活動日期: 2024/10/07(一)
時間:2024年10月7日上午10時至中午12時 / 7 October 2024 (Mon), 10 am-12 pm 認證時數:2小時
地點:道藩樓1樓院會議室 / Rm. 320114, Dao-fan Bldg.
聯絡人:林晉宇 0229393091分機62743
聯絡人:林晉宇 0229393091分機62743
講座姓名:蔡佳靜 / Chia-Ching Tsai
講座現職:文化大學英文系 / Department of English, Chinese Culture University
Associate Professor Chia-Ching Tsai is currently teaching in the Department of English at Chinese Culture University. She holds a Ph.D. in Instructional Design from Idaho State University, USA. Her research interests include English language teaching, computer-assisted instructional design, curriculum design and assessment, and special bilingual education.