SemesterSpring Semester, 2020
DepartmentSophomore Class A, Department of English Sophomore Class B, Department of English
Course NameWriting and Reading (II)
Course TypeRequired
PrerequisiteReading & Debating in English 2、Writing and Reading (II)、Writing Tutorial
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

Week 1: Introduction

Week 2-4 Analogy

Week 5-6:  Summary writing 

Week 7: Synthesis of Rhetorical Forms 

Week 8: Research skills: Quoting Summarizing Paraphrasing and Outlining 

Week 9-18 Composing a mini research paper

Topics to be covered for developing advanced reading skills include: 

1. Reinforcing the Reading skills taught in the first year 

2. Developing and expanding vocabulary 

3. Introducing Critical Thinking & Analysis

Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant



There will be writing assignments for this semester (first drafts and revisions) and a mini research paper.

All assignments must be handed in before the deadline. Late assignments will not be accepted. This means you will receive zero (0) as your grade if you miss a deadline.

Plagiarism will immediately result in zero (0) as your assignment grade.

Be sure to review and read the textbook before class. Discussion grades are counted.

More details will be provided at the first class.

Textbook & Reference

to be announced in class.

Urls about Course