SemesterFall Semester, 2017
DepartmentGeneral Education Courses in Foreign Languages
Course NameCollege English I
InstructorCHEN HSIU-YU
Course TypeSelectively
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule
Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant



Grading Criteria:

Attendance: 10%

Quizzes: 10%

Writing exercises: 20%

Personal Speech: 20%

Midterm exam: 20%

Final exam: 20%


  1. Attendance:

You are required to attend classes regularly and on time. Unexcused absences, tardiness or early departure will damage your attendance grade. Contact me about your absence before class if you must miss class. *You will not be allowed to take final exam if you have FIVE (or more) unexcused absences.

  1. Participation:

Speaking up in class, either being called or voluntarily, will add points to your participation grade. Try to catch any opportunity to speak up in class to earn bonus points!

Textbook & Reference

Focus: Reading and Vocabulary 4

Urls about Course