SemesterFall Semester, 2018
DepartmentFreshman Class A, Department of English
Course NameIntroduction to Western Literature
Course TypeRequired
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule


9/19: The Ancient World

Introduction (PP 6-21)

*#Mythology (Edith Hamilton: PP 24-46)

9/26: The Hebrew Bible / The Old Testament (1)

The Bible (PP 110-17)

Genesis, 1-4, 6-9, 11, *15-19, *22, *25, *27, *37, *39-45, *50

出埃及記(Exodus), *1-3; *12-14; 19-20, *25

*#士師記(Judges), 13-16

*路得記(The Book of Ruth), 1-4

*撒母耳記上(1 Samuel ), 16-17

*列王記上(1 Kings), 8, 18-19

10/3: The Hebrew Bible / The Old Testament (2)

Job 1-10, *38-42 (PP 152-62)

Psalms 23 (PP 178), *90, 137 (P 180)

*箴言(Proverbs), 3

*#Ecclesiastes, 1, 3

*#The Song of Songs, 1-4

*#Isaiah, 53

*耶利米書(Jeremiah), 8-9

*#以西結書(Ezekiel), 1-5

*但以理書(Daniel), 1-3

*何西阿書(Hosea), 1-3

*約拿書(Jonah), 1-4

10/8: Greek Epics: Homer’s The Iliad

Homer (PP 181-88)

*《希臘羅馬神話故事》(PP 218-46)

The Iliad, Book I (PP 189-200)

The Iliad, Book VI (PP 205-15)

*《伊利亞特》, Book XXII, 1-515 (PP 558-75)

*《伊利亞特》, Book XXIV, 432-804 (PP 625-38)

10/17: Greek Epics: Homer’s The Odyssey

*《希臘羅馬神話故事》(PP 247-66)

The Odyssey, Books IX-X, 502 (PP 385-408)

*《奧德賽》, Book X, 475-XI, 224 (PP 238-50)

*《奧德賽》, Book XIV, 1-190 (PP 302-08)

*《奧德賽》, Book XIX, 203-502 (PP 408-19)

*《奧德賽》, Book XXIII, 85-326 (PP 477-85)

10/24: Greek Mythology and History

Hesiod (P 36)

The Theogony (PP 37-41)

*《神譜》(PP 57-67; 71-74)

*《希臘羅馬神話故事》(PP 182-93; PP 210-15)

Herodotus (PP 875-76)

*《歷史》(The Histories), Book I, 29-48, 85-91 (PP 13-22; PP 42-47)

*《歷史》(The Histories), Book III, 39-44 (PP 206-09)

*#Thucydides’s The Peloponnesian War (Norton, the 8th Edition: PP 805-16)

&Quiz 1

10/31: Greek Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle

Plato (PP 821-22)

*〈申辯篇〉(The Apology of Socrates) (PP 10-22; PP 27-30)

*#The Republic, Books 6 and 7 (the 8th edition: PP 817-24)

Aristotle (the 8th edition: PP 825-26)

*#Physics, Metaphysics, On the Soul, and Nicomachean Ethics (the 8th edition 826-36)

11/7: Greek Drama I

*#Aristotle’s Poetics 1-15, 17-19, 22 (PP 2316-31, PP2333-35)

Ancient Athenian Drama (PP 603-608)

*《希臘羅馬神話故事》(PP 309-25)

Sophocles (PP 660-666): *《伊底帕斯王》, 1-170; 276-462; 634-738; 1012-1530 (PP 4-24; 36-58; 82-94; 130-98)èOedipus in Norton, 1-200, 334-562, 747-855, 1155-1747 (667-71, 674-79, 683-86, 692-706)

11/14: Greek Drama II

*《希臘羅馬神話故事》(PP 141-57)

Euripides (PP 742-745): *《米蒂亞》(PP 175-206), Medea(PP 767-81)èMedea in Norton (PP 745-64)

11/21: Greek Drama III

*柏拉圖(Plato):〈伊安篇〉(Ion) (PP 289-307)

Aristophanes (PP 782-84):《利西翠妲》 (PP 9-27; PP 33-39, PP 44-47, PP 51-59; 63-74)==>Lysistrata in Norton: 1-386 (PP 784-95); 488-605 (PP 798-801); 691-765 (PP 804-06); 805-990 (PP 807-13); 1048-1290 (PP 814-20)

11/28: Roman Philosophy and Poetics

*#Lucretius’On the Nature of Things (the 8th edition: PP 836-48)

*革利免 (Clement of Alexandria): 《對希臘人的勉勵》(The Exhortation to the Greeks), 5-8 (12-21)

*革利免: 《雜記》(The Miscellanies, or Stromata), I, 5, 7 (PP 104-09)

*#Horace’s Art of Poetry (PP 67-74)

*西塞羅(Cicero): 〈論演講術分類〉, 1-24, 39-40 (“Of the Classification of Oratory”) (PP 579-601; 614-15)

&Quiz 2

12/5: Roman Epic and Mythology (1)

*《希臘羅馬神話故事》(PP 267-78)

Virgil (PP 977-81)

The Aeneid, I, 1-367 (PP 981-90)

The Aeneid, II, 1-100, 252-399, 605-1045 (PP 1003-04, 1007-11, 1015-24)

*《伊尼亞斯逃亡記》, IV, 1- 876 (PP 91-115)èNorton (PP 1025-44)

*《伊尼亞斯逃亡記》, VI, 98-1012 (PP 150-82)

12/12: Roman Epic and Mythology (2)

*《希臘羅馬神話故事》(PP 278-84)


The Aeneid, VIII, 717-858 (PP 1061-65)

The Aeneid, XII, 915-1113 (PP 1085-89)

Ovid (PP 1090-1093)

*《變形記》, I, 1-567 (PP 3-19)

*《變形記》, II, 1-328 (PP 29-39)

*《變形記》, III, 298-733 (PP 68-83)

The Metamorphoses, V, 428-871(PP 1107-17)

*《變形記》, VIII, 152-269 (PP 205-09)

*《變形記》, IX, 1-323 (PP 231-42)

*《變形記》, X, 1-63, 152-269 (PP 261-63)

12/19: Roman Drama

*#Longinus’s On the Sublime, I-II, VIII-X, XXXIX (PP 75-77; 79-82; 95)

Seneca’s On Anger (the 8th edition: PP 848-55)

*#Seneca’s Oedipus (PP 1-26)

12/26: The New Testament (I)

*俄利根(Origen): 《教義大綱》(On First Principles), 第四部, 1-2 (PP 417-26)

The Christian Bible (PP 1149-52)

Luke *1-4, 15 (P1158)

Matthew 5-7 (PP 1154-57), *馬太福音26-28

*#John 1-4, 13

*使徒行傳(Apostles), 1-2, 9-10

1/2: The New Testament (2)

*羅馬人書(Romans ), 7-8

*哥林多後書(2 Corinthians), 3

*加拉太書(Galatians), 4

*#Ephesians, 5-6

*希伯來書(Hebrews), 9-12

*# Revelation, 12-14, 17, 20-22

*聖安波羅修(St. Ambrose: 《論聖禮》(On the Sacraments), 卷二, 1-7 (PP 166-174)

1/9: Augustine and Neoplatonism

Circling the Mediterranean: Europe and the Islamic World (PP 1135-38)

*斐洛(Philo):《論<創世記>—寓意的解釋》(On the Creation; De Optificio Mundi), 3-25 (PP 21-41)

*#Plotinus’s “On the Intellectual Beauty” (PP 99-106)

Augustine (PP 1177-1179): *《懺悔錄》, I, 1-5 (PP 1-5); Confessions (PP 1179-92); *《懺悔錄》, VIII, 8-12; IX, 4-10, X, 7-12, XI, 23-28, XIII, 1-12 (PP 157-65; 172-85; PP 202-07, 262-69; 303-12)

1/16: Quiz 3 and Final Examination


Symbols for the readings:

No marks: from Norton

*#: English translations not in Norton

*: Chinese translations not in Norton


Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant

1. Class attendance and discussion 10%

2. Quizzes 30%

3. Pre-class notes 40%

4. Final Examination 20%

Textbook & Reference

Textbooks and the bibliography for the reading package are posted on Moodle.

Textbooks (*required; #In our university bookstore; &suggested)

*#Lawall, Sarah, ed. The Norton Anthology of Western Literature. Vol.1. Ninth Edition. New York: Norton, 2014. ($1600è1360è1280)

*#赫米爾敦, 愛笛絲。《希臘羅馬神話故事》。Mythology.By Edith Hamilton.宋碧雲譯。新潮文庫317。臺北志文出版社, 1998($300è240è225)


&#Hamilton, Edith. Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes. ROC Edition. Taipei: Bookman, 1942. ($280è$238è224)

&#The Bible: Authorized King James Version with Apycrypha.  Intro. Robert Carroll and Stephen and Prickett.  Oxford World's Classics.  Oxford Oxford UP, 1997.


&《聖經:中英對照》。合和本、NIV。袖珍本。第九版。香港漢語聖經協會2004 (校園書房$990)


Bibliography for the photocopied materials at 政大書廊 ($260)

荷馬。《伊利亞特》。羅念生·王煥生譯。臺北:貓頭鷹, 2004

荷馬。《奧德賽》。王煥生譯。經典文學系列21。臺北:貓頭鷹, 2000


柏拉圖〈伊安篇〉《柏拉圖全集》王曉朝譯卷一臺北左岸文化 2003289-307


Aristotle. Poetics.The Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford Translation. Trans. Bywater. Ed. Jonathan Barnes.Vol. 2. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1984. 2316-40.

革利免 (Clement of Alexdria). 《對希臘人的勉勵》(The Exhortation to the Greeks)。朱文長譯。《亞歷山大學派選集》。湯清編著。基督教歷代名著集成。臺北:基督教文藝出版社,19963-47

革利免。《雜記》(The Miscellanies, or Stromata)。湯清譯。《亞歷山大學派選集》。湯清編著。基督教歷代名著集成。臺北:基督教文藝出版社,1996104-200

Horace. “Art of Poetry.” Trans. E. C. Wickham. Critical Theory Since Plato. Ed. Adam Hazard. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971. 67-74.

西塞羅〈論演講術分類〉(“De Partitione Oratoria”)《西塞羅全集修辭學》王曉朝譯人類經典43臺北左岸文化2005579-615


奧維德。《變形記》。呂健忠譯。臺北:書林, 2008

Senca. Oedipus. Trans. Frank Justus Miller. Theoi E-text Library., August 13th, 2013.

Longinus. “On the Sublime.” W. R. Roberts. Critical Theory Since Plato. Ed. Adam Hazard. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971. 75-98.

俄利根(Origen)《教義大綱》(De Principiis)。朱信原譯。《亞歷山大學派選集》。湯清編著。基督教歷代名著集成。臺北:基督教文藝出版社,1996261-440


斐洛(Philo)《論<創世記》寓意的解釋》(On the Creation)。王曉朝、戴偉清譯。歷代基督教思想學術文庫。香港:漢語基督教文化研究所, 1998

奧古斯丁。《懺悔錄》。周士良譯。台北:商務, 1998

Plotinus. “On the Intellectual Beauty.”Trans. Stephen MacKenna. Critical Theory Since Plato. Ed. Adam Hazard. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971. 99-106.


Suggested English Translations

Homer. The Iliad.Trans.Robert Fitzgerald.The World’s Classics. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1974.

Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. Walter Shewring. The World’s Classics. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1980.

Hesiod. Theogony.


Plato. Plato: Complete Works. Trans. John M. Cooper and D. S. Hutchinson. Indianapolis: Hackett P, 1997.



Clement of Alexandria.Clement of Alexandria: The Exhortation to the Greeks, The Rich Man's Salvation, To the Newly Baptized. Trans. G. W. Butterworth. Loeb Classical Library 92. Great Britain, Edmundsbury P, 1919.

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