SemesterFall Semester, 2017
DepartmentSophomore Class A, Department of Slavics Sophomore Class B, Department of Slavics
Course NameCzech Conversation I
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule
Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant

Students will have regular graded quizzes according the schedule and quizzes given by teacher during semester.

Homework (oral & written exercises, dialogues, etc.) assigned for each class meeting.

Attendance: Maximal number of absence is three. Excessive unexcused absences will be reflected by lowering the final grade down progressively.

Grading will be 100% to zero, 60% is minimum to success.    

Quizes, Homework, Presentation, Active participation in lessons: 10 % each

Exams: 60 % in total

(Midterm and Final exam – Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking, Use of Language)

Textbook & Reference

Adamovi?ová, Ana a Ivanovová, Darina. Basic Czech I-II. 3rd ed. Prague: Karolinum, 2013.

Holá, Lída a Bo?ilová, Pavla. ?eština expres 1: A1/1. Prague: Akropolis, 2011.

Neková?ová, Alena. ?eština pro ?ivot = Czech for life: 15 moderních konverza?ních témat. Prague: Akropolis, 2008.

Other study materials and handouts, authentic texts (mostly based on internet sources)

Urls about Course
