活動日期: 2025/03/25(二)
時間:114/03/25 12:10~13:30 認證時數:1小時
聯絡人:榮先生 0282377000分機77035
聯絡人:榮先生 0282377000分機77035
講座姓名:王信賢教授 Prof. Hsin-Hsien Wang
講座現職:國立政治大學東亞研究所特聘教授兼國際關係研究中心主任 Distinguished Professor at the Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies and Director of the Institute of International Relations at NCCU
摘要:美國大選後,全球都密切關注捲土重來的川普究竟會為世界局勢造成何種影響。果然幾乎每天都有顛覆傳統思維的新發展,相較於第一任期,「川普2.0」這「起手式」讓人感受到不管是美國內政或對外政策,過去習以為常的遊戲規則已然發生重大改變,世界迎來了一場全球秩序的「典範轉移」。本演講將從「川普2.0」的特徵與主要人事安排出發,探討讓美國再次偉大(MAGA)的意涵、對國際秩序的影響以及各國對此的回應,最後將提及與我國最為密切的「美中台三角關係」,並提出對地緣政治經濟的總體評估。 Dah Hsian Seetoo Library will host a book exhibition, curated film selection, and a special lecture from March to April. We are honored to invite Professor Hsin-Hsien Wang, Distinguished Professor at the Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies and Director of the Institute of International Relations at NCCU, to provide an in-depth analysis of Trump’s policies and their impact. In this session, Professor Wang will engage with attendees to discuss how Taiwan should navigate this evolving global landscape. Summary: Following the U.S. presidential election, the world has been closely watching Donald Trump's return and the profound impact he may have on global affairs. As expected, almost every day brings new developments that challenge conventional wisdom. Compared to his first term, the initial moves of "Trump 2.0" suggest a fundamental shift in both domestic governance and foreign policy, upending long-standing norms and ushering in a paradigm shift in the global order. This lecture will delve into the defining characteristics of "Trump 2.0," including key personnel appointments, to analyze the evolving meaning of "Make America Great Again" (MAGA), its implications for the international order, and how various countries are responding. The discussion will conclude with an in-depth examination of the U.S.-China-Taiwan triangle, offering a comprehensive assessment of the geopolitical and economic landscape in this new era.報名資格: 教師 職員工 學生 校外人士