活動日期: 2024/12/14(六)
時間:12/14(六)10:00AM - 14:30PM 認證時數:0小時
承辦單位:EMI Resource Center
聯絡人:陳宜彣 0229393091分機60326
聯絡人:陳宜彣 0229393091分機60326
講座姓名:Dr. Nicola Galloway
講者Dr. Nicola Galloway 將探討EMI(英語為教學語言)在全球特別是「南方」(如泰國和越南)高等教育政策中的快速擴展。她的研究重點擺在如何透過英語應對新自由主義的議題。透過調查 17 所大學的師生,包括問卷、訪談和焦點小組,Dr. Galloway 發現EMI 政策的面臨多重挑戰,尤其是英語作為「把關者」在公平性和可及性方面帶來的問題。此外,她批判式地分析西方教育理念對 EMI 的影響,認為這加強了語言上的殖民權力結構,並邊緣化在地知識。Dr. Galloway 提出的全球英語(Global Englishes)框架是一種實現更公平、去殖民化的教育模式,試圖在國際化的過程中推動語言正義,讓各種語言和知識體系得到平等的對待和尊重。
This presentation addresses the growing dominance of English Medium Instruction (EMI) in higher education, examining its implications for equity, accessibility, and linguistic justice. By surveying and interviewing students and teachers across 17 universities in Thailand and Vietnam, I explore how EMI policies often reinforce linguistic imperialism and prioritize Western perspectives, marginalizing local knowledge systems. English frequently acts as a gatekeeper, fostering nativespeakerism and limiting access for non-native speakers. Using Global Englishes frameworks, I explore how to develop a decolonized, inward-looking approach to internationalization in higher education, promoting an inclusive, equitable alternative that aligns with broader goals of internationalization and linguistic justice.報名資格: 教師 職員工 學生 校外人士