SemesterSpring Semester, 2018
DepartmentJunior Class A, Department of English Junior Class B, Department of English Senior Class A, Department of English Senior Class B, Department of English
Course NameAdvanced English Oral Training: Journalistic English
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

Course Requirements and Evaluation Criteria:

  1. To check the MOODLE course website on a regular basis for announcements and supplementary materials

  2. To preview and review the assigned news texts and videos for effective class participation

  3. To participate actively in class discussions

  4. Attendance: The class depends on student participation.

  5. To collect and share current issues in the news with the class

  6. To complete assignments on time

  7. To complete assignments accurately (Accuracy of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation)

  8. To meet with the teacher to discuss topics

  9. To present a midterm and group news project

  10. Plagiarism, the passing of someone else’s work as your own, will be taken seriously.

Tentative Class Schedule

Week 1 : Course Orientation

Week 2 : News Topic + Introduction to Journalism and News (Topic selection, Newsworthiness etc.)

Week 3: News Topic + Media Ethics, Issues Facing Journalists

Week 4: News Topic + News Conventions: Headlines, Leads and Content + HW: Writing Leads

Week 5: News Topic + News Conventions: Asking Questions + HW: Preparing for an interview

Week 6: Tomb-Sweeping Festival

Week 7: News Topic + News Conventions: Putting it Together + HW: Draft Due

Week 8: News Topic + Class Workshop: Preparing a Newsworthy Report

Week 9: News Topic + Broadcast Media: Body Language and Visual Presentation Skills

Week 10: Midterm Presentations + News Assignment Due

Week 11: News Topic + Orientation to Types of Broadcast Media  

Week 12: News Topic + Broadcast Media: Live Interviews + HW: Follow-up/in-depth Questions

Week 13: News Topic + Broadcast Media: Issue Debates + HW: Prepare for Class Activity

Week 14: News Topic + Broadcast Media: Employing Visual Aids + HW: Prepare Visual Aids

Week 15: News Topic + Broadcast Media: Youtubers + HW: Prepare for Class Workshop

Week 16: News Topic + Class Workshop: Putting Our Broadcast Project Together

Week 17: Final Project Presentation

Week 18: Final Project Presentation

Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant



Grading Criteria

Homework Assignments: 20%

Attendance and Class Participation: 20%

Midterm Oral Exam (Individual Presentations): 30%

Final Project (Group News Project): 30 %

Textbook & Reference

Textbooks & References:

  1. CNN/BBC News footage,

  2. Ted Talk Shows (Some Scripts are available)

  3. Current News (Politics, foreign affairs…)

  4. McGuigan, Brendan. Rhetorical Devices: A Handbook and Activities for Student Writers (p. 63). Prestwick House. Kindle Edition.

  5. Other supplementary materials.

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