SemesterSpring Semester, 2020
DepartmentMA Program of English, First Year Ph.D. Program in English Literature, First Year MA Program of English, Second Year Ph.D. Program in English Literature, Second Year
Course NameFurious Fictions : William Faulkner and the Global South
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule


The journal is a record of your response to our class readings. Every two or three weeks, I will post a number of questions online to guide your reading – and I expect you to keep a written account of your engagement. You may do this on your own time, but I may also give you some limited classroom time to write in your journals. This activity helps structure our classroom discussions, since these questions will serve as launching points for further critical inquiry. I do not expect your responses to be perfect or even to answer fully my questions; rather, our journals will help bridge our private reading with the concerns of the classroom community.


Presentation and Assignments:

Each student will be responsible for two classroom presentations, in which the student presents on a given topic and helps guide classroom discussion. On week ten, you will hand in a short essay proposal, which I will return the following week. This will lay the basis for your term essay (12-16 pages), which will be due at the end of the semester. 

Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant




Participation:                                                   10%

Journal:                                                            15%

Presentations:                                                 15%

Paper Proposal (1 to 2 pages)                         10%

Term Paper (12-16 pages):                              30%

Midterm Exam:                                               20%


Total                                                                100%

Textbook & Reference

See Syllabus

Urls about Course
To be provided in moodle

Faulkner Graduate Class.pdf