SemesterSpring Semester, 2020
DepartmentGeneral Education Courses in Humanities
Course NameEnglish Program in Chinese Culture:Chinese Drama
Course TypeSelectively
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

2020 Syllabus

Week Date Topic

1 2.19 Introduction to the course; History of Chinese Drama

2 2.26 1. Injustice to Dou E 竇娥冤


3 3.4 1. Injustice to Dou E 竇娥冤

Outside Reading 1: Chang Boils the Sea 張生煮海

4 3.11 2. The Orphan of Zhao趙氏孤兒


5 3.18 Lecture on Chinese Drama by Guo Guang Beijing Opera


6 3.25 2. The Orphan of Zhao趙氏孤兒

Outside Reading 2: The Story of the Western Wing 西廂記

7 4.1 3. The Peony Pavilion 牡丹亭


8 4.8 3. The Peony Pavilion 牡丹亭

Outside Reading 3: Yu Tang Chun玉堂春/

Picking up the Jade Bracelet拾玉鐲

9 4.15 Mid-term Examination


10 4.22 4. Thunderstorm 雷雨


11 4.29 4. Thunderstorm 雷雨

Outside Reading 5: Teahouse 茶館

12 5.6 5. Bus Stop 車站


13 5.13 5. Bus Stop 車站


14 5.20 Holiday


15 5.27 Lecture on Modern Taiwanese Drama by 簡莉穎


16 6.3 6. Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land (1986) 暗戀桃花源


17 6.10 6. Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land (1986) 暗戀桃花源


18 6.17 Final Examination


Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant


Students are expected to preview the assigned text materials and MOOC videos on the Moodle platform before coming to the class. A quiz will be given to students before an assigned reading is taught in class. Students will be divided into small groups to do a 15-minute oral presentation related to weekly reading topics, to be followed by class discussion. Students are expected to go to a live performance and write a 1-page critique on it. A mid-term examination and final examination will be given in class according to the class schedule. All students are encouraged to participate in class discussion.

學生上課前應預習,並觀賞中國戲劇磨課師輔助教學影片(MOOC on the Moodle platform)。上新課前先小考。學生將分組做十五分鐘,與當周主題相關的口頭報告並帶領課堂討論。期中和期末有期中考和期末考。學生們應多參與課堂討論。

Quizzes and Lecture Worksheets 20%

Oral Presentation and Class Discussion 10%

Play Critique 10%

Mid-term Examination 30%

Final Examination 30%


Textbook & Reference

Texts and Reference

Required Textbook

Chen, Xiaomei. The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama. New York:

Columbia University Press, 2010.

Mackerras, Colin. Chinese Drama: a Historical Survey. Beijing, China: New World

Press: China International Book Trading Corporation, 1990.

West, Stephen H., and Wilt L. Idema. Monks, Bandits, Lovers, and Immortals : Eleven Early Chinese Plays. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co., 2010.



Chen, Xiaomei. Reading the Right Text: An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Drama. Honolulu: U of Hawai'i P, 2003.

Cheung, Martha, and Jane Lai. An Oxford Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Drama. New York: Oxford UP, 1997.

Dolby, William. Eight Chinese Plays from the Thirteenth Century to the Present.

London: Elek, 1978.

Guy, Nancy. Peking Opera and Politics in Taiwan. Urbana, Illinois: U of Illinois P,


Gunn, Edward M, ed. Twentieth-century Chinese Drama: an Anthology.

Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1983.

Shih, Chung-wen. The Golden Age of Chinese Drama, Yüan Tsa-Chü. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 1976.

Sieber, Patricia. Theaters of Desire : Authors, Readers, and the Reproduction of Early Chinese Song-Drama, 1300-2000. 1st ed ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

Swatek, Catherine C. Peony Pavilion Onstage : Four Centuries in the Career of a Chinese Drama. Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies U of Michigan, 2002.

Tanlayco, Milagros G. Chinese Traditional Drama : A Mirror of Values. Manila, Philippines: UST Pub. House, 2000.

Yan, Haiping, and editor. Theater and Society : An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Drama. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1998.

Ye, Tan. Historical Dictionary of Chinese Theater. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2008.

---. The A to Z of Chinese Theater. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2010.





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