Word Alchemy: The Greek and Latin Roots in English

活動日期: 2025/03/25(二)

時間:114年3月25日(二)9:00-12:00  認證時數:0小時 

地點:商學院館 260315教室

承辦單位:EMI Resource Center

聯絡人:陳宜彣 0229393610分機60326




講座現職:國立政治大學英國語文學系 專案助理教授,及英語教學資源中心 EMI教師

#lecture、Interaction & Practice #Morphology EMI

In English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) classrooms, language is not only a medium for conveying knowledge but also a key to understanding academic content. This lecture will be conducted in English and will explore the profound influence of Greek and Latin on modern English vocabulary. Greek and Latin are the roots of a vast number of words in the English language. A solid grasp of these roots not only improves word comprehension but also enhances vocabulary acquisition. By recognizing common prefixes, suffixes, and root words, we can unlock the magic of terms and use them more effectively in context. This session will explore Greek and Latin roots, along with mythological references that continue to shape cultural expressions and enrich modern English. Through an interactive lecture and engaging activities, students will develop strategies to expand their word power and gain a deeper appreciation for the language’s cultural richness.


報名資格: 教師 職員工 學生

