SemesterFall Semester, 2017
DepartmentGeneral Education Courses in Foreign Languages
Course NameCollege English I
InstructorSU JING-FEN
Course TypeSelectively
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule
Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant

Grading Criteria:

Attendance & participation: 15%

Quizzes: 10%

Group project: 40%

Oral response (Cross-cultural Communication): 15%

Final exam: 20%


  1. Attendance: You are required to attend classes regularly and on time. Absences (including sick leave and personal leave), tardiness, or early departure will damage your attendance grade. Contact me about your absence before class if you must miss class. *If you have FIVE (or more) unexcused absences, you will not be allowed to take the final exam.

  2. Participation: Speaking up in class, either being called or voluntarily, will add points to your participation grade. Try to catch any opportunity to speak up in class to earn bonus points!

  3. Listening Quizzes: We will have three practice listening quizzes based on TOEIC this semester. *Missed quizzes cannot be made up.

  4. Group Project: You will be divided into groups of 6-7 members to complete the following group tasks.

(1) Preview Assignments (10%): For every assigned reading in Reading Explorer 4, each group needs to find one difficult or complicated sentence and come up with one discussion question based on the reading or the video (as shown on Moodle). Your sentences and questions should be posted on wiki (Collaborative Writing) on Moodle before class.

(2) Group Discussion (20%): In class you will have time to discuss one question designed by another group, take notes of your answers, and add them to your wiki on Moodle within one week after the class.

(3) Group Presentation (70%): Each group will take turns giving a 15-minute presentation on an assigned topic based on a video clip. In your presentation, you need to briefly introduce the person(s) and main issues involved in the assigned topic, and give your own comments and reflections on the topic/video. You need to post the content of your Group Presentation on wiki on Moodle by the midnight of your presentation date. Each member should have a chance to speak on stage. *Your presentation will timed, and points will be deducted if your presentation exceeds 15 minutes. Self-evaluation and peer-evaluation among group members will be adopted in company with the teacher’s evaluation. Another pre-assigned group will give comments on your presentation.

(4) Each group member needs to fill out the form of Self-and-Peer Evaluation of Group Project Teamwork and submit it to Moodle by due date (December 22).

  1. Cross-cultural Communication Tasks: You are required to preview 3 cross-cultural communication lecture videos online ( and complete the following tasks outside classroom by due dates:

(1) Checkpoint Quizzes: Finish the online checkpoint quiz of each unit by due dates. You can do the quizzes at most twice; the better score will count toward your Quizzes in your final grade. Late submission is not allowed because the quize system will be closed by due time.

(2) Oral Response to Discussion Questions: After you preview the lecture videos of each unit, you need to record your oral response to the assigned question(s) in the Discussion & Resources of each unit, and submit your recordings to Moodle by due dates. *Late submission will lead to lower grades of your oral assignment.

•Unit 1 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions: #2 required+ one self-selected question from Discussion

•Unit 2 Stereotypes: #2 required + choose one video from Resources and summarize the video or give your own comments on it

•Unit 3 Education: #4 required + any question or item selected from Discussion and Resources to answer or comment on

*Make sure you begin each of your recording with your Chinese name, student number, unit and question numbers. For example: “My name is 張小明. My student number is 106xxxxxx. I’m going to answer Unit 1, question 2. …”

*Before you submit oral recordings to Moodle, rename your files with your Department, Chinese name, student and unit numbers. For example: “傳播一張小明1061234567 (Unit 1)”

  1. Final Exam: The Final Exam will include Vocabulary, Video Clip, Reading Comprehension, and Essay Questions. Vocabulary and Video Clip questions will primarily come from practices in Reading Explorer 4. Reading Comprehension articles will be related to but not the same as the readings in our textbook. Essay Questions will come from critical thinking questions in our textbook as well as the questions from Preview Assignments.

Textbook & Reference

1. Reading Explorer 4, Second Edition, Heinle Cengage Learning (2014).

2. Supplementary materials prepared by the instructor

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