SemesterSpring Semester, 2018
DepartmentSenior Class A, Department of Slavics Senior Class B, Department of Slavics
Course NamePolish III
Course TypeElective
PrerequisitePolish III、Polish Language Course-Upper intermediate Level B2
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule


Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant

In order to pass the course, Students should demonstrate their serious attitude toward the subject. Hard work, proactivity, and determination will be promoted and appreciated. Say Hello / Dzien dobry to your teacher when you see her. Please keep in mind the following:

Exams (50%) - Come on time. Do not show up later than 15 minutes so that you are allowed to take it.

In-class tests (speaking/writing) (10%) - Come on time, do not be later than 15 minutes.

In-class performance (30%) - Acitve participation will be required and promoted.

Homework (10%) - Please make sure to hand in ALL required papers. Always be ready. Write your homework on a piece of paper that demontsrates your respect to the subject.


Attendance - If your attendance is 100%, your final grade will be 10 points higher. If 3 classes missed - no extra points given.

Students are asked not to use phones/tablets in class, unless instructed to do so. No Line, no Facebook, no chatting. During any kind of tests or exams, no cell phone/tablet is allowed. This would result in a failing grade (0%) for that particular test with no chance to make up.

Please come on time. Each hour counts. Attendance is to be checked at the beginning of each instruction hour.

Students can miss not more than 3 classes, equal to 9 instruction hours. Missing 5 sessions (equal to 15 hours) or more will result in a failing grade (40%) with no room for negotiation, even if the exam points were high and assignments completed. Please do not let your poor attendance score ruin your final grade!

Textbook & Reference

Students will be offered handouts illustrating vocabulary/grammar problems discussed in class. Please make sure to have a file in which you can keep all papers and find them easily when necessary. If you miss a week, next time you come, have your copies ready and your homework done. Missing a session is not seen as an excuse not to be prepared!

Selected textbooks will be used (to be presented in class during the first session). Besides, authentic texts will be picked and adjusted to the Learners' needs (lots of fun!). So, you can expect videos, newspaper articles, literary texts, maps, songs, etc. Get reasy to fall in love with Polish culture!

Get a notebook in which you can take notes. It will significantly facilitate your learning!

Improving a foreign language is easier if have access to a good dictionary. There are many resources, both printed and on-line. Find a dictionary that you particulary like. My recommendations are resources pulished by PWN and Universitas. The choice is yours.

Urls about Course