活動日期: 2025/03/12(三)
時間:3/12(三)19:00~21:00 認證時數:0小時
地點:政大法學院演講廳 (綜合院館三樓)
聯絡人:王泓詠 0229393091分機63296
聯絡人:王泓詠 0229393091分機63296
E-mail:mirabel @nccu.edu.tw
講座姓名:萬寶華商業夥伴暨人資經理 Agnes Lee、台灣微軟人資經理 Rylie Chen
講座現職:Manpower商業夥伴暨人資經理 & Microsoft 人資經理
本次徵才月隆重邀請到著名外商企業萬寶華的資深人資經理 Agnes Lee和台灣微軟的人資經理 Rylie Chen擔任《Ace your Resume - 雙語履歷必備技巧與決勝點!》的講師。兩位將分享雙語履歷的撰寫技巧,更涵蓋從基本的架構到客製化的特色!此外,兩位講師將會結合自己多年的外商企業人資經驗,分享各自重視的面向,以及簡述大學生於就學階段該如何精湛自己的實力。
講者:萬寶華商業夥伴暨人資經理 Agnes Lee、台灣微軟人資經理 Rylie Chen
#2025 政大徵才月講座
In a highly competitive environment, it is crucial to learn how to capture HR's attention with your resume.
Are you interested in learning how to craft the perfect, customized resume in both Chinese and English? Are you curious about the key traits that global companies value?
Don't worry~ NCCU Career Month is here to save the day!
NCCU Career Month is honored to welcome two global renowned company HR executives, Manpower Group and Microsoft, as speakers for 《Ace your Resume - Winning Skills and Strategies for a Bilingual Resume》. The two speakers will share essential techniques for crafting a bilingual resume, covering everything from basic structure to personalized customization. With years of HR experience, they will highlight the utmost valued aspects and insights to enhance university students' skills during their academic journey.
Speakers: Agnes Lee, ManpowerGroup Taiwan Partner & Area Manager; Rylie Chen, on-site Microsoft HR Manager
Date: March 12 (Wednesday) 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Venue: Lecture Hall, College of Law
#2025 NCCU Career Month Lecture
#Bilingual Resume Instructions
#Renowned Global Companies
#Recruiter Insights For Job Seekers
#This session is not included in the Hope Seed Certification
報名資格: 教師 職員工 學生