SemesterFall Semester, 2017
DepartmentThe International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , First Year The International Master Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) , Second Year
Course NameEconomics of Human Capital
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule
Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant



No prerequisite is required for the course. There will be in-class discussion, short article presentation, and a final term paper. Semester grade is determined by the short-article presentation (30%), and final term paper (70%). Extra bonus will also be given for creative class discussion, and regular class attendance is expected and will be taken into account in the final grading.


Textbook & Reference

Suggested textbook

Meier, G.M. and J. E. Rauch (MR), 2000, Leading Issues in Economic Development, Seven Edition, New York, Oxford University Press.

Urls about Course
See E-learning Website

reading list of human Capital 2017.pdf