Week Chapter Subjects and Assignments
1 Ch1 (2) Introduction to Management Science
2 Ch4 (3) Formulating Linear Programming Models/3 hours for lecture and 3 hours for homework
3 Ch4 (3) Formulating Linear Programming Models/3 hours for lecture and 3 hours for homework
4 Ch9 (2) Formulating Integer Programming Models/3 hours for lecture and 3 hours for homework
5 First Exam
6 Ch4 (2) Solving Linear Programming Problems: the Simplex Method/3 hours for lecture and 2 hours for homework
7 Ch4 (2,4) The Simplex Method/3 hours for lecture and 3 hours for homework
8 Ch4 (2,4) The Simplex Method/3 hours for lecture and 3 hours for homework
9 Ch9 (2) The Branch and Bound Method/3 hours for lecture and 3 hours for homework
10 Second Exam
11 Genetic Algorithms/3 hours for lecture
12 Ch8 (2,4) Transportation, Assignment, and Transshipment Problems/3 hours for lecture and 3 hours for homework
13 Ch8 (2,4) Transportation, Assignment, and Transshipment Problems/3 hours for lecture and 3 hours for homework
14 Ch9 (2,4) Network Models/3 hours for lecture and 3 hours for homework
15 Ch9 (2,4) Network Models/3 hours for lecture and 3 hours for homework
16 Case Competition
17 Final Exam
Note: The notation used under the column of Chapter, a(b): ‘a’ stands for the chapter number and ‘b’ stands for the book number used in Section 'Text Books'.
Text Books
1. F.S. Hillier M.S. Hillier K. Schmeder and M. Stephens Introduction to Management Science Fourth Edition
McGraw Hill 2011.
2. W. L. Winston, Operations Research, Fourth Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2004.
3. R. L. Rardin, Optimization in Operations Research, Prentice Hall, 1998.
4. N. Wu and R. Coppins, Linear Programming and Extensions, McGraw Hill, 1981.