2020-02-19(Wed)Week01 - Introduction
2020-02-26(Wed)Week02 - The basic background knowledge-On Schumpeter I
Reading Assignment
Elliott, J. E. (1980). 'Marx and Schumpeter on capitalism's creative destruction: a comparative restatement', Quarterly Journal of Economics,(August): 45-68.
Fagerberg, J. (2003). 'Schumpeter and the revival of evolutionary economics: an appraisal of the literature.' Journal of Evolutionary Economics 13 (2), pp.125-159.
Malerba, F., and L. Orsenigo. (1997). 'Technological regimes and sectoral patterns of innovative activities', Industrial and Corporate Change,6(1): 83-117.
2020-03-04(Wed)Week03 - The basic background knowledge-On Schumpeter II
Reading Assignment
Elliott, J. E. (1980). 'Marx and Schumpeter on capitalism's creative destruction: a comparative restatement', Quarterly Journal of Economics,(August): 45-68.
Fagerberg, J. (2003). 'Schumpeter and the revival of evolutionary economics: an appraisal of the literature.' Journal of Evolutionary Economics 13 (2), pp.125-159.
Malerba, F., and L. Orsenigo. (1997). 'Technological regimes and sectoral patterns of innovative activities', Industrial and Corporate Change,6(1): 83-117.
2020-03-11(Wed)Week04 - The developmental state model
Reading Assignment
2020-03-18(Wed)Week05 - Global commodity chain and global production networks I
Reading Assignment
Gereffi, G. (1999). International trade and industrial upgrading in the apparel commodity chain. Journal of International Economics, 48, 37-70.
Humphrey, J., & H. Schmitz. (2002). How does insertion in global value chains affect upgrading industrial clusters? Regional Studies, 36, 1017-1027.
Ernst, D., and L. Kim. 2002. Global production networks, knowledge diffusion, and local capability formation. Research Policy 31 (8-9):1417-1429.
2020-03-25(Wed)Week06 - Global commodity chain and The global production networks II
Reading Assignment
Sturgeon, T. J., and Lester, R. K., 2004, The new global supply base: new challenges for local suppliers in East Asia, in Yusuf, S., Altaf, M. A., and Nabeshima, K., editors, Global Production Networking and Technology Change in East Asia: Washington D.C., The World Bank, p. 35-87.
Wang, Jenn-Hwan, & Lee, Chuan-Kai (2007). Global production networks and local institution building: the development of the information-technology industry in Suzhou, China, Environment and Planning A, 39(8), 1873-1888.
2020-04-01(Wed)Week07 - The national system of innovation perspective
Reading Assignment
Lunvall, Why study national systems and national styles of
innovation? Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 10:4, 403-422,
Edquist, C. (1997). 'Systems of innovation approaches - their emergence and characteristics', in C. Edquist,(ed.). Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organizations, London: Printer, pp.1-35.
Block, F., Keller, M. (2008) Where Do Innovations Come From? Transformations in the U.S. National Innovation System, 1970-2006. The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation.
2020-04-08(Wed)Week08 - Latecomer's catching up - East Asian technological learning I
Reading Assignment
Hobday, Michael (2000) "East versus Southeast Asian Innovation Systems: Comparing OEM- and TNC-led Growth in Electronics." Kim Linsu and R. Nelson, eds. Technology, Learning, and Innovation: Experiences of Newly Industrialing Economies. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 129-169.
Wang, Jenn hwan, Tsung-Yuan Chen and Ching-Jung Tsai, (2012) “In search of an Innovative state: the development of the biopharmaceutical Industry in Taiwan, Korea and China.” Development and Change, 43:2, 481–503.
2020-04-15(Wed)Week09 -Midterm week
Due of paper topic and abstract
2020-04-22(Wed)Week10 - Latecomer's catching up - East Asian technological learning II
Reading Assignment
Chu, Y.-W. (2009). "Eclipse or reconfigured? South Korea's developmental state and challenges of the global knowledge economy." Economy and Society, 38(2), 278-303.
Ernst, D. (2005). Pathways to innovation in Asia's leading electronics-exporting countries - a framework for exploring drivers and policy implications. International Journal of Technology Management, 29(1-2), pp. 6-20.
Wang, J. H. (2007). Divergent routes from catching up toward innovation: South Korea and Taiwan compared. The Journal of Development Studies, 43, 1084-1104.
2020-04-29(Wed)Week11 - China Rising in Global context I
Reading Assignment
Alvin Y. So, Yin-Wah Chu, (2016). The Global Rise of China. Polity press. London, UK : Academic Press/Elsevierpp.1-85.
2020-05-06(Wed)Week12 - China Rising in Global contextII
Reading Assignment
Alvin Y. So, Yin-Wah Chu, (2016). The Global Rise of China. Polity press. London, UK : Academic Press/Elsevierpp.88-232.
2020-05-13(Wed)Week13 - China's catch up development and innovation I
Reading Assignment
Lewis, Joanna I. (2015) China's Wind Power Industry and the Global Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy. NY, Columbia University Press. Pp. 1-75.
2020-05-20(Wed)Week14 - NCCU 93 anniversary celebration sports day
2020-05-27(Wed)Week15 - China's catch up development and innovation II
Reading Assignment
Lewis, Joanna I. (2015) China's Wind Power Industry and the Global Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy. NY, Columbia University Press. Pp. 75-175.
2020-06-03(Wed)Week16 - New development and the transformation of developmental state I
Reading Assignment
Haggard, S. 2004. Institutions and growth in East Asia. Studies in Comparative International Development 38 (4):53-81.
O’Riain, S. 2000. "The flexible developmental state: Globalization, information technology, and the "Celtic tiger"." Politics & Society 28: 157-193.
Wang, Jenn hwan,2016, "Towards A Platform Builder: the State’s Role in Taiwan Biopharmaceutical Industry" in Asian Developmental State, ed. Yin Wah Chu, London: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 97-116.
2020-06-10(Wed)Week17 - New development and the transformation of developmental stateII
Reading Assignment
Haggard, S. 2004. Institutions and growth in East Asia. Studies in Comparative International Development 38 (4):53-81.
O’Riain, S. 2000. "The flexible developmental state: Globalization, information technology, and the "Celtic tiger"." Politics & Society 28: 157-193.
Wang, Jenn hwan,2016, "Towards A Platform Builder: the State’s Role in Taiwan Biopharmaceutical Industry" in Asian Developmental State, ed. Yin Wah Chu, London: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 97-116.
2020-06-17(Wed)Week18 - Final week
Students' paper presentation
Alvin Y. So, Yin-Wah Chu, (2016). The Global Rise of China. Polity press. London, UK : Academic Press/Elsevierpp.1-85.
Block, F., Keller, M. (2008) Where Do Innovations Come From? Transformations in the U.S. National Innovation System, 1970-2006. The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation.
Chu, Y.-W. (2009). “Eclipse or reconfigured? South Korea's developmental state and challenges of the global knowledge economy.” Economy and Society, 38(2), 278-303.
Chu, Y.-W. (2009). “Eclipse or reconfigured? South Korea's developmental state and challenges of the global knowledge economy.” Economy and Society, 38(2), 278-303.
Edquist, C. (1997). 'Systems of innovation approaches - their emergence and characteristics', in C. Edquist,(ed.). Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organizations, London: Printer, pp.1-35. (in Edquist, V:1, 3-37)
Elliott, J. E. (1980). 'Marx and Schumpeter on capitalism's creative destruction: a comparative restatement', Quarterly Journal of Economics,(August): 45-68. (in Freeman,23-46)
Ernst, D. (2005). Pathways to innovation in Asia's leading electronics-exporting countries - a framework for exploring drivers and policy implications. International Journal of Technology Management, 29(1-2), pp. 6-20.
Ernst, D. (2005). Pathways to innovation in Asia's leading electronics-exporting countries - a framework for exploring drivers and policy implications. International Journal of Technology Management, 29(1-2), pp. 6-20.
Ernst, D., and L. Kim. 2002. Global production networks, knowledge diffusion, and local capability formation. Research Policy 31 (8-9):1417-1429.
Evans, P. (1995) Embedded Autonomy: States and Industrial Transformation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Pp.1-99.
Fagerberg, J. (2003). 'Schumpeter and the revival of evolutionary economics: an appraisal of the literature.' Journal of Evolutionary Economics 13 (2), pp.125-159.
Gereffi, G. (1999). International trade and industrial upgrading in the apparel commodity chain. Journal of International Economics, 48, 37-70.
Humphrey, J., & H. Schmitz. (2002). How does insertion in global value chains affect upgrading industrial clusters? Regional Studies, 36, 1017-1027.
Joachim Jan Thraen (2016). Mastering Innovation in China: Insights from History on China’s Journey towards Innovation. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-14556-9
Locke, Richard and Rachel Wellhausen2014 Production in Innovation Economy the challenge to Japan. Cambridge, Mass; MIT Press.
Lunvall, Why study national systems and national styles of innovation? Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 10:4, 403-422, DOI:10.1080/09537329808524324
Malerba, F., and L. Orsenigo. (1997). 'Technological regimes and sectoral patterns of innovative activities', Industrial and Corporate Change,6(1): 83-117.
Rajiv Shah, Zhijie Gao, Harini Mittal (2015). Innovation, entrepreneurship, and the economy in the US, China, and India: historical perspectives and future trends. London, UK : Academic Press/Elsevier.
Sturgeon, T. J., and Lester, R. K., 2004, The new global supply base: new challenges for local suppliers in East Asia, in Yusuf, S., Altaf, M. A., and Nabeshima, K., editors, Global Production Networking and Technology Change in East Asia: Washington D.C., The World Bank, p. 35-87.
Wang, J. H. (2007). Divergent routes from catching up toward innovation: South Korea and Taiwan compared. The Journal of Development Studies, 43, 1084-1104.
Wang, Jenn-Hwan, & Lee, Chuan-Kai (2007). Global production networks and local institution building: the development of the information-technology industry in Suzhou, China, Environment and Planning A, 39(8), 1873-1888.