GIDS X CASRG 2025 Campus Talk: The Semiotics of Mining in Papua New Guinea and Elsewhere

活動日期: 2025/03/18(二)

時間:13:00-15:00 p.m., 18, March (Tuesday) 2025  認證時數:0小時 

地點:Room 270722, 7F, Notth Wing, General Building of Colleges, N


聯絡人:Mr. Liou 0229393091分機50703


講座姓名:Dr. Alex Golub(龔雁達)

講座現職:Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Hawaii at Manoa

GIDS X CASRG 2025 Campus Talk0

Topic: The Semiotics of Mining in Papua New Guinea and Elsewhere

Speaker: Dr. Alex Golub(龔雁達)

(Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Hawaii at Manoa )

Time: 13:00-15:00 p.m., 18, March (Tuesday) 2025

Venue: Room 270722, 7F, Notth Wing, General Building of Colleges, NCCU

Host: Dr. I-Chang Kuo(Assistant Professor of GIDS, NCCU)

Summary:Mining would seem to be a straightforward process: Move as much earth and process as much ore as you can for the least amount of money. But anthropologists who study mining see that it turning the earth into money is a process that is full of cultural meaning. In this talk, we will learn about mining projects in Papua New Guinea (and elsewhere) and see how cultural anthropologists use theory to analyze the process of mining and the impact it has one communities.

Organizers:CASRG-Academia Sinica, GIDS-NCCU, IOE-Academia Sinica, CSS-NCCU, Taiwan Society for Pacific Studies, Austronesian Connections Project Platform, NSTC


報名資格: 教師 職員工 學生

