Your Gateway to Global Financial and Economic Data—LSEG Workspace (Online training)

活動日期: 2025/03/10(一)

時間:3/10 (Mon.) 14:00-16:00  認證時數:0小時 

地點:Webex online meeting room


聯絡人:柯俊如 02-82377064


講座姓名:Refinitiv instructor

講座現職:Refinitiv instructor

Looking for a powerful tool to access company financial data, economic indicators, real-time news, and advanced analytics? LSEG Workspace is your comprehensive solution for efficient research and productivity! This robust database combines Datastream and Eikon, offering a wealth of current and historical data on international companies dating back to the 1960s. Explore company accounts and ratios, equity and capital market data, interest and exchange rates, and economic and industrial statistics. Whether you're writing reports, conducting research, or performing investment analysis, LSEG Workspace is your trusted companion to navigate the financial and economic landscape. Start exploring today and unlock the full potential of data-driven insights!

This is a standalone database and must be accessed at the Commerce Library.

We collect your personal information like name, student/faculty number and email address for the use of registration check and data analysis. Your personal information will be protected carefully and will be deleted one year after. If you register and attend the training, we will take it as consent to use your personal information.


報名資格: 教師 職員工 學生

