SemesterSpring Semester, 2020
DepartmentIMBA Program, First Year IMBA Program, Second Year
Course NameCo-Opetition: A Game Theoretic Approach to Business Practices
InstructorCHOU TE-YU
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

1st module: 

Scouting the environment: Introduction of Game Theory 

2nd module: 

What’s in a market: Working with Demand and peek inside the market volatility 

3rd module: 

May the force be with you: Supply side analysis 

4th module: 

Game Analytics 

5th module: 

The Myth of Cooperation:3D Negotiation 

6th module: 

What a Wonderful Networked World: Why Networking is important for your career and business success?

Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant



期中小組產出 (Team outputs throughout the semester)40%,期末評量(Final Comprehensive Project)50%,課堂參與(Participation)10%。

Textbook & Reference

1. Information Rules – A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy. By Carl Shapiro and Hal Varian. 1999 McGraw-Hill (資訊經營法則—時報文化) 

2. Various readings uploaded to the course moodle website

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