-term oral presentation: 20%

  • Final written exam: 20%


Your participation grade will be based on your attendance, meeting deadlines and following assignment submission instructions, and the contribution you make to the learning experience of others. Contribution includes in-class questions to the instructor, insights and comments regarding class content, answers to the instructor’s questions, and reactions to other students’ contributions. 

In-class exercises/quizzes

Periodically throughout the semester, writing/listening exercises and pop quizzes may be given in class. These exercises and quizzes can NOT be made up. 

Oral presentations

In addition to in-class oral discussion and presentations, students will learn about and practice job interviews. In the job search role play you will video record a job interview with a partner based on a resume of a character you will be provided and a job advertisement you will choose on an online website. In the second part, you will give a 3-5-minute introduction to your character individually. The anecdote will be presented “live” to the class. 

Written assignments 

In addition to the periodic in-class and take-home writing exercises, there will be two graded paragraph writing assignments. In each assignment, you will respond to the writing prompts regarding an issue presented in the textbook or cross-cultural communication. Your work should show you have completed and thought seriously and critically about the topic. You are also encouraged to research the topic and cite your sources. A writing template and an assessment rubric for each assignment are available on the class Moodle.


  • All materials, including the readings, handouts, and information provided in class will potentially be included on mid-term and final exams.  The mid-term exam is an oral presentation on cross-cultural communication. The instructor will evaluate your ability to speak for an extended period of time without hesitation, deviation or repetition using your own words to express your ideas. The final exam is a written test on 21st Century Reading material.

  • For the mid-term, you and two other students will report on the relationship of globalization to cross-cultural communication. The presentation should be approximately 15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion. Each group should submit their proposal and their outline two weeks prior to the presentations for their topic approval. Following the presentation, they will submit a short written report. More details will be provided in class and on Moodle. 

  • An assessment rubric for the speaking test is available on the class website. No make-up exams will be given unless you have received the instructor’s permission at least one week in advance.

授課教師Office Hours、地點Office Location

By appointment during scheduled prep and grading time (see schedule on Moodle)

Office: 研究暨創新育成總中心510室 / Phone 2939-3091 x 69510 / Email: 

教學助理基本資料Teaching Assistant Tasks

Preparing materials, posting on Moodle, Grading exams, Recording grades, Maintaining records


指定/參考書目Textbook & References

  • Title: 21st Century Reading: Creative Thinking and Reading with TED Talks Book 4 (2015)

    Authors: Laurie Blass and Jessica Williams

    Publisher: National Geographic Learning / CENGAGE Learning

  • Supplementary readings: To be posted on Moodle for students to download and print. 

  • Resources:

  • VoiceTube:

  • BBC Learning English:

  • TED talks:

課程相關連結Course Related Links

Course Moodle / Cross-Cultural Communication MOOC

本課程附件Course Attachments

On Moodle



Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant



Class time will be devoted to activities that allow you to practice and interact in English. To successfully complete the course, you must prepare the assigned homework before class and, while in class, actively participate in class discussions and pair/group work. All materials, including the written text, handouts, and any information spoken in class or written on the board will potentially be included on quizzes. Take notes. Keep all of the work you do during the course until after the final grades have been announced. 

Final grades will be determined by the following:

  • Participation and attendance: 15%

  • In-class exercises, informal presentations, and quizzes: 10%

  • Presentation and writing assignments: 35%

  • Mid-term oral presentation: 20%

  • Final written exam: 20%


Your participation grade will be based on your attendance, meeting deadlines and following assignment submission instructions, and the contribution you make to the learning experience of others. Contribution includes in-class questions to the instructor, insights and comments regarding class content, answers to the instructor’s questions, and reactions to other students’ contributions.


In-class exercises/quizzes

Periodically throughout the semester, writing/listening exercises and pop quizzes may be given in class. These exercises and quizzes can NOT be made up.

Oral presentations

In addition to in-class oral discussion and presentations, students will learn about and practice job interviews. In the job search role play you will video record a job interview with a partner based on a resume of a character you will be provided and a job advertisement you will choose on an online website. In the second part, you will give a 3-5-minute introduction to your character individually. The anecdote will be presented “live” to the class.

Written assignments

In addition to the periodic in-class and take-home writing exercises, there will be two graded paragraph writing assignments. In each assignment, you will respond to the writing prompts regarding an issue presented in the textbook or cross-cultural communication. Your work should show you have completed and thought seriously and critically about the topic. You are also encouraged to research the topic and cite your sources. A writing template and an assessment rubric for each assignment are available on the class Moodle.


  • All materials, including the readings, handouts, and information provided in class will potentially be included on mid-term and final exams. The mid-term exam is an oral presentation on cross-cultural communication. The instructor will evaluate your ability to speak for an extended period of time without hesitation, deviation or repetition using your own words to express your ideas. The final exam is a written test on 21st Century Reading material.

  • For the mid-term, you and two other students will report on the relationship of globalization to cross-cultural communication. The presentation should be approximately 15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion. Each group should submit their proposal and their outline two weeks prior to the presentations for their topic approval. Following the presentation, they will submit a short written report. More details will be provided in class and on Moodle.

An assessment rubric for the speaking test is available on the class website. No make-up exams will be given unless you have received the instructor’s permission at least one week in advance.

Textbook & Reference

Title: 21st Century Reading: Creative Thinking and Reading with TED Talks Book 4 (2015)

Authors: Laurie Blass and Jessica Williams

Publisher: National Geographic Learning / CENGAGE Learning

Urls about Course
Course Moodle Cross-Cultural Communication MOOC