【NCCUC Brownbag Seminar】The Shareholder Base of Green Bond Issuers at the Dawn of Anti-ESG Movement

活動日期: 2024/05/10(五)

時間:PM12:10-13:30  認證時數:0小時 



聯絡人:陳昱馨 0229393091分機88632



講座姓名:Diana POP

講座現職:Maître de Conférences,Université d'Angers

【About the Speaker】



The transparency regarding institutional investors’ sustainability inclination is becoming a double-edge sword. This study provides empirical evidence that non-financial corporations disclosing the identity of investors who subscribed to their green and ESG bond issues can attract more shareholders, on average, than those with opaque bond holdings. At the same time, the study shows that awareness of a short list of large investors facing political sanctions influences the trading decisions of small-size institutional and retail investors. I use the announcement by the governor of Florida on July 27, 2022 regarding its intention to ban BlackRock, and subsequent anti-ESG events to identify which asset managers and financial institutions were blocked due to their environmental engagements. With data coverage spanning from September 2015 to the end of 2022, the empirical results reveal a reshaping of the shareholder base of green issuers in the early stages of the anti-ESG movement.

*This seminar focus on research. It will suitable for young reserachers and the gruadate students.


報名資格: 教師 職員工 學生 (其他補充:對本議題有興趣的教師、研究人員及碩博士生)


