SemesterSpring Semester, 2020
DepartmentInternational Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, First Year International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, Second Year International Doctor Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, Third Year
Course NameDevelopment and Policy
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

Theme One: Theoretical Foundations

Week 1 Overall Introduction

Week 2 Analytical Approach

Thelen, Kathleen, 1999. “Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Politics,” American Review of Political Science 2: 369-404.

Frey, Bruno, and Stephan Meier, 2003, “Pro-social Behavior in a Natural Setting,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 54: 65-88.

Levi, Margaret 1997. "A Model, A Method and a Map: Rational Choice in Comparative and Historical Analysis," in Mark Lichbach and Alan Zuckerman eds., Comparative Politics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Week 3 Development in the Context of Globalization

Stiglitz, Joseph E., 2003. Globalization and Its Discontents. New York, NY: W.W. Norton. pp. 23-88.

Week 4 Liberal Approach, Neoliberalism

Amsden, Alice H. 2001. The Rise of “The Rest”: Challenges to the West from Late-Industrializing Economies. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 31-121.

Fagerberg, Jan, Martin Srholec, and Mark Knell, 2007. “The Competitiveness of Nations: Why Some Countries Prosper While Others Fall Behind”, World Development 35 (10): 1595-1620.

Week 5 Rational Choice Perspective

Bates, Robert H., 1981. Markets and States in Tropical Africa: The Political Basis of Agricultural Policies. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Meier, Stephan. 2007. “A Survey of Economic Theories and Field Evidence on Pro-Social Behavior.” In Economics and Psychology: A Promising New Cross-Disciplinary Field, eds. Bruno S. Frey, and Alois Stutzer. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, pp. 51-88. PDF


Week 6 Continental Approach: Foucault, Bourdieu

Nustad, Knut, 2001. “Development: The Devil We Know?” Third World Quarterly 2 (4): 479-489.

Peet, Richard and Elartwick Hartwick, 2009. Theories of Development: Contentions, Arguments, Alternatives. New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Assignment: Offer the topic of your term paper

Week 7 How Institutions/Policies Matters?

Acemoglu, Daron and James A. Robinson, 2012. Why Nations Fall. New York, NY: Crown.

Haber, Stephen, Armando Razo, Noel Maurer, 2004. The Politics of Property Rights: Political Instability, Credible Commitments, and Economic Growth in Mexico, 1876-1929. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Theme Two: Dynamics and Synergetic Development

Week 8 Economic, Social, and Political Interactions

Morduch, Jonathan. 1999. “The Microfinance Promise.” Journal of Economic Literature 37: 1569-1614. PDF

Fukuyama, Francis. 2001. “Social Capital, Civil Society and Development.” Third World Quarterly 22 (1): 7-20. PDF

Week 9 Political and Social Interaction

Wang, Xu. 1999. “Mutual empowerment of state and society: Its Nature, Conditions, Mechanisms, and Limits” Comparative Politics 31 (2): 231-49. PDF

Assignment: Offer Term Paper Outline

Week 10: Just and Sustainable Development

Hopwood, Bill, Mary Mellor, Geoff O'Brien, 2005. “Sustainable Development: Mapping Different Approaches,” Sustainable Development 13 (1): 38-52.

Week 11: Elements, Factors, Routes and Modes of Development

Piketty, Thomas (Goldhammer, Arthur), 2014. Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Week 12 Civil, Economic and Political Dynamics

Putnam, Robert, 1993. Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Woolcock, Michael, 1998. “Social Capital and Economic Development: Toward a Theoretical Synthesis and Policy Framework,” Theory and Society, 27: 151-208.

Week 13 Mid-term Examination

Theme Three: Developmental Challenges and Institutions Solutions

Week 14 Challenges and Responding Strategies

Powell, Walter and Kaisar Snellman, 2004, “The Knowledge Economy,” Annual review of Sociology, 30: 199-220.

Chandler, Alfred D., and Takashi Hikino. 1997. “The Large Industrial Enterprise and the Dynamics of Modern Growth,” in Chandler et al. eds., Big Business and the Wealth of Nations. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Week 15 Alternative Development

Pieterse, Nederveen, 1998. “My Paradigm or Yours? Alternative Development, Post-Development, Reflexive Development,” Development and Change, 29, 343-373.

Week 16-18 Mini-conference

Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant



1. Class Attendance and Active Participation (30%):

All students are required to attend each class meeting, and be ready to discuss the reading materials and major issues with others. This course will be taught in a diagnostic mode in which students’ own works will be put under examination in the class, the discussion demands a basic politeness and courtesy.

2. Two Assignments (15% each, 30% total)

3. Final Paper (40%):

Textbook & Reference
Urls about Course