SemesterSpring Semester, 2020
DepartmentMA Program of Education, First Year MA Program of Education, Second Year
Course NameGlobal Educational Trend and Selected Reading in Educational Journal
InstructorHOU YUNG-CHI
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule






Content and Reading Assignment


Teaching Activities and Homework


Student workload expectation


In-class Hours


Outside-of-class Hours



To give an overview about globalization and trends

Explain the syllabus and the required readings




Global trends and challenges

  1. Identify the English terminology in education

  2. Global education monitoring report, 2019: Migration, displacement and education: building bridges, not walls (UNESCO report, 2018) (Executive summary)

Completing worksheet on globalization and defining global trends




Global trends and challenges

1. 10 trends changing global higher education by WEIMER, L. (British report)

2. The meaning of globalization and internationalization in HE: Findings from a World Survey (Globalization and internationalization in higher education

Facilitate class discussion based on the reading questions




Quality assurance and higher education

  1. Higher Education and Emerging Markets: Opportunities, Anxiety and Unintended Consequences amid Globalization (Higher Education in the Global Age)

  2. International and regional networks

Facilitate class discussion based on the reading questions




Quality assurance and higher education

  1. Hou, Angela Yung-chi (2015). Is the Asian Quality Assurance System for Higher Education Going Glonacal? : Assessing the Impact of Three Types of Program Accreditation on Taiwanese Universities. Studies in Higher Education. 40(1), 83-105.

  2. Hou, Angela Yung-chi, Ince, M., Tasi, S. & Chiang, C. L. (2015). Quality Assurance of Quality Assurance Agencies from an Asian Perspective: Regulation, Autonomy and Accountability. Asian Pacific Educational Review, 16, 95-106.

  3. Hou, Angela Yung Chi. (2018). Quality Assurance and Its Result Use in Taiwan Higher Education: Implication on Fully Accredited and Non-Fully Accredited Institutions. In Hazelkorn, E., Coates, H. and McCormick, A.C. (pp. 394-404) (Eds.) (2018) Research Handbook on Quality, Performance and Accountability in Higher Education. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Group ppts and class discussions




Quality assurance and higher education

  1. CHEA Principles

  2. Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)


Facilitate class discussion based on the reading questions




Presentation (1)

Group presentation

Introduce one QA system in Asian nations




Quality and cross border higher education

  1. Is Internationalization of Higher Education having an Identity Crisis (The Forefront of International Higher Education)

  2. The Different Faces and Phases of Internationalization (The Forefront of International Higher Education)

Facilitate class discussion based on the reading questions




Quality and cross border higher education

  1. International Quality Assurance: Where have we been and Where are we going ? (The Forefront of international higher education)

  2. Hou, Angela Yung Chi, Hill C., Chen, K. H.J., Tsai, S. (2018). A Comparative Study of International Branch Campuses in Malaysia, Singapore, China and South Korea: Regulation, Governance and Quality Assurance. Asia Pacific Education Review 19(4), pp 543–555

Facilitate class discussion based on the reading questions




Quality and cross border higher education

  1. Hou, Angela Yung Chi. (2016). Quality Assurance of Joint Degree Programs from the perspective of Quality Assurance Agencies: Experience in East Asia. Higher Education Research & Development. 35(3), pp. 473-487.CHEA

  2. Hou, Angela Yung Chi , Morse, B., Wang, W. (2017). Recognition of Academic Qualifications in Transnational Higher Education and Challenges for Recognizing a Joint Degree in Europe and Asia. Studies in Higher Education, 42:7, 1211-1228

Facilitate class discussion based on the reading questions




Presentation (2)

  1. Quality and an International

Higher Education Space (Judith Eaton)

  1. International Race for

Accreditation Stars in Cross Border Education (Jane Knight)

Group Presentation/ Present one type of cross border education and assess its quality




Student Mobility

  1. Mobility of students and Professionals in UNESCO report

  2. Redefining academic mobility: from the pursuit of scholarship to the pursuit of revenue

Facilitate class discussion based on the reading questions




Student Mobility

  1. Three mobility Scheme

  2. Hou, Angela Yung Chi, Hill C., Chen, K. H.J., Tsai, S., Chen, V. (2017). A comparative study of student mobility programs in SEAMEO-RIHED, UMAP, and Campus Asia: Regulation, challenges, and impacts on higher education regionalization, Higher Education Evaluation and Development, 11(1), pp.12-24.

Group ppts and class discussions




Presentation (3)

Skype meeting/ group meeting

Case Study (analyze one Asian university’s internationalization strategies as well as interview one NCCU faculty member about their internationalization capacity building)




Technology in higher education

  1. Mobile technology the key to bringing ‘education to all’, says UN Broadband Commission

  2. Ted talk: The 100,000-student classroom

Facilitate class discussion based on the video questions




Technology in higher education

  1. 10 Global Trends in ICT and Education by World Bank

  2. Textbook policies in an increasingly digital age (pp. 73-83) in Mobile learning and textbooks of the future, e-reading and tech policies

Facilitate class discussion based on the video questions




Wrap up

Summary of the key themes discussed in class

Individual Presentation on selection of one journal article /or Video




Final Exam


English Final report (limited to 1000 words)




Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant

Zoe and Lily


Teaching approaches include lecture, group discussions, individual and group presentations.

1. Attend class, complete reading assignments, and participate in class discussions. This course has both discussion and lecture components. Teacher will give a lecture for the reading assignment first. The outline of the presentation will be prepared by teacher. Then each class will start with a discussion that focuses on the assigned readings and uses them to address larger questions. You are expected participate actively in these discussions. Question-posing to the class is especially encouraged, especially questions that may have no "right" answer. At the last period, students are required to present the discussion group by group. If the topic is complete, teacher will give an introduction on the topic at the last 15 minutes for the following week.

2. Group presentation: each student is required to present their discussion in turn each time. The presentation will be graded on the following element: fluency, content, group collaboration and being well-organized.

3. Individual presentation: Each student is required to make a final presentation about paper concept development and journal selection

The course will be graded based on the following criteria:

  1. Class discussions (20%). Contributions in class should reveal a substantial familiarity with assigned readings, a capacity to analyze the issues and problems under group discussion, and an ability to incorporate, synthesize, and constructively criticize the comments of classmates.

  2. Paper / Questions presentations (20%). For any one of the assigned papers, make a presentation according to topics or questions raised

  3. Group / Individual presentation (40 %).

4. English Final report (20%)

Textbook & Reference


  • UNESCO (2018). Global education monitoring report, 2019: Migration, displacement and education: building bridges, not walls. Paris, UNESCO.

  • Mobile technology the key to bringing ‘education to all’, says UN Broadband Commission

  • 10 Global Trends in ICT and Education (2010) by World Bank

  • Trucano, M. (2013). Mobile learning and textbooks of the future, e-reading and tech policies:

    Trends in technology use in education in developing countries Excerpts from the World Bank’s EduTech blog (Volume IV), Washington, D. C., The World Bank

  • WEIMER, L. (2017). 10 trends changing global higher education. London, British Council.

  • Rizvi, F. & Lingard, B. (2010). Globalizing Education Policy. New York, Roultedge.

  • Maldonado, M-M, Bassett, R. M. eds. (2014). The Forefront of International Higher Education. Heidelberg, Springer.

  • Araya, D. & Marber, P. (2014). Higher Education in the Global Age. New York, Roultedge.

  • Maringe, F. & Foskett, N. (2010). Globalization and internationalization in higher education. New York, Continuum

  • Knight, J. (2008). Higher Education in Turmoil. Rotterdam, Sense publishers.

  • Hazalkorn, E. Coates, H. McCormick, A. C. eds. (2018). Quality, Performance and Accountability in Higher Education. Cheltenham, Elgar.

  • Hou, Angela Yung Chi, Hill C., Chen, K. H.J., Tsai, S. (2018). A Comparative Study of International Branch Campuses in Malaysia, Singapore, China and South Korea: Regulation, Governance and Quality Assurance. Asia Pacific Education Review 19(4), pp 543–555

  • Hou, Angela Yung Chi , Morse, B., Wang, W. (2017). Recognition of Academic Qualifications in Transnational Higher Education and Challenges for Recognizing a Joint Degree in Europe and Asia. Studies in Higher Education, 42:7, 1211-1228

  • Hou, Angela Yung Chi, Hill C., Chen, K. H.J., Tsai, S., Chen, V. (2017). A comparative study of student mobility programs in SEAMEO-RIHED, UMAP, and Campus Asia: Regulation, challenges, and impacts on higher education regionalization, Higher Education Evaluation and Development, 11(1), pp.12-24.

  • Hou, Angela Yung Chi. (2016). Quality Assurance of Joint Degree Programs from the perspective of Quality Assurance Agencies: Experience in East Asia. Higher Education Research & Development. 35(3), pp. 473-487.CHEA

  • Hou, Angela Yung-chi (2015). Is the Asian Quality Assurance System for Higher Education Going Glonacal? : Assessing the Impact of Three Types of Program Accreditation on Taiwanese Universities. Studies in Higher Education. 40(1), 83-105.

  • Hou, Angela Yung-chi, Ince, M., Tasi, S. & Chiang, C. L. (2015). Quality Assurance of Quality Assurance Agencies from an Asian Perspective: Regulation, Autonomy and Accountability. Asian Pacific Educational Review, 16, 95-106.

  • Hou, Angela Yung Chi. (2018). Quality Assurance and Its Result Use in Taiwan Higher Education: Implication on Fully Accredited and Non-Fully Accredited Institutions. In Hazelkorn, E., Coates, H. and McCormick, A.C. (pp. 394-404) (Eds.) (2018) Research Handbook on Quality, Performance and Accountability in Higher Education. Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Hou, Angela Yung Chi, Hill C., Chen, K. H.J., Tsai, S., Chen, V. (2017). A comparative study of student mobility programs in SEAMEO-RIHED, UMAP, and Campus Asia: Regulation, challenges, and impacts on higher education regionalization, Higher Education Evaluation and Development, 11(1), pp.12-24.

Urls about Course
? UNESCO, ? World Bank, ? Ted Talk, ? INQAAHE, ? ENQA, ? CHEA principles,