SemesterFall Semester, 2017
DepartmentFreshman Class A, Department of English
Course NameIntroduction to Western Literature
Course TypeRequired
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule
Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant



Course Requirements:

1. Attendance and participation in class discussions are essential. Students who are absent for four or more than four times, excused or not, will fail this course.

2. Every week before class, students are expected to finish reading about 30 pages in English and some extra materials in Chinese and submit the weekly notes on Monday before noon.  Late exercises will be heavily penalized.

3. Students should bring a dictionary and a notebook to class.

4. No 3C products are allowed except for a quick check for vocabulary.

5. Students who plagiarize, cheat in exams or quizzes, or answer for others in the roll call will fail this courseand be subject to disciplinary action.



1. Class attendance and discussion 10%

2. Quizzes 30%

3. Pre-class notes 40%

4. Final Examination 20%

Textbook & Reference

Textbooks (*required; #In our university bookstore; &suggested)

*#Lawall, Sarah, ed.  The Norton Anthology of Western Literature.Vol.1.Ninth Edition.  New York: Norton, 2014. ($1600==>$1360)

*#赫米爾敦, 愛笛絲。《希臘羅馬神話故事》。Mythology.By Edith Hamilton.宋碧雲譯。新潮文庫317。臺北:志文出版社, 1998。($300==>$240)


&#Hamilton, Edith.Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes.ROC Edition.  Taipei: Bookman, 1942. ($280==>$238)


&《聖經:中英對照》。合和本、NIV。袖珍本。第九版。香港:漢語聖經協會,2004。 (校園書房:$990)


Bibliography for the photocopied materials ($410)

荷馬。《伊利亞特》。羅念生·王煥生譯。臺北:貓頭鷹, 2004

荷馬。《奧德賽》。王煥生譯。經典文學系列21。臺北:貓頭鷹, 2000。


柏拉圖。〈伊安篇〉。《柏拉圖全集》。王曉朝譯。卷一。臺北:左岸文化, 2003。289-307。


Aristotle.  Poetics.The Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford Translation.  Trans. Bywater.  Ed. Jonathan Barnes.Vol. 2.  Princeton: Princeton UP, 1984.  2316-40.

革利免 (Clement of Alexdria).  《對希臘人的勉勵》(The Exhortation to the Greeks)。朱文長譯。《亞歷山大學派選集》。湯清編著。基督教歷代名著集成。臺北:基督教文藝出版社,1996。3-47。

革利免。《雜記》(The Miscellanies, or Stromata)。湯清譯。《亞歷山大學派選集》。湯清編著。基督教歷代名著集成。臺北:基督教文藝出版社,1996。104-200。

Horace.  “Art of Poetry.”  Trans. E. C. Wickham.  Critical Theory Since Plato.  Ed. Adam Hazard.  New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971.  67-74.

西塞羅〈論演講術分類〉(“De PartitioneOratoria”)《西塞羅全集:修辭學》王曉朝譯人類經典43臺北:左岸文化,2005579-615


奧維德。《變形記》。呂健忠譯。臺北:書林, 2008。

Senca.Oedipus.Trans. Frank Justus Miller.Theoi E-text Library., August 13th, 2013.

Longinus.  “On the Sublime.”  W. R. Roberts.  Critical Theory Since Plato.  Ed. Adam Hazard.  New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971.  75-98.

俄利根(Origen)。《教義大綱》(De Principiis)。朱信原譯。《亞歷山大學派選集》。湯清編著。基督教歷代名著集成。臺北:基督教文藝出版社,1996。261-440。


斐洛(Philo)。《論<創世記》—寓意的解釋》(On the Creation)。王曉朝、戴偉清譯。歷代基督教思想學術文庫。香港:漢語基督教文化研究所, 1998。

奧古斯丁。《懺悔錄》。周士良譯。台北:商務, 1998。

Plotinus.  “On the Intellectual Beauty.”Trans. Stephen MacKenna.Critical Theory Since Plato.  Ed. Adam Hazard.  New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971.  99-106.

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