SemesterSpring Semester, 2020
DepartmentIntegrated Curriculum by Dept. of Public Finance
Course NamePublic Finance
InstructorCHOU TE-YU
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule


Analysis of Public Sector Economics

Efficiency Concerns when Governments Intervene

Equity Concerns when Government Intervene

Public Revenues /


Public Expenditure /

Gov’t Spending

Market Failures

  • Topic1:Public Goods

    1. Underprovision

    2. Wrong Diversity

  • Topic2:Externality

    1. Sustainable Environment

    2. Right kind of Education

  • Topic3:Social Security

    1. Intergenerational Equity

  • Topic4:Health Care

    1. Moral Hazard

    2. Adverse Selection

  • Topic5: Income Redistribution

Financing Spending

  • Topic 6:Revenue Target

  • Topic 7:Tax Base

    1. On Persons

    2. On Factors

    3. On Profit

  • Topic 8:Progressiveness of Tax

    1. Exemption/Deduction

    2. Tax Brackets


Macroeconomic Policy

  • Topic 9:Stabilization

    1. Recession

    2. Overheating

  • Topic 10:Economic Development

    1. Capital Accumulation

    2. Strategic Industry Building / Trade

Teaching Plan for Public Finance 


Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant



GRADING: Your grade in this class will be determined by your performance on the set of assignments (20%) within which your class participation is also formally evaluated; one closed-book midterm exam (35%); and a final project (45%) which requires presenting a study proposal and submitting a written paper. An over-due assignment and/or an exam rescheduling is only possible with certified proof in the case of an unforeseen emergency: illness, family emergency, and the like.

Textbook & Reference

Harvey S. Rosen, Public Finance. various editions. (earlier editions work fine!)

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