You are expected to:
- participate actively in all in-class activities and discussion;
- preview assigned material;
- attend each class and be on time;
- take an individual speaking test;
- conduct a group oral presentation;
- hand in writing assignments;
- attend a final examination.
Your final grades are determined by the following course components:
- Individual speaking test: 10%
- Group oral presentation: 20 %
- Final examination: 20 %
- Writing assignments (one each: case study summary, resume,andcover letter): 30%
- Attendance (10%), class participation (10%): 20 %
Attendance will be recorded in every class, when possible. Habitual lateness and unauthorized use of cell phone will also jeopardize your attendance records. A leave of absenceshould be arranged beforehand or soon afterwards with proper documentation.
Class participation refers to your active involvement in the class activities including your in-class questions to the instructor, insights and comments regarding class content, responses to the instructor’s questions, and reactions to other students’ contributions.
Writing assignments
In addition to the periodic in-class writing exercises, individual- or group-based, you will complete three major writing assignments: (1) a case study summary, (2) a personal resume, and (3) a cover letter. The case study summary is based on one of the case studies conducted in class. A writing template and gradingrubrics will be provided in class. For the resume and cover letter, you will be asked to respond to an authentic, self-chosen job advertisement. Even with limited work experience, you are encouraged to list and to elaborate on your most favorable qualifications by closely examining your academic background and relevant experiences. All writing assignments are to be handed in on the due dates. No late hand-ins are accepted unless pre-approved.
Oral presentations
You will take one individual speaking test and give one group presentation. The individual test is based on your speaking performance in a mock teleconference call. For the group presentation, you will team up with 4 or 5 other classmates of your choice and develop a feasible solution to a long-standingproblem, which you identify, at a workplace. The group presentation should be approximately 20 minutes long, followed by a Q&A session. Specific guidelines and grading rubrics will be provided in class.
The final exam is a paper-&-pencil exam. All materials, including the readings, handouts, and audio-video exercises provided in class throughout the semester will potentially be included. No make-up exam will be given unless you obtain the instructor’s permission in advance.