Required Materials:
Janusz Kucharczyk, Zaczynam mówi? po polsku, ?ód? 1999
Students are asked to have a file in which they can keep their handouts and assignments in order. Each person should have a notebook, too. Please make sure to have clean paper (size A4) for writing your weekly homework.
(Please note:
Evaluation criteria:
Active class participation will be the basic criterion for evaluation. Please demonstrate your willing to understand the topic being discussed.
When you express yourself, please do not worry about making mistakes. In our class, the emphasis will be put on your ability to communicate your ideas efficiently, though not always perfectly.
Class attendance and participation are required. Each student is allowed for three absences in every semester. Being late for class twice counts as one absence. Sick leaves and official leaves will not be granted without credentials. Beyond 5 sessions per semester, your overall grade will automatically be below 50, so please do not let it happen.
No cell phones are allowed unless you check some vocabulary when approved by the teacher.
Please note the following regulations for the midterm and final exam:
- During exam, no cell phone is allowed. Using a phone results in a failing grade (0%).
- Please come on time. Students who are later than 15 minutes will not be allowed to take exam.
- Make sure to return your paper on time, when everybody does so. Please make sure not to hand it in after the teacher has collected all sheets and announced that the exam is over.
Participation and in-class tests – 25%
Attendance – 25%
Midterm exam – 25%
Final exam – 25%
Assignments written on ugly or dirty pieces of paper will NOT be accepted.)