SemesterFall Semester, 2017
DepartmentGeneral Education Courses in Foreign Languages
Course NameCollege English I
Course TypeSelectively
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule
Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant

100% of English is used for all instructor’s lectures and in-class activities. Students are expected to take an active role in all class activities to maximize their learning opportunities. A student-centered approach will be adopted to allow students to make full use of class time to achieve their English-learning goals and the course learning objectives.

Students should attend all classes and come to class on time and prepared. Attendance is taken seriously. No make-up quizzes or exams are allowed. Late homework will NOT be accepted. Students who “need” to be absent or late for class should notify the instructor via email at least 2 days in advance. 

6%     Attendance 

6%     Participation 

36%    Homework & Journal & Online Activities

36%    In-class Activities & Quizzes 

16%    Course Project 

Students missing 3 or more classes automatically fail the course. Students who do not complete the Course Project are not allowed to pass the course.

Cell phones and other electronic devices are not allowed to be used in class unless given permission by the instructor to do so.  Failure to abide by this class rule will result in automatic failure for the course.

Textbook & Reference
Urls about Course