SemesterSpring Semester, 2020
DepartmentJunior Class of Department of Diplomacy Senior Class of Department of Diplomacy
Course NamePractice in International Bargaining
Course TypeElective
PrerequisiteInternational Bargaining、International Negotiation、Korean Language II (Speaking/ Listening)
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

Please see the attchment.

Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant



The students should finish required readings before coming to class to participate fully in class discussion. They are encouraged to read other relevant materials on the topic of the specific week as a supplementary way to understand the topic in a proactive manner.

      The final score will be based on the following criteria: Final Exam (20%), Individual Research and Participation (40%), Group Research and Participation (20%), as well as Class Participation and Attendance (20%).

1. Final Exam (20%): Written exam to be held on June 18. The date may be adjusted upon students' request approved by the instructor. 

2. Individual Research and Participation (40%): Contribution, quality, and timeliness of research and position papers, as well as in-class news presentations. In the aftermath of the on-line simulations, each student should submit their own observations and reflections on the simulations in which they've participated. The length of this report should contain no more than 1200 Chinese or 850 English words.

3. Team Research and Participation (20%): Each team should meet outside the class period to come up with and coordinate policies, position papers, communiques, communications, etc. Each team's devotion to internet conferencing will be taken into account, too. Students can check this webpage ( to figure out how to develop a good position paper. A team position paper must contain no less than 1000 Chinese or 750 English words. Each team should email their position paper to the other teams that represent the same country, their own TA, and the instructor. Do not disseminate this paper to the other country teams. ICONSnet will open up its proposal system after it has made an announcement.)

4. Class Participation and Attendance (20%): The students should get involved actively in class discussions and negotiation simulations. A post-simulation peer review form will be passed to the students to know more precisely about each individual's performance in the simulation. Absence with no appropriate causes will seriously affect the score on participation.

Textbook & Reference

Please see the attachment.

Urls about Course

PIN tentative.pdf