SemesterFall Semester, 2017
DepartmentGeneral Education Courses in Foreign Languages
Course NameCollege English I
Course TypeSelectively
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule
Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant

Miss Ann Lu

TA tasks:

1. Copy handouts.

2. Tabulate course-related info.

3. Assist with grading.


Attendance: 15%

Participation: 25%

Assignments & Presentation: 30%

Final Exam: 30%


Attendance is important, and students are expected to come to class ON TIME! (Lateness policy will be explained in the first class.)

Participation includes being prepared for class; cooperating; using English; and following classroom rules. If you are absent, you should call your classmate(s) for the catch-up/assignment.

Students who miss more than 4 weeks of the class will receive 0 for the Attendance portion.

Students who miss more than 9 weeks of the class will receive 0 for both Attendance and Participation portions, and cannot partake the final exam.

Textbook & Reference


American English File 3 (ISBN: 978-0194776172)



  1. Master Mind (Level 1), Macmillan

  2. Aspire (Intermediate), Cengage Learning

  3. Communication Strategies 3, Cengage Learning

  4. Ideas & Issues (Upper-Intermediate), Chancerel

  5. Keynote 3, National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning

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